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NASB | Matthew 26:29 "But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom." |
AMPLIFIED 2015 | Matthew 26:29 "But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom." |
Subject: What is 'the fruit of the vine'? |
Bible Note: Thanks for your comments here! The question I asked was not about drinking wine from day to day but about what Jesus used, and expects us to use, for the Lord's Supper. The problem, I believe, is that man has made a law (abstain) that God does not make. When grape juice was introduced it was introduced in such a way as to imply this is what Jesus used. Since then there have been men who have tried to prove this and in order to do so have stooped to misqouting historic references and rejecting the evidence of the Bible itself to try and prove that the wine Jesus made at Cana or the fruit of the vine he used for his supper were non-alcoholic. I personally went to the local Jewish library and checked these references for myself and found that the evidence actually points to the wine being not only fermented but quite well fermented. When objectors to wine have no valid arguments left they resort to sarcasm or personal attack. I sought definition for the phrase "the fruit of the vine" and the only evidence I found said it was wine. Most of my material was originally provided by Evelyn Mundell but I confirmed everything he quoted for myself. He has a huge thesis on this subject and over half of it deals specifically with objections. Again I went through these objections and found that they had no substance. Most were purely emotional "what about the poor alcoholics". I have also recently been communicating with a man by the name of Art Thompson and a friend of his, Bob West. Art has a website with the content of his book about the Lord's Supper that bears looking at -- and I will be posting my friend Evelyn's book on the web soon and will encourage anyone looking for scholarly research to look at that. In His Service Tim Sheasby |