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Results from: Answered Bible Questions, Answers, Unanswered Bible Questions, Notes Author: JonnyRay49423 Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
1 | Can you mean this? | Rom 5:6 | JonnyRay49423 | 6403 | ||
I am a Calvinist and just because I believe I am one of the elect does not mean I do use the "means of grace"-Because I know I can be deceived by the devil causes me to study the Bible-to stay under sound biblical preaching-to be under the oversight of godly elders-I also take comfort in knowing satan has not authority over me-when the Lord saved me I came under His kingly rule-He is my prophet,priest and king. The Lord purchased me by His precious blood and will not allow satan to deceive me-I have been redeemed and belong to the Lord. The purpose of salvation is to bring glory to God-also God will be glorified by satan and the reprobate in hell. God's mercy is seen in that He determined to save some by the cross death of His only-begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ. |
2 | Why are Christians called 'saints'? | Rom 1:7 | JonnyRay49423 | 6379 | ||
The idea behind the word "saint" is one that has been set apart by God-all disciples of Christ are saints-set apart ones-we have been set apart by God to love and serve Him. | ||||||
3 | Did Gamaliel give sound advice? | Acts 5:34 | JonnyRay49423 | 6378 | ||
I suppose we could say that Gamaliel gave good advice-but I would not use this advice when it comes to test the truthfulness of cults or other world religions-there are many false religions that have lasted for ages and they are to be rejected. | ||||||
4 | Different ranks and hierarchy of angels? | Col 1:16 | JonnyRay49423 | 6377 | ||
I do not think the Bible tells us if there is a hierarchy among the angels. | ||||||
5 | Christ dying only for elect? | Rom 5:6 | JonnyRay49423 | 6376 | ||
The doctrine of election is found throughout the Bible. In the New Testament there are many verses that declare that the Lord Jesus Christ died for the elect-we read in Matthew 1 verse 21 "And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins" | ||||||
6 | taught to love enemies but hate satan | Bible general Archive 1 | JonnyRay49423 | 4382 | ||
We are to hate Satan because he is the enemy of God-we are to love our enemies because we hope they will turn from their sins and become lovers of God. Satan will never repent and bow to the Lordship of Christ. "that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. . . Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect" Matt.5:45,48 | ||||||
7 | Bible Commentary? | 1 Timothy | JonnyRay49423 | 4334 | ||
I also recommend these books for Bible study. Dictionary of Jesus And The Gospels.A Compendium Of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship Editors Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, I. Howard Marshall published by IVP in this same series buy the following Dictionary Of Paul And His Letters Dictionary Of New Testament Background and Dictionary Of The Later New Testament and Its Development all published by IVP Dictionary Of New Testament Theology Three Volumes Editor Collin Brown,New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis Five Volumes General Editor Willem A. VanGemeren,Dictionary of Biblical Imagery General Editors Ryken, Wilhoit and Longman III and Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation General Editor John H. Hayes, liberal but interesting |
8 | Then you mean they go to Hell? | Bible general Archive 1 | JonnyRay49423 | 4329 | ||
"He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him" JN 3:36 | ||||||
9 | How old is the earth scripturally? | Gen 1:1 | JonnyRay49423 | 4328 | ||
The earth is six to seven thousand old. The Bible does not give the idea the earth is billions or millions of years old. Genesis chapters 1 and 2 clearly teach God made the earth and man in six days and rested on the seventh day. |
10 | where: name written in book of life | Revelation | JonnyRay49423 | 4327 | ||
To have ones name in the Book of Life you need to repent and believe the Gospel-"And the Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" And he who thirsts come. Whosoever desires, let him take the water of life freely." Rev.22:17 | ||||||
11 | Preaching a sacrament? | Matt 4:17 | JonnyRay49423 | 4260 | ||
In our circles (Dutch Reformed) we see preaching not as a sacrament but a means of grace. We also would not separate the Preaching of the Word from the sacraments. The Word of God must explain the sacraments-without the preaching of the Bible the sacraments remind just outward signs with no inward meaning. I will quote from the Heidelberg Catechism "Question 66: What are the sacraments? Answer: The sacraments are holy visible signs and seals, appointed by God for this end, that by the use thereof He may more fully declare and seal to us the promise of the gospel, namely, that He grants us freely the remission of sin and life eternal for the sake of that one sacrifice of Christ accomplished on the cross. Question 67: Are both Word and sacrament, then ordained and appointed for this end, that they may direct our faith to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross as the only ground of our salvation? Answer: Yes, indeed, for the Holy Ghost teaches us in the gospel, and assures us by the sacraments, that the whole of our salvation depends upon that one sacrifice of Christ which He offered for us on the cross. Question 68: How many sacraments has Christ instituted in the new covenant or testament? Answer: Two, namely, holy baptism and the holy supper." | ||||||
12 | Bible Commentary? | 1 Timothy | JonnyRay49423 | 4257 | ||
There are many individual commentaries on each book of the Bible-then there are one volume Bible Commentaries-so what are you looking for? Also one usually wants a commentary that does not conflict with ones theological tradition. Maybe what you need is not a one volume commentary but a good study Bible? For what is worth I recommend these books for basic Bible study--- 1.Evangelical Commentary on the Blbie [published by Baker] Editor Walter A.Elwell/this is easy to read and evangelical. 2. Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible-two volumes Edited by Walter A. Elwell published by Baker Book House 3. Evangelical Dictionary of Theology Editor Walter A. Elwell 4. Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology Edited by Walter A. Elwell 5. Topical Analysis Of The Bible Editor Walter A. Elwell 6. a good concordance like Young's or Strong's |
13 | How did sin exist in Heaven? | Bible general Archive 1 | JonnyRay49423 | 4197 | ||
Did sin exist before the Fall of Adam in Paradise? Where there sin in heaven before the creation of the earth? I do not know? The Bible does not reveal to us why satan revolted and was casted out of the presence of God. Not everything is revealed to us. As a Christian we have to learn to live with questions. |
14 | Communion, how often? | 1 Cor 11:25 | JonnyRay49423 | 4195 | ||
When it comes to how many times we should have the Lord's Supper during the course of one year I find there is no agreement among Christians. In out church (Dutch Reformed) we have the Lord's Supper 2 Sunday in March,June, September, December and Good Friday-so that adds up to five times a year-I personally would like to have it more often-but in our church Communion is a big event-the week before Communion there is a sermon preached to prepare us for coming Communion-we also read a long theological tract titled "Celebration Of The Lord's Supper"-in our church we practice close communion-we bar the Lord's Supper from unbelievers and children-we stress before the bread and wine are passed out that one must take heed to the warnings of the apostle Paul concerning the serious of partaking of the Lord's Supper if one is living in sin etc. . .-Communion Sunday is a long service-so maybe it is good to have it five times a year-I suppose we (Dutch Reformed) have a high mystical view of the Lord's Supper where as others take a light view of the Lord's Supper and do not make a big deal of it and treat it like a picnic. | ||||||
15 | Explain Romans 5:19. | Rom 5:19 | JonnyRay49423 | 4194 | ||
Does Romans 5:19 teach that Adam was the Federal head of the human race? | ||||||
16 | Does Bible support capital punishment? | Bible general Archive 1 | JonnyRay49423 | 4159 | ||
We read in Genesis 9:6 "Whosoever sheds a man's blood, By man his blood shall be shed; For in the image of God He made man"-this is the text used most to support capital punishment. | ||||||
17 | Must all the Bible be taken literally? | Bible general Archive 1 | JonnyRay49423 | 4158 | ||
When reading the Old Testament we must realize the the people of God-the Jews were given laws to govern them as a nation-we find these laws in the first five books of the OT. These laws-statutes-ordinances or commandments were to rule the people of God till the Messiah would come to usher in the Kingdom of God. The nation of Israel or God's dealing only with the Jewish nation came to end when they rejected the Messiah-then God commanded the Gospel of be preached to all the world-read Romans 14:8-12;Acts 28:20ff; Hebrews 10). When we read the New Testament we find in the Pauline Epistles laws that govern the new people of God-the New Covenant People-the Church-the New Testament is not to go by the OT Torah that governed the nation of Israel. We are for example not to follow OT dietary laws or sacrifical laws. We are to follow the teachings of the New Moses the Lord Jesus-for example the laws found in the Sermon of the Mount Matthew chapters 5 through 7. I recommend you do a indepth study of the Epistle to the Hebrews to get further insight why we are not to live like Old Testament Jews but New Covenant saints. |
18 | Explain Romans 5:19. | Rom 5:19 | JonnyRay49423 | 4156 | ||
How does Romans 5:19 relate to the doctrine of sin? | ||||||
19 | i need a bio on paul the apostle | Bible general Archive 1 | JonnyRay49423 | 4123 | ||
I recommend these books on the apostle Paul for further study---"Paul Apostle of the Heart Set Free" by F.F.Bruce, "Paul, Apostle of Liberty" by Richard N. Longenecker, "The Paul Quest:The Renewed Search For The Jews Of Tarsus" by Ben Witherington III, "Paul's Narrative Thought World" by Ben Witherington III, "Paul An Outline of His Theology" by Herman Ridderbos and "The Theology of Paul the Apostle" by James D.G.Dunn | ||||||
20 | give me a bio on jonah | OT general | JonnyRay49423 | 4122 | ||
I recommend this book on Jonah "The Prophet Jonah His Character And Mission To Nineveh" by Hugh Martin | ||||||
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