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Results from: Answers On or After: Thu 12/31/70 Author: disciplerami Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
1 | Question: how long is 'temporary?' | Acts 2:38 | disciplerami | 79391 | ||
Baptism is for the remission of sins, as is repentance. Baptism is not contrary to the plan of God. We are saved by grace through faith. Faith works. If you believe, then you will speak and obey. James says salvation comes when you work and Paul says you are justified by your faith. Faith and works united is Biblical. It is not faith only, it is not by works only, it is through the 'obedience of faith', such as is demonstrated in Hebrews 11. Good day, Disciplerami |
2 | Question: how long is 'temporary?' | Acts 2:38 | disciplerami | 79390 | ||
Baptism is for the remission of sins, as is repentance. Baptism is not contrary to the plan of God. We are saved by grace through faith. Faith works. If you believe, then you will speak and obey. James says salvation comes when you work and Paul says you are justified by your faith. Faith and works united is Biblical. It is not faith only, it is not by works only, it is through the 'obedience of faith', such as is demonstrated in Hebrews 11. Good day, Disciplerami |
3 | When did God change "mode" of baptism? | Bible general Archive 1 | disciplerami | 79361 | ||
Taleb, Good question. God did not change it. In my opinion, the only explanation is that man changed it. Immsion is the only one that depicts the 'death, burial and resurrection.' Good day, Disciplerami |
4 | When did God change "mode" of baptism? | Bible general Archive 1 | disciplerami | 79360 | ||
Taleb, Good question. God did not change it. In my opinion, the only explanation is that man changed it. Immsion is the only one that depicts the 'death, burial and resurrection.' Good day, Disciplerami |
5 | Could this be right? | Acts 2:38 | disciplerami | 79356 | ||
Do I begin to see the pattern? We have an honest disagreement so why limit exposure to it? Why can't others join the discussion? Note to viewers: This thread has been temporarily restricted from appearing on the homepage. If you submit a question, answer, or note to this thread, it will be processed and added to the thread, but will not appear on the homepage. See 75471 - removed from main page See 77968 - removed from main page see 75471 - removed from main page Disciplerami |
6 | Could this be right? | Acts 2:38 | disciplerami | 79352 | ||
Answer to Tim's post: 79339 Greetings, You want to deal with parenthetical statements? 1 Peter 3:21 "Baptism now saves you through the resurrection of Jesus Christ." That parenthetical statement, accurately depicted as such, explains how baptism saves you and it agrees completely with Peter's message on the day of Pentecost. Peter said in Acts 2 that baptism is for the remission of sins. Not a problem. I've answered Acts 10 in my conversation with Searcher. They did not receive the indwelling spirit until they were baptized because the spirit does not dwell in an unsanctified vessel. It is given to those 'who obey Him' (Acts 5:32). Good day. Disciplerami |
7 | Possible that the all scholars wrong? | Acts 2:38 | disciplerami | 79299 | ||
Greetings Sniper, I have heard from you in a while. I hope all is well. He makes an incredible accusation against THE Greek scholars of the world. They are all against him. Incredible. God bless you, Disciplerami |
8 | Repent and Baptism for same number? | Acts 2:38 | disciplerami | 79168 | ||
1. American Bible Union Version- unto the remission of your sins 2. Amplified NT- for the forgiveness of your sins 3. Anderson- In order to the remission of your sins 4. Authentic (Schomfield)- for the forgiveness of your sins 5. Authorized version (KJV)- for the remission of sins 6. Berry's interlinear- for remission of sins 7. Centenary Translation- for the remission of sins 8. Challomer Rheims- for the forgiveness of sins 9. Douay -for the remission of sins 10. Emphasized version- into the remission of sins 11. Emphatic Diaglot- for the remission of sins 12. English Revised- unto the remission of sins 13. Englishman's Greek NT- for the remission of sins 14. Ferrar Fenton- for the remission of sins 15. First German Bible- for (in order to, unto) the forgiveness 16. French Translation -in order to obtain the remission of sins 17. Geneva Bible -for the remission of sins 18. German Translation- (for, unto) in order to forgiveness of sins 19. Good News for Modern man- in order to have your sins forgiven 20. Goodspeed -in order to have your sins forgiven 21. Hackett (commentary)- in order to the forgiveness of sins 22. Haweis (1795 AD) -for the remission of your sins 23. Indian Translation- in order to the forgiveness of sins 24. Italian Translation- into the remission of sins 25. Jerusalem Bible- for the forgiveness of your sins 26. Knox -to have your sins forgiven 27. Literal Translation (Young) -to the remission of sins 28. Living Bible- for the forgiveness of sins 29. Living Oracles -in order to the remission of sins 30. Macknights Translation -in order to the remission of sins 31. Modern English- for a release of your sins 32. Modern Speech -with a view to the remission of sins 33. Moffatt -for the remission of sins 34. H.B. Montgomery (1924)- for the remission of your sins 35. Moulton's Modern Reader's- unto remission of sins 36. New American Standard- for the remission of your sins 37. New Catholic Version- for the forgiveness of sins 38. New English Bible- for the forgiveness of your sins 39. New International version- for the forgiveness of your sins 40. New King James Version- for the remission of sins 41. New World Translation- for the forgiveness of sins 42. NT in the Basic English- for the forgiveness of sins 43. Phillips Modern English- so that you may have your sins forgiven 44. Revised Standard Version- for the forgiveness of your sins 45. Rothermham- unto the remission of your sins 46. Spanish Translation- for the purpose of remission of your sins 47. Syriac Version- for the remission of sins 48. Twentieth Century Translation- for the forgiveness of your sins 49. Verkuyl (Burkeley Version)- for the remission of sins 50. Warrell's Translation-unto remission of your sins 51. Wesley's Translation- for the remission of sins 52. Weymouth- for the remission of your sins 53. Williams- that your sins may be forgiven 54. Wycliffe (1308)- into the remission of youre synnes Disciplerami |
9 | Repent and Baptism for same number? | Acts 2:38 | disciplerami | 79167 | ||
Since no one wants to answer, I will. The command to "repent YE" is 2nd plural command. This command is joined by the conjunction 'and' (kai) followed with the 2nd command "let each one of YE be baptized". The second command is appositive to the command to 'repent', and even though the verb (baptistheito) is 3rd singular the number being commanded are the same as the number told to 'repent.' This is so because 'each one' [HEKASTOS] is followed with the 2nd person plural pronoun, 'of YE.' And Thayer says HEKASTOS (nominative, singular, adjective), "when it denotes individually, every one of many, is often added appositively to nouns, pronouns, and verbs in plural. Which is what is done in this instance. So when someone says that the command to be baptized isn't associated with receiving the forgiveness of sins because of the change in number and person, tell them the grammar allows it and 52 translations of the Bible accurately depict it so. The same people commanded by Peter to repent for forgiveness of sins were also commanded to be baptized for forgiveness of sins. Salvation comes only by the blood of Christ through the obedience of faith. Have you been baptized 'for the remission of your sins'? Good day, Disciplerami |
10 | What is Messianic Bible? | 2 Tim 3:16 | disciplerami | 79146 | ||
Greetings, I'm not sure what the 'Messianic Bible' is. Probably one of the new generation of Bibles that emphasizes a particular theme [like 'Athlete's Bible, Golfer's Bible, Parchese Player's Bible]: which I dislike. What have you found out? Disciplerami |
11 | Sovereign? | James 2:19 | disciplerami | 79016 | ||
Greetings, I believe in the Sovereighnty of God, but I believe it allows for man's free will. God's eternal plan will be accomplished! The following is the Calvinist view of Sovereignty, aptly related by ___ [not necessary to give his name.] _______________ ___ denies free will: "...God chooses believers of His own sovereign." ___ idea of God's Sovereignty: "God micromanages the universe in a Reformed view, and even man's will is subjected to his control, which I think is the most clearly Biblical position." ___ criticizes the body of Christ that is under the absolute control of God's sovereign will: "many opt to read _Tribulation Force_ and _The Mark._ That is a SERIOUS problem for the body of Christ, choosing entertaining reading over the life-changing message of the sovereign God. ___ says the word is powerless without supernatural intervention: "God the Holy Spirit," by His sovereign will "will supernaturally re-create to believe the message." ___ shows Jesus didn't die for everyone: "If we say that Christ died for ALL the ungodly (i.e. all humanity), then the fact that there will be people in Hell demonstrates that Christ was unable to save all" and "Christ died not to OFFER payment of sins to all men..." ___ impressed with Calvinism: "Mainly what caused my shift in thinking is the God-centeredness of Calvinism, " ___ explains that if God wanted the lost to be saved, they would be saved: "from a Calvinist perspective, the only way God 'prevents people from being saved' is by not extending saving grace to them. It is the depravity of their nature, their sin, their active rebellion against a holy God which prevents them from being in a right standing with God." [note: ___ needs to explain what the impartiality of God means.] ___ relates how our decisions are God's decisions which He makes our decisions because they are His decisions: "He already has taken our future decisions into account and that he has prepared good works for us to walk in (Ephesians 2:10), we can rest comfortably that God will honor and bless our God-honoring decisions." [note: this view is necessary because free will would nullify the sovereignty of God]. ___ answers how God's absolute sovereignty isn't responsible for everything: "Did God MAKE the Pharisees sin?" The Pharisees were born sinners, so the answer to that is "no." On the other hand, God directed their innate sinfulness through circumstance and withholding repentance so that the very act he decreed (the atonement) would take place." ___ explains that Sovereignty allows or permits free will: "God's sovereign will includes everything that He either actively engages in or actively permits to occur" and "the decreed event can either come from God causing it directly, or by God allowing it to happen." ___ wouldn't sing, "Let Him have His way with Them": "And, personally, I find the idea abhorrent that we as human beings "let" the sovereign Lord of the universe do anything. Who is in charge here, anyway?" ___________________ I wanted to pull together some thoughts of an 'unabashed Calvinist' to contrast it with my view of the sovereignty of God. You can see that some people do believe that God uses men to accomplish the higher purpose of glorifying Himself, even if that means their eternal destruction. :( I'll try to speak more on this at a later time. God bless, Disciplerami |
12 | Oughtness? | James 2:19 | disciplerami | 79007 | ||
Original question from Sniper: “What does it take to believe that there is a God? How does one know that there is a God? Other than philosophical arguments what is the evidence that there is God? How does a person born in the most remote wilderness know that there is a God to be sought after? Does it ultimately come down to faith?” As Searcher56 says, God has revealed Himself to all. How He has done that is through the Creation and through the Gospel. This evidence for the existence of God is still a matter of faith. All men have faith: as demons have faith, men have faith too. God makes a distinction between dead faith and working faith. There are only these two kind. Until faith acts upon what one believes to be true, it remains a faith that does not save. The lost, unregenerate sinner can be appealed to with the Gospel because it is the message of God’s love. The Gospel reminds him of judgment and it also offers a place of forgiveness and peace in a relationship with God. Faith must be placed in something. This is why men, it is said, are incurably religious. Mankind cannot help but worship something. Some place their faith in God, some put it in false gods, some put it in philosophies and traditions. But the Word of God points us to the only One worthy of worship. Creation Research or Apologetics focuses on the ‘evidence’ that God exist. They make the point that it is more ‘reasonable’ to believe in a Creator than to accept that all things came about by chance. This is called the Teleological argument. Paley argued that the “order, unity, coherency, design and complexity” of the Creation points to God. All men may use their God-given abilities to reason the existence of God and then seek further into His will. The Bible lays out a clear plan for the person who is searching. Another ‘proof’ of God is the morality of man. It says man is an intelligent creature with an innate moral code. This ‘proof’ does not say that we all agree on exact points of right and wrong, but we all agree that there is right and there is a wrong. This is the nature of man and no other creature has it. What is right or wrong is discovered through Bible study. Who cannot understand that 'coveting' is sinful? The Bible shows what sin is and offers the supreme example of Jesus for holy living. It also shows how to receive forgiveness of sins through the blood of Christ. "Repent and be baptized each one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgivess of yours sins." (Acts 2:38) A Calvinist, if he is consistent, cannot put emphasis on apologetics because he argues that sinful depraved man is incapable of such spiritual discernment. The Calvinist believes that the spiritual lights don’t come on without a miraculous intervention by the Holy Spirit. Then, once regenerated, he has faith. His faith leads to obedience. And then he lives holy forever after. Immanuel Kant argued: “there exists a universal sense of moral obligation. This sense of "ought", which Kant termed the "categorical imperative", points towards an objective moral law, which source can only be the supreme being or God.” This sense of ‘oughtness’ is universal. It is an innate part of every man. It is part of his design. Man is created different from the beast of the field and sky, having an eternal soul, created in the image of God. He has a built in ability to perceive the existence of God. The Calvinist is wrong to deny that man has this natural ability to detect the Creator. God has made Himself evident to all and He will hold all accountable for rejecting such clear evidence. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, ‘BUT THE RIGHTEOUS MAN SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.” For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, BECAUSE THAT WHICH IS KNOWN ABOUT GOD IS EVIDENT….” (Romans 1:16-19a) EVIDENT – comes from gnostos, what is known or notable. Why are men going to be judged? Because they reject was is known or notable. Will they place their faith in what they know? It's their choice. God bless Sniper, Disciplerami |
13 | Babtiziam | Acts 22:16 | disciplerami | 78997 | ||
Baptiz iam, Discipler ami here. I suggest you get a concordance and look up all of the passages where baptism is commanded. Draw your own conclusion. I think you will come to the right answer. Discipler ami |
14 | Disciplerami, I have a question | James 2:19 | disciplerami | 78952 | ||
Greetings, There are some who believe that men are so depraved that they cannot become a Christian without the Holy Spirit, out of the blue, knocking the depraved sinner on the head. Pow, the guy is regenerated and then suddenly all the lights come on. Suddenly he reads the Bible and it makes sense. This is not how God works. We become the seed of Abraham when we, as sinners, unregenerate, believe and obey the Gospel. You mention verse 28, but verses 3:26,27 says that 'we are sons of God through faith, for all of who are baptized into Christ have clothed themselves with Christ.' We become the seed of Abraham at baptism. God bless, Disciplerami |
15 | Does Mark 7:4 mention tables? | Mark 7:4 | disciplerami | 78876 | ||
Repost Whomever asked about Mark 7:3 and why the NASB did not have "beds and couches" Lockman editorial board responded to this, in this way. "The phrase in question does not occur in the best and oldest Greek manuscripts. Also, late manuscripts that have phrase do not have "beds and couchs" but only the word "and" followed by one word which can be translated as "beds" or "couchs" (Greek "klinon"). I hope this helps in answering the question brought up in the forum. With peace to all. justme |
16 | What is your point? | Rev 3:5 | disciplerami | 78862 | ||
Sorry for being unclear. See 78861. Thanks, Disciplerami |
17 | How does eternal security build faith? | Rev 3:5 | disciplerami | 78821 | ||
Dear philemcc, Very good question. Eternal security is counter productive to building faith. I once taught a man who was raised in the American Baptist tradition. The one's I knew from this background considered themselves 4/5 Calvinist'. This man was caught going to strip bars and looking at pornagraphy. He told me that he could not lose his salvation. I know it is so easy for the Calvinist to answer this: he obviously was never saved. But they have to be careful that they don't also exclude themselves from salvation. They diffentiate between sins. The ardent Calvinist who speak on this forum feel extremely secure in their salvation, but they also know they have sin. So how do they come to differentiate between the big and little sins? The 'once saved always saved/first damned, remain damned' crowd have some explaining to do. Disciplerami |
18 | One save always saved? | Rev 3:5 | disciplerami | 78770 | ||
Once saved always saved - not. Matthew 24:13 - "But he who endures to the end shall be saved." |
19 | One save always saved? | Rev 3:5 | disciplerami | 78769 | ||
Greetings, I'm terribly sorry and ask that you forgive me since I'm not able to give you what you ask? The reason being that no such verse exist. But I can offer this one: Rev 3:5 "'He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels." Many who post here on this forum believe that it is carnal to use reason, but I don't. It seems reasonable to conclude from this verse that some people are going to have their names erased. I see this is your first post and I hope that you will stick around. Please respond, Disciplerami |
20 | Belief in God? | James 2:19 | disciplerami | 78742 | ||
Greetings Sniper, Jesus said to some unregenerate souls, "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; - Jn 5:39 Jesus appealed to Scripture. He pointed people to Scripture. To the young man who wanted eternal life, Jesus didn't say it was a mysterious thing to be saved. He said, "One thing you still lack; sell all that you possess and distribute it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." - Lk 18:22 Jesus didn't say, don't sweat it, if you are one of the elect it will come to you; otherwise, don't sweat it, you don't stand a chance. Jesus gave simple instructions to turn from his idol and serve only God. God left evidence of himself in the Creation: "and yet He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good and gave you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness." - Acts 14:17 If we bought the concept that the entire world is depraved from conception --since this is the view of many on this forum--what kind of witness did God leave? A witness gives testimony of something, this witness gives testament to the existence and glory of God. If you believe the other side, this witness is an inept as a nerf ball attempting to penetrate bullet-proof glass. If you believe men are depraved, then you have to believe that the Cross of Jesus Christ and the Glory of Creation are ineffectual at changing anyone. The only change possible, according to such types, is with a miraculous intervention at an elected time in the person's life. That is if you believe the other side. However, I think all of the folks who work in Christian Apologetics are doing a wonderful work at exposing the very evidences of God in his Creation. Most people believe that the starting place for teaching the Gospel to someone is with the existence of God. Show a lost soul the evidence and it will make him think, "maybe there is something bigger than me." It is these things that make men marvel and say, "surely there is a God." A person who reaches this point is ready to hear more. So I say, go preach the Gospel to them because when they hear it they will believe and obey it. God has left a wonderful testimony of himself in the Creation and in the Cross of His Beloved Son. Good day Sniper. God bless, Disciplerami |
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