Bible Question (short): Need feedback on Genesis? |
Question (full): I've finished reading the book of Genesis and so far this is what I've learned....God chose Abraham to the beginning line of His people. Abraham had Isaac, Isaac had Jacob, and Jacob was the father of the 12 sons (the 12 tribes of Israel/Jacob). People knowing and seeing this family "growing and multiplying" as God's people, gained them (the Israelites) a certain amount of resentment and bitterness for being the chose people of God. (One example is Jacob's own brother, Esau marrying 2 Cannanite women; the Cannaanite's were pagans.) My question is, does this sound right? Feedback would be great, thanks. If there's anyone else who's well "versed" on their Bible studies that could comment to what I've written, that'd be great. |