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Results from: Answered Bible Questions, Unanswered Bible Questions Author: John Reformed Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
1 | Is God subject to change? | Bible general Archive 2 | John Reformed | 102135 | ||
Does God change His mind based on new information? Can man influence God to repent of something that God had intended? Or is there another explanation why for passages such as Amos 7:6? I have my own ideas on the question but would be interested in hearing your reasoning as well. Thanks, John Reformed |
2 | Who, does the Bible say, are the "elect" | NT general Archive 1 | John Reformed | 100060 | ||
Dear Ed, Lets take this one step at a time. Perhaps God will grant us the understanding we both desire. The Bible teaches that the the term "elect" refers to those who will one day be with Christ in Heaven. Matt 24:31 "And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other. Mark 13:20 "Unless the Lord had shortened those days, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect, whom He chose, He shortened the days. Do you agree with my definition of "elect"? If not, please provide me with your definition and which passages support it. Thanks, John |
3 | Are Reformed people lost souls? | 2 Pet 1:10 | John Reformed | 99489 | ||
Dear Noble, You wrote:"So I would like to reach out to our friends who use the name “Reformed”. I hope they would consider the possibility that they are not saved and that God is locking them into that position by deceiving them into thinking that they had been chosen to be saved. Their position seems to allow for that. I hope that that fear would lead them to ask God for mercy, that it be not so, and to trust him. He will yet respond to their faith." Rest easy. God Himself, through His Word and Spirit, assure me of my position in Christ. As to my reformed brethren, I would'nt worry about their position in Christ either if I were you. It seems unlikely that the founders of protestantism were all mis-led pagans! Imagine John Bunyon, who wrote "The Pilgrims Progress" a lost soul; Or John Newton who penned the lyrics for "Amazing Grace"; Martin Luther whose words broke the hold of the popes and translated the first Bible into the Language of the people; C.H. Spurgeon the English evangelist and preacher whose ministry was used of God to bring untold thousands to confess Christ; Martin Lloyd Jones; OR Jonathon Edwards and John Whitfield whose preaching on the sovereignty of God ignited the first great revival in colonial America: etc.etc. I wonder how much you know about "those who who use the name “Reformed"? I bear you no hard feelings Noble, but what you have written could not go unanswered John REFORMED |
4 | Is the Potter free to do as He pleases? | Eph 2:3 | John Reformed | 98760 | ||
Dear NC, Rom 11:30 For just as you once were disobedient to God, but now have been shown mercy because of their disobedience, Paul is speaking primarily to the gentile believers at Rome. He is showing why it is that God has not forsaken the Jews altogether, but has used their disobediance as a means of being merciful to the disobediant gentiles. Rom 11:31 so these also now have been disobedient, that because of the mercy shown to you they also may now be shown mercy. So these (meaning Jews). Rom 11:32 For God has shut up all in disobedience so that He may show mercy to all. Yes, God MAY show mercy to all. But has He? The Bible does not support the idea that all (universaly) have recieved that mercy. He has mercy on those to whom He will have mercy. God is still the one who chooses. Romans 9 and 11 must agree with one another in order for our interpretation to be sound. In Romans 9 those who recieve mercy are those whom are fashioned into vessels of honor. Do you believe that God does not fashion vessels of dishonor (common use)? Will not each person spend eternity in either Heaven or Hell? If your answer is "Yes", then what is the point of God's being mercifull to "pots" whose end He knows is destruction? John |
5 | Who determines our destiny? | NT general Archive 1 | John Reformed | 98274 | ||
Dear Dashande, I believe that this thread has become a circular arguement, with faith chasing works and vice-versa. I ask you to consider the following verses and tell me who it is that is control of whatsoever occurs. Eph 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Heb 12:2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, Gal 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; Who determines your destiny, God or youself? John Reformed |
6 | Do altars belong in christian churches? | Ex 17:15 | John Reformed | 97750 | ||
What is the biblical foundation for christian churches erecting altars to be used as part of their worship? | ||||||
7 | were angels saved by works? | 2 Pet 2:4 | John Reformed | 97374 | ||
Dear Makarios, You stated "God 'elected' or permanently confirmed the holiness of the angels who chose to remain loyal to Him". You offered 1 Timothy 5:21 as your proof text. 1 Tim 5:21 I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of His chosen angels, to maintain these principles without bias, doing nothing in a spirit of partiality. This verse says, "His chosen angels", but it does not specify the reason God chose them. Perhaps you could explain how you reached the conclusion that God chose them on the basis of works (their loyalty to God) and not His grace alone. Thanks, John Reformed |
8 | Seven Church "ages"? Is it scriptural? | Revelation | John Reformed | 95782 | ||
What is the biblical foundation for the idea of the 7 churches being also "ages"? John Reformed |
9 | Does John Reformed REALLY believe .....? | Rev 13:8 | John Reformed | 89260 | ||
Egads! "However, John seems to deny that man can make any free choices whatsoever, including Adam and Eve." (Tim Moran; ID# 88154) NOT SO! If I gave you that impression, it was a failure in my communication skills or your mis-understanding of what I believe. If I said once, I've said it a dozen sins out of the evil desires of his own heart. The fact that the working out of these sinful deeds is in acordance with God's eternal plan, neither absolves man's guilt in sinning nor does it make God the author of sin. (Acts 4) I do not appreciate having my beliefs mis-represented. But perhaps, you had asked me first, if this is what I believed, but I missed it (unlikely, but possible). If on the other hand you merly assumed this was my position, I think an apology may be in order. John |
10 | Which proposition is scriptural? | John 3:16 | John Reformed | 89043 | ||
Dear Tim, I would appreciate it, if you would consider replying to the following: In the light of all of Scripture, which proposition do you suppose is the most reflective of the truth? Despite being "dead in sin", "without hope", and "loving darkness rather than light" fallen man still has the ability to choose spiritual good (Christ). or, Fallen man is absolutely unable to choose spiritual good (Christ)because he is "dead in sin", "without hope", and "loving darkness rather than light" and is totally dependent on God's mercy and grace? Please supply scriptural proof to substantiate your answer. Your Brother in Christ, John |
11 | Can the "natural man" desire Christ? | Rev 13:8 | John Reformed | 88549 | ||
Dear Tim, It ssems as if both of us are doing an injustice to one anothers doctrines. I apologize, if indeed, I have mis-represented the arminian position on free-will. I simply assumed that, if a unregenerate person was capable of understanding and recieving the gospel, that the desire to do so must, of a necessity, spring from his heart. If we are truly in agreement regarding the depraved condition of the natural man (dead in sin and a mind that is in enmity against God), where do you say the desire for Christ comes from? John |
12 | Define Spiritual death ("Dead in sin" ) | Rev 13:8 | John Reformed | 88339 | ||
Hi Tim, I trust that your move was sucessful, and I'm glad you're back! Before we press on, I think it would be helpful if you told me what your view is on "spiritual death" and what implications this condition of being has on unregenerate mans ability to choose spiritual good. Thanks, John |
13 | What people, aside from God's elect, rec | John 3:16 | John Reformed | 87976 | ||
Dear Radioman2, Mark 13:27 "And then He will send forth the angels, and will gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest end of the earth to the farthest end of heaven. What people, aside from God's elect, recieve eternal life? John Reformed |
14 | Prrof Texting? | Acts 17:11 | John Reformed | 87789 | ||
Hi, Will someone explain to me what "proof text means" ? John |
15 | What about those who never hear gospel? | Prov 24:12 | John Reformed | 85851 | ||
Eph 2:12 remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. When presenting the gospel we are oftimes asked by skeptics "What about the poor innocent native in the jungle that has never even had a chance to hear the gospel? Does he go to Hell? What do you tell them and what scripture do you use to support your answer? John Reformed |
16 | Is God Lord over all except human will | Matt 22:14 | John Reformed | 85749 | ||
Dear Hank, "The call spoken of here is sometimes referred to as the "general call" of the Gospel, the great "whosoever will" of Revelation 22:17. The call extends to all who hear the Gospel." Question: What of those who never recieve even the general call of the gospel? Of what use is free will if one is not offered the choice? " Many hear it; few respond (See Matthew 7:13,14). In this parable (beginning at verse 1 of Matthew 22) Jesus was emphasizing to the Jewish audience, who considered themselves to be God's chosen people, that the outward call of God was not sufficient for salvation apart from the efficacious call of grace." Efficatious means possessing the quality of being effective; productive of, or powerful to produce, the effect intended; as, an efficacious law. "Here then we see the proper balance between human responsibility and divine sovereignty: the "called" who reject the invitation do so willingly, thus there is no injustice in their exclusion from the kingdom. The "chosen" accept the invitation extended solely by the grace of God and not by virtue of their own merit. --Hank" Question: Is it true that Scripture teaches that all men are born condemned already? Is'nt it also true that God would have been justified even if He had chosen to have mercy on none? Your thoughts? |
17 | How should we respond to heresy? | 1 Cor 1:10 | John Reformed | 81652 | ||
Dear Ed, Let us suppose a faction arose in your church that denied the diety of Christ. They then set about spreading this false doctrine among other members of the congregation. How would you expect your pastor and elders to respond to these wolves among the sheep, which God as placed in the care of these church leaders? John |
18 | Why should we believe a "secret rapture" | Bible general Archive 1 | John Reformed | 75054 | ||
Dear disciplerami, I must confess that, although I have read through the book of Revelation several times, I have yet to apply myself to a rigorous study of it. Having said that, I must say that I have not found any evidence in the Bible of the "rapture". There is plenty of proof regarding the "2nd coming" but none (at least none that I have found) about a prior "secret coming". My question is: What are the foundationional proof texts for believing in the "Secret Rapture"? John Reformed |
19 | Who, besides the elect of God,are saved? | Rom 10:9 | John Reformed | 74807 | ||
Dear Ed, Keep in mind that you inserted yourself in the topic for the pupose of correcting what you see as incorrect (to say the least) interpretation of Scripture: "The position you hold has summarily been rejected by over two thirds of Christianity and is on the decline". Happily for the church at large, sound theology does not rest on the numbers of people that think it to be true. I do not care a whit, if 99.9 per cent think it wrong. What counts is whether or not it is supported by Scripture. As an aside: take a good, long look at the state of the church in the 21st century, and then tell me about the great progress that the abandonment of the theology of the Reformers has wrought! You wrote:"I do not see a condition in John 3:16 that a person has to understand the gospel to be saved, you apparently do". In the first place: How can a person believe something he does'nt even understand? And in the second place: (1 Cor 2:14) But a natural man DOES NOT ACCEPT the things of the Spirit of God, for THEY ARE FOOLISHNESS TO HIM;" "Your saying when a person is born his ultimate fate has been decided,"....It does'nt matter what I said. what matters is what saith the Lord. "no matter what he does or does not do. If he is elected he will understand the gospel, he will accept it and he will have eternal life. If on the other hand he is not elected he can’t understand the gospel, he can’t accept it and he is condemned to damnation. Not because of what he did or did not do, other than being born of which he had no choice, but rather because he was not elected." "... .I never said that Ed. What I say is: that fallen man does not and will not ever desire Christ at the expense of his own autonomy. As we have seen it is all foolishness to him and he cannot understand why any sane person would believe in such a thing. On the other hand, if a person does desire Christ,repents of his sin and places his faith in Christ that is a sure sign that he is one of God's elect. The Lord said: "All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out" (John 6:37). "To me that renders John 3:16 inaccurate, for John 3:16 to be accurate in the light of this it would have to read. For God so loved the elect that He gave His only begotten Son that who ever was elected and therefore believed in Him would not perish and have eternal life." God calls for all men everywhere to repent and to place their faith in Christ alone as their hope for eternal life. No one will be able to charge God with not giving them an opportunity, for his law is written on their hearts. The problem is that unless God changes those wicked hearts, they will continue to hate Him and His Son. Question Ed. Who besides the elect of God are saved? John |
20 | Was Calvin just a slick lawyer? | Matt 27:3 | John Reformed | 74489 | ||
Ed, When one makes blanket assertions that tend to cast another in a bad light, it is only fair to provide evidence to support their accusations. What is your evidence? John |
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