Personal profile for user screen name: D.D.1961 40 year old femaleSINNER secretary Baptist favorite hymn - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus married 1988 divorced 2001 - wrong choice no children married 2001 - wrong choice, but love him husband...Mormon - wrong, but still love him unequally yoked, but trying to convert husband willing to go to my church 3 step children - 1 lives with us Need lots of help/prayer in my Christian walk Cry easily - Emotional - any responses are appreciated as long as they are honest and aren't mean spirited...sometimes I just don't "get" things...sometimes it truly seems that the bible contradicts itself although people have said that it doesn't...Anyway, please don't be mean when responding. Thanks! (The above information has been submitted by the author for use solely by the StudyBibleForum.com) |