Personal profile for user screen name: ava4 I'm 62 years old, married with many grandchildren and retired. I first came to faith in Christ Jesus in 1973. Two years later I realized that I had been caught up in a snare of pride and ignorance and found myself in a cultic church. I took the deception personally and decided that I really didn't need church. Upon leaving I entered upon a dry desert with very little fellowship and even less spiritual growth,until finally, in August of 2001, I returned to fellowship. I didn't stop reading the Bible durng those 26 long years nor did I stop praying but, because of the lack of fellowship my spiritual walk was crippled. I can affirm that He has recovered me and is restoring me daily and I am once again among the living in Christ. I'm often asked how I came to Christ. The most meaningful answer could be that 'He was waiting for me at the end of a twenty six year path.' Faithful is the Lord. Praise Him ! Dennisany other questions? Don't be afraid to ask. e-mail..dmong@whidbey.com (The above information has been submitted by the author for use solely by the StudyBibleForum.com) |