Bible Question:
Why is it nessasary to write a letter to the pastor of your church if you plan on leaving. Other than accountabilty... do you have scriptures to support your answer. |
Bible Answer: I do not have a verse to go with this, but I do have an opinion. Are you very active in your church? By that I mean, do you lead any group that would need you in that particular church? Sunday School Teacher, Youth Director, Song Leader, etc...... If so, then yes I feel you should give a notice of leaving, and it doesn't have to be in letter form in my opinion. Also, if you are a member of the church, with your name on the role and you want it removed, a letter is the only way to handle this. But, if you go to the church and are a pew-sitter with no responsibility of people under you I don't see why you would have to write a letter. Again, I am only giving my opinion, and I am assuming you do not want to write a letter unless it is necessary. I hope someone can give scripture if there is any other answers. |