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NASB | 2 Timothy 2:23 But refuse foolish and ignorant speculations, knowing that they produce quarrels. |
AMPLIFIED 2015 | 2 Timothy 2:23 But have nothing to do with foolish and ignorant speculations [useless disputes over unedifying, stupid controversies], since you know that they produce strife and give birth to quarrels. |
Bible Question:
Paul does not tell Timothy to refuse speculations, but foolish and ignorant speculations. When do speculations become foolish or ignorant. For example, does one cross the the foolish and ignorant line when he speculates that the will of fallen man is not free? Lionstrong |
Bible Answer: For the Greek word zêtêsis in this context the translators of the NASB chose the word speculation to capture its meaning. speculate 1. To meditate on a subject; reflect. 2. To engage in a course of reasoning often based on inconclusive evidence. See Synonyms at conjecture. See Synonyms at think. 3. To engage in the buying or selling of a commodity with an element of risk on the chance of profit. (The American Heritage Talking Dictionary, 1994, SoftKey International, Inc.) What is the line which when crossed makes speculations foolish and/or ignorant? Or does Paul mean that speculations in themselves are foolish and ignorant? No, Paul does not mean that speculations in themselves are foolish and/or ignorant. As one meditates on Scripture in obedience to Psalm 1 and other commands, one cannot help but to ask questions. These questions naturally lead to speculation in the senses of 1 and 2 above. Speculation is permissible if it stays within the limits of knowledge, that is, if it is not based on ignorance of the Word. And it is o.k. if it does not cross the boarder of good sense into the realm of the foolish. The content of Scripture sets the limits on Speculation. One must understand what Scripture teaches in order to know how far he can speculate on a topic of Scripture. Since there is disagreement on what Scripture teaches, there will be disagreement on what the limits are on a particular topic of Scripture. But speculation within the bounds of Scripture is not bad, but good. The questions raised help us the see Scripture afresh and thereby see more of its truths and find new applications of love and obedience. Peace, Lionstrong, a.k.a. LooseCannon Josh. 1:8 "This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success...." Ps. 1:1,2 How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night. Luke 2:46 And it came about that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them, and asking them questions. |