Results 141 - 160 of 1239
Results from: Answered Bible Questions, Answers, Unanswered Bible Questions, Notes Author: jlhetrick Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
141 | Am I ignorant | 1 Cor 12:1 | jlhetrick | 211071 | ||
Thanks Doc, and forgive my apparent forgetfullness (I didn't forget about the stones) I really didn't expect you would get to this for a day or so. Thanks for the references; I will follow up with them. Jeff |
142 | Am I ignorant | 1 Cor 12:1 | jlhetrick | 211069 | ||
Again, sorry for responding so late. Doc- regarding the cessation of particular spiritual gifrts I'm afraid on this issue I have been mostly guilty of believing what I've been told/taught over the years from within a particular denomination. I have spent time on my own searching the Scriptures in an attempt to justify this but have been unconvinced by Scripture that this position is true. I'm not at all saying that it's not; I've simply believed it this way to this point because those with more time in the church and, apparently, in the Scriptures have said it is so. Will you please point to the Scriptures alone to assist me in understanding where they affirm that even a single gift of the Spirit has ceased or will cease prior to His coming again? Thanks and God bless, Jeff |
143 | Am I ignorant | 1 Cor 12:1 | jlhetrick | 211068 | ||
Will you elaborate please? | ||||||
144 | Am I ignorant | 1 Cor 12:1 | jlhetrick | 211012 | ||
aplogies for and clarification of my previous post. After rereading my post I wanted to clarify my point. I was not suggesting that the views of dispensationalist are "very rarely supported by Scripture". My point was that a lot of the time (most of the time in my personal experience) folks who speak of the dispensations are either unable to provide biblical support or fail to do so. Will not be more specific than that in order to avoid a useless debate on debatable stuff that has been debated here plenty :-) |
145 | Am I ignorant | 1 Cor 12:1 | jlhetrick | 211010 | ||
sorry for the late response- very busy weekend. Yes brother... I understand that and agree. I believe the problem with some Christians understanding this is that the statement (and others that involve the dispensations) is very rarely supported by Scripture. Jeff |
146 | Am I ignorant | 1 Cor 12:1 | jlhetrick | 210979 | ||
Doc quoted- "He is quick to deploy against them the old dilemma that if their 'private revelations' agree with Scripture, they are needless, and if they disagree, they are false." --J. I. Packer" Now that is how I have always felt about it but had never heard (or read) anyone state it so clearly. Seems to sum it up, but then leaves me with a question regarding the passage beginning at Acts 17:10. When Paul "proclaimed" the word of God in Berea it certainly wasn't "needless" though the passage does suggest that the proclamation wasn't worth much to the Bereans until they validated with Scripture. I believe that when we start to include terms like "private revelation of new truths" in the argument we might get off track since at this point in the thread I don’t see mention of “new truths”. Jeff |
147 | Am I ignorant | 1 Cor 12:1 | jlhetrick | 210967 | ||
Brother Tim- for my further study will you please include scripture reference for points 3 and 4 of the post I am responding too as well as the statement "God will never tell you first before telling them" (regarding a "word of knowledge"). Thanks in advance, Jeff |
148 | scape-goat | Leviticus | jlhetrick | 210966 | ||
Hello a1- welcome to the forum. I don't find any record of Azazel and Satan being the same person. As for why the goat that was led into the wilderness is referred to as the scapegoat, I read somewhere that the use of the word "scapegoat" is due to a mistranslation; but I don't know for sure. We might continue to think of it as a "scapegoat", in our mondern understanding of that word, due to the fact that it represented taking on the burden (or blame, or punishment) of the sins of others. In some sense we might compare this to our Lord Jesus being our scapegoat in that he did bear the burden of our sins to the point of His being lead away and ultimately dying to pay their cost. Of course, unlike the annual goat spoken of in Leviticus, Christ chose the course. No one else could have done that. Jeff |
149 | SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH | Bible general Archive 4 | jlhetrick | 210917 | ||
Robert- as a long time member, don't forget you can use the search box as well. You will find there have been many many comments made on the topic. |
150 | hell | Bible general Archive 4 | jlhetrick | 210916 | ||
DD- welcome to the forum. Type in the word "Hell" in the search box (upper right of the page) and see if the multiple posts on the subject are helpful to you. The topic has been discussed much on the forum so sometimes it's quicker to search out the topic verses waiting on new responses. Hope this is helpful, Jeff |
151 | SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH | Bible general Archive 4 | jlhetrick | 210905 | ||
Dear Brad- the tree possibles that you gave ("wishing on fish" for example) are just as good as the real meaning of WOF (Word of Faith)as it pertains to the heretical Word of Faith "Movement". WOF is not having faith in the word, as the WOF folks would have you believe. Instead, it's a heretical false teaching that is totally contrary to the truth of Scripture regarding faith. It declares that the individual believer has the "authority" and "right" to "name and claim" anything in faith and have it. They even teach that specific promises in Scripture that were not made to and are not about them can be claimed. It goes on to demand that God is "obligated" to give you what you ask for, including financial wealth, because you demand it in faith. Probably should stop here so as not to drift from the purpose of SBF as a bible study forum. After doing some research, to include exploring the site sister Azure pointed to, we might come back and ask particulars that can be explored in light of Scripture. Also try to search box. God bless, Jeff |
152 | How to convince a personneed for chirst | Bible general Archive 4 | jlhetrick | 210903 | ||
Yes sister- the yoke is easy and the burden is light. Especially when we focus on our part and have faith in Him to do His. I'm guessing that you too may have had those early experiences of trying to convince others. I say early experiences, but the truth is, I'm not immune to slipping back in that direction at times. I believe that one way we can measure that is when we feel frustrated in the effort. Then we might see that we are trying to do more than we are called to do and, of course, more than we are cabable of doing. I'm going through that right now with family members so I believe I might understand where ircochran is coming from. Pray faithfully and believe just as faithfully and know that His will, will be accomplished. God bless, Jeff |
153 | How to convince a personneed for chirst | Bible general Archive 4 | jlhetrick | 210875 | ||
jrcochran- welcome to the forum. The short answer is, you can't. Sometimes that is hard to accept, especially when it's a loved one we're concerned about. Only the Holy Spirit can convict a person in a way that they realize their sin for what it is while at the same time realizing the need for Christ. See John 16:8 to start with. They will never "see it" until God reveals it to them. Our responsibility is the witness of our own lifestyle, lived in obedience to the Lord according to His word. We can and should share the word with them, and then only trust God. Too often I have found myself trying to do God's part in convincing someone of the truth, including their fallen state and need for a savior. It's frustrating and defeating. What has helped me is to remember that God has not given me the responsibility to convince anyone; He has only called us to tell it. See Mark 16:15 God bless, Jeff |
154 | Why is communion a sin for sinners? | Luke 22:19 | jlhetrick | 210709 | ||
Mike- thanks for your input and welcome to the forum. You wrote: "I too thought you couldnt be a believer and take communion but then a Pastor told me that Jesus served Judas communion at the last supper and he was certainly not a believer" I've never considered it before and don't have time right now but I'm interested now in reading the accounts of the "Lord's Supper" in Scripture again. I'm not sure but I believe Judas had already left the place prior to the breaking of the bread, Satan having already entered into him. You might have an opportunity to look into that before I do as I am at my office and about to start my work day. The thing to remember regarding the passage in 1Corinthians is that it is not speaking to the church as being responsible for qualifying individuals, but instead, the individual to ensure he/she is living in obedience to God. God bless, Jeff |
155 | Why is communion a sin for sinners? | Luke 22:19 | jlhetrick | 210642 | ||
Great keliy- you show maturity and humility when you allow the word of God to correct your thinking and your position. Great job. I actually have been in the same boat with Walley, but thanks, I too am glad I am no longer in that condition. Jeff |
156 | Are old words proper for Scripture? | Bible general Archive 4 | jlhetrick | 210629 | ||
Where does that quote come from? You have lost me, or I have lost me, or something like that. How does this answer my question? sorry I'm not following. Jeff |
157 | Are old words proper for Scripture? | Bible general Archive 4 | jlhetrick | 210623 | ||
I believe your partly confused because you seem not to understand the difference between God's word (Scripture) and man's language. You wrote: "If god never uses old words,..." so your premise is flawed. Where does the thought that God "never uses old words" come from? God has used and continues to use the language of men to communicate. The inspired writings of Scripture were written in the language of the writers. They have been translated and transliterated into other languages. It has little or nothing to do with old verses new words. Language and meaning is the focus. I wouldn't want my secretary to send out a memo to my staff in Hebrew (old or new). I'm thankful someone translated Scritpure into English... I both enjoy and benefit from both the old and the new. |
158 | Why is communion a sin for sinners? | Luke 22:19 | jlhetrick | 210607 | ||
Keliy- I'm afraid you're in error here. You, of course, are free to disagree with me and any citation of Scripture that you wish, but that falls far short of any rational approach to the issue and points made here. The question here... your question here was: "If someone had un-confessed sin, would it be wrong for them to do break bread in remembrance of our Savior's sacrifice for our redemption?" Remember that the context specifically regarded communion. My "citation of Paul's letter to the Corinthians" was... is, a, the direct answer to your question. Not my answer or opinion... God's answer. As far as Wally feeling judged, my friend, let us never avoid Scriptural truth or attempt to water it down in order to pacify someone’s feelings, including our own. If the word of God convicts us (gives us reason for guilt) then we are guilty. That is, after all, exactly what the word of God accomplishes. It serves to convict us of our guilt and point us to the cross, the salvation of Christ through faith in Jesus Christ…the grace of God. Any attempt to rationalize that away by suggesting that the truth of Scripture is applicable exclusively to a time in history, geographical location, and specific group of people is as far away from good application as we might arrive at. You wrote: "Now the teaching contained in Paul's letter is to be considered, within the context of the history and the behavior of the Corinthians that was forcing Paul to upbraid them. I am of the mind that we are wrong if we try to apply these words to all churches and believers everywhere. If we all do that, we have as many biblical interpretations as we have churches, and we miss the message inspired in the original author that our Lord was attempting to convey to us." It would be difficult for me to imagine a more ridiculous statement my friend. You won't find Scripture more straight forward than the passage sighted in 1Corinthians. You’re mistaken when you point toward the sin of the city... Paul was not speaking to the city but to believers. You are correct in pointing toward the wrong attitudes and condition in how they treated the fellowship. You begin to move toward an understanding there. Where you miss the point, I believe, is in somehow assuming that their sin is any different than Wally's. Whatever the sin is, it is sin.... and it serves to impair our ability to fellowship with God. As for your comments regarding "fearful believers should not hesitate from attending this holy ordinance by hearin these words", (speaking of the words of Scripture) let me once again point you to Scripture friend. Not my words, but the word of God: 1 Corinthians 11:27-32 (NKJV) Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world.” It's not an issue of your disagreeing with my use... it's whether or not you agree with Scripture. If you don’t get anything else from this exchange, please, get this point. We are to never interpret Scripture, include Scripture, leave Scripture out, or in any way attempt to apply convenient meaning to Scripture in an attempt to relieve ourselves or others of the guilt of sin. In other words, you're opinion that believers with unconfessed sin should not hesitate to take in communion, you’re simply in opposition with Scripture. Scripture doesn’t just teach that they shouldn’t, it demands that they don’t . Hope this is helpful. Please consider it before any response. I'm inclinded to believe that feeling convicted by the truths of Scripture is the reason countless thousands choose to avoid church participation. Let it never be the reason we avoid teaching the truth of God's word. God bless, Jeff |
159 | Why is communion a sin for sinners? | Luke 22:19 | jlhetrick | 210580 | ||
keliy- I agree with stjohn that it sounds like both churches were saying the same thing. Most communion services I have attended have included the encouragement of those present to evaluate themselves in accordance with 1Corinthians chapter 11. Read this chapter and I believe you'll understand it all better. God bless, Jeff |
160 | do we have authority to forgive sins ? | Mark 16:17 | jlhetrick | 210310 | ||
CDBJ- you responded to liezonis' post but addressed me so I'm not sure if your response was to me or not. In any case, please see my post 210309. Thanks, God bless, Jeff |
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