Personal profile for user screen name: Robert Nicholson Name: Robert NicholsonAddress: Port Sydney, Ont. Canada Married: Wonderful wife of 35 years 3 adult boys?, 1 daughter-in-law, 3 grand-daughters, 1 cat, 1 dog. Hobbies: Antique Cars. My Email mach@surenet.net I am a retired teacher and full time "online" student in "Biblical Studies" with Trinity Bible College, Newburgh Indiania. I came to know Christ on Mar. 11, 1954 as a boy through the truth of John 3. I was in fellowship with the Gospel Hall sometimes referred to as plymouth brethren for over 27 years. During the last 12 years I have not had a permanent church home for Christain fellowship. I praise the Lord however, for leading us to a group of Christians at a local Bible Chapel. What I Believe? I used to know more 25 years ago! a)I believe that the Holy Scriptures are the inspired Word of God. I enjoy the KJV but I use many others, especailly the NASB amplfied b) I believe in the Godhead, in three persons: God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit: "these 3 be one" c) The most important thing in life is "To know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent" John 17:3 d) That Sin came into the world via Adam and death was passed upon all men for that all have sinned. e) In our natural sinful condition we cannot do meritoral works toward our salvation. f) The Holy Spirit is in the world convicting all humans of their need for forgiveness and life. g) That God sent his Son the Lord Jesus Christ into the world to die for sinners on the cross. That he was buried and rose trimphantly from the dead bodily and is now seated at the right hand of his Father on high and dwells among his redeemed people by the Holy Spirit of God. h) That a person must be born again to be in God's eternal family. Such a relationship can start here and now if we are willing to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit who strives with us; repent of our sin and put our complete trust in the finished work of Christ on Calvary. i) That all born again believers are permanently baptised into the body of Christ by his Spirit (1 Cor.12:13.) This group is sometimes called the bride of Christ or the Church which is his body. j) It is a commandment of the Lord Jesus that believers be baptised by immersion, to indicate to the world what has happen within when they were saved and to show their desire to identify with him in their Christain lives. K) That all Christians must appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ to have their life judged. This is not a judgment for sin because Christ was judged for our sins on Calvary, but rather a purification in which all works will be tested. K) Eternal Security of the Believer L) The coming again of our Lord Jesus Christ for his people and with his people. That he will rule in righteousness for 1000 years at which time sin will rise up again and be judged by him. The great white throne is the Judgment seat for those who have died without Christ throughout all ages. They will suffer the 2nd death and be separated from Christ eternally. Note: I also endeavour to keep unit among my fellow siblings in Christ. We may differ on some things which really will not matter in 100 years, but those who love him believe that He is altogether lovely, the fairest of ten thousand to our souls. (The above information has been submitted by the author for use solely by the StudyBibleForum.com) |