Personal profile for user screen name: fmp6954 I a 71 years of age,Married one wife, 5 children,7 grand children 1 on the way.and 1 great grand child.became a Christian in 1953 I was Baptized for the remission of my sins, and raised in newness of life. I am a faithful Christing walking in the Light. I avoid the term "theology", preferring instead the term "doctrine": theology is what humans say about the Bible; doctrine is simply what the Bible says. My belief is to speak where the bible speaks and be silent where it is silent. I am generally amillennial. I practice only practiced a cappella music in worship services. I do believe that baptism is a necessary part of salvation. Faith is the reason why a person is a child of God; baptism is the time at which one is incorporated into Christ and so becomes a child of God. Baptism is understood as a confessional expression of faith and repentance, rather than a "work" that earns salvation. I generally teach that the process of salvation involves the following steps:. [1] 1. One must be properly taught, and hear (Romans 10:17, Matthew 7:24); 2. One must believe or have faith (Hebrews 11:6, Mark 16:15–16); 3. One must repent, which means turning from one's former lifestyle and choosing God's ways (Acts 2:38, Acts 17:30, Luke 13:3); 4. One must confess belief that Jesus is the son of God (Matthew 10:32–33; Acts 8:36–37); 5. One must be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38; 1Peter 3:20–21; Romans 6:3–5; Mark 16:16; Acts 22:16); and 6. One must remain faithful unto death (Revelation 2:10). I am strongly anti-Calvinist! I am a member of the Lords Church established at Penacost. And spoken of in Romans 16:16. (The above information has been submitted by the author for use solely by the StudyBibleForum.com) |