Personal profile for user screen name: brenda_L Thank you, Jesus, for dieing for me and saving me.I can do nothing without Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Thank you, Thank YOU! --------------------------- http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/666/1peter1a4an.jpg --------------------------- brenda4@charter.net --------------------------- http://www.gotquestions.org/archive.html http://www.bibleplan.org/nt/niv/#Nov http://jhw.gracebelievers.org/ --------------------------- Do you spend your time worrying?? Memorize the quoted paragraph below...repeat it OFTEN though-out your day...stressing these parts as you do: MAKE A COMMITMENT, STOP WORRYING, BEYOND YOUR CONTROL, HOPE, FAITH, GOD'S ABILITY, HIS TIMING. "Make a commitment to stop worrying about things beyond your control and begin to place your hope and faith in God's ability to change you and your circumstances in His timing." remember, it is HOPE and FAITH in "GOD's ABILITY" (not yours) and in "HIS timing"! (paragraph said by Charles Stanley, In Touch Ministries) (The above information has been submitted by the author for use solely by the StudyBibleForum.com) |