Personal profile for user screen name: Hiram Abiff My real name is David.I live in a suburb of Houston TX. Born in the late 50’s Married 13 yrs. Raised Oneness Pentecostal till the age of 15. Discovered alcohol, drugs and hedonism at age 15. 4 yrs. Navy: I now know bartenders and whores in several states and most countries of the Orient. On 5/20/01 God changed my hard, self-centered and corrupt heart to one of understanding and desire to live in His perfect will. My wife was also saved on this date. We spent our first month in a Church that we were led (by God?) to believe was not true to God’s will. Update 7/25/01: We have found a wonderful non-denominational, Bible believing and teaching church. Grace Christian Church. www.gracechristian.cc I have many questions, which through prayer, Bible study and resources such as this board are being answered daily. God bless you all. Please remember my wife Shirley and me and in your prayers. stipton@ev1.net Update 7/25/01 I have enrolled in a distance learning program at seminary. I will soon be working on a B.A. in Bible studies. My wife and I will be grandparents in late February. We are very excited. Please pray for his/her non-Christian parents, as our hope is for Christian influence from both us and them. (The above information has been submitted by the author for use solely by the StudyBibleForum.com) |