Personal profile for user screen name: Nevvvvine Have a varied backgroundCatholic, Baptist, Pentecostal, Messianic Jewish, Charismatic Because of this past, I have seen, that Each Individual Part, of the Divided Body of Christ, has it's own Measure of Truth, about the most basic of Beliefs, that all True Christian Religions have in common. I guess that would be what is called the Apostles Creed. But then all of the Doctrines, Dogmas, Beliefs, Traditions, Rituals that caused one to pull away from another become evident. Every Religion Declaring "We have the truth, and all others are deceived." To make my point, I don't know at this writing what anyone of you in the forum think or believe, to me it is irrelevant. If you are a Christian, I can fellowship with you, your beliefs are just that, "your beliefs" you do not have to agree with what I believe to have a discourse in the things of God. What I say as a belief does not come from Theologians, Commentators, and the like. I have found, every Religion has there OWN set of these people, that they can pull up to refute almost anything any other Religion's expert says. Both sides are saying, "according to our expert, your belief is wrong," and visa,versa there total belief in these people is exactly the same as a Catholic believing in the Infallibility of the POPE, a thing that all Protestant Religions oppose on the grounds that no man is infallible, then these same Protestant Religions, do exactly the same thing by believing every word a person has written without question. So I don't use any of them. I'm not going to get into a debate over what two guys might have said 300 yrs. ago. When both had the light of the age they were in. Understanding the Bible, and the Inspired words of God written for us, are difficult enough at times to understand, without trying to figure out what anyone else's influences on there beliefs might have been in a certain AGE. This is the 21st. Century not the 18th. Before it starts, I'm not saying that the Bible has to change, I'm saying the Commentaries haven't. I think the term is called Progressive Revelation. I firmly believe, God is fully capable of granting to me the Grace, through His Holy Spirit to give me the understanding of any piece of scripture that He (God) wants me to understand, in the progressive teaching by the Holy Spirit in my life. Him alone enlightening me to them as he sees fit according to my walk with HIM. If there is something God want's me to know in his Word, he will show it to me. "Personally" (I question everything), whatever any Pastor, Teacher says. I don't care who he is, was, or how people may venerate him, because he lived 250-300 yrs. ago. I respect them for who they were, what they might have said, but what they might have said, on any given subject "IS NOT GOSPEL" that's what people have forgotten. Hope you have enjoyed my profile, "Lets talk sometime." (The above information has been submitted by the author for use solely by the StudyBibleForum.com) |