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NASB | Acts 11:9 "But a voice from heaven answered a second time, 'What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy.' |
AMPLIFIED 2015 | Acts 11:9 "But the voice from heaven answered a second time, 'What God has cleansed and pronounced clean, no longer consider common (unholy).' |
Bible Question: Are we to abide by Leviticus 11:1-12 today or was that just for the Israelites? |
Bible Answer: Jacquelinet First, we always need to remember 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness. All Scripture - including all of Leviticus. At the time of Paul's letter, the NT had not been written or formalized as Scripture. So Paul was referring to Hebrew Scripture - which is also inspired by God. With regard to Leviticus, the real question becomes: what exactly is being taught in this part of Leviticus. These laws are given on a moral and religious basis: the inedible varieties are classified as "unclean" to remind the Israelites that they are to be a pure and holy people, dedicated to the Lord. Also, in Jer 31:33-34 the old and new covenants are discussed, with the old covenant being written on tablets of stone and the new covenant will be written in the hearts of man. 33 But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD. I will place my law within them, and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34 No longer will they have need to teach their friends and kinsmen how to know the LORD. All, from least to greatest, shall know me, says the LORD, for I will forgive their evildoing and remember their sin no more. But, it is the same law, just the new covenant (Spirit of the law) is with the Holy Spirit being within us, and the old being laws written on tablets (letter of the law). Both the old and new covenants remind us and the Israelites that they/we are to be a pure and holy people, dedicated to the Lord. Brian |
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Questions and/or Subjects for Acts 11:9 | Author | ||
Jacquelinet | ||
Saint Luke | ||
Brian.g | ||
melissanakley |