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NASB | Mark 11:14 He said to it, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again!" And His disciples were listening. |
AMPLIFIED 2015 | Mark 11:14 He said to it, "No one will ever eat fruit from you again!" And His disciples were listening [to what He said]. |
Bible Question: what is the meaning or reason Jesus cursed the fig tree? |
Bible Answer: Simple. Jesus cursed the fig tree to set an example to everyone around him. The tree is a depiction of Israel. Israel was entrusted with God's Law and Message, but they didn't do anything with it. They kept it to themselves, made it unbelieveably difficult to follow, and was jealous of anyone who tried to staighten it out or bring them to the original intention of the Law. Israel wasn't producing any fruit, just as the tree wasn't. Like the tree, Israel seemed alive and prosperous, but their was no produce. A tree that doesn't have any produce when it should have, is a useless tree. At least that was the thinking then. So, by cursing the tree, Jesus was telling Israel that they didn't succeed in what they were supposed to do, and that God is moving on to a group that would do as He commands: the Gentiles. Remember the parable of the talents. Three men were given talents or money. One was given 6, another 4, and the other was given one. The man with 6 talents doubled his amount, as did the man with 4 talents. The man with only one talent buried his and did nothing with it. When they all brought their talents back to their master, he was unhappy with the man who buried his one talent that he took it and gave it to the man with 6 talents. I might have the talent amount wrong, but the jist of the story is there. Both the cursed tree and the parable of the talents share the same basic message. God has given you a purpose and the means to accomplish that purpose. Do nothing, and he will bring someone in who will. Jesus Loves You! Jesusman |
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