Results 41 - 60 of 110
Results from: Answered Bible Questions, Answers, Unanswered Bible Questions, Notes Author: jeremiah1five Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
41 | Ways of repentance | Matt 27:3 | jeremiah1five | 241692 | ||
Repentance is not "saying sorry," but is a change of mind, and a change of mind means there will be a change of behavior. In other terms repentance means to "change one's mind." In the case of Judas Iscariot he bargained to help the religious leaders find and arrest Jesus. Then, when he saw that Jesus was condemned to die he changed his mind and brought forth fruits for repentance. He tried to do the opposite of what he originally planned to do, in other words, he tried to bring back the money and buy back the life of Jesus. This is repentance. His mind was changed and this led to a behavioral change as well (Matt. 27:3-5). He was obedient to God's Law. And what should have happened was that the priests should have taken him "out back" and stoned him for being complicit in the death of an innocent man. Instead, they told him "See to it yourself!" which in other words is "You handle it!" He did. He hung himself in obedience to the Law of God requiring life for life. |
42 | Does God cause people to get arrested ? | Matt 24:9 | jeremiah1five | 241690 | ||
It may not say it explicitly, but it is implied that believers will find some of their persecution and up-bringing to be God's specific will for them to be arrested, charged with a crime (whether true or not - there are things we do not see it the spirit-realm) that to others seem to be "well, if he's arrested he must have done the crime, but one must see as God sees and not as man sees. God uses everything in creation to grow his kid(s). Even direct confrontation with human laws (which are a copy of God's Laws.) God is in control of everything, even a sparrow that falls to the ground and dies. Sometimes we don't see it, but God is there. | ||||||
43 | Who are the unseen accusers and why to t | Gen 1:1 | jeremiah1five | 241687 | ||
These "spirits" are not angels. They are of your own mind. Welcome to the battle that takes place among every born again believer in the Church. Your flesh is contrary to the Holy Spirit in you: Galatians 5:19-21 (KJV) 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But don't fret about the last statement by Paul about not inheriting the "kingdom of God." If you are true born of God believer and the Holy Spirit dwells in you and you know His Presence, then be assured that He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you. Christ IS the kingdom of God. It is not a place or realm. But a Person (Matt. 12:28). Also know that your mind, my mind, every Christian's mind is enmity against God (Rom. 8:7). New believers walk on clouds, the Spirit is deep and wide and they walk around in a glowing light (somewhat like Moses did.) But as the believer learns from God the difference between holy and unholy, obedience and disobedience, soon the flesh, the world, and everything in between get the best of the saint and they lose the "edge" they sin and begin to get down on themselves about their failures before God and self-condemnation sets in. The Scripture is a Spirit-ual "thing" and your flesh doesn't want anything to do with it. You must persevere, and if true born of God you will! God always raises His kids. He is not an absentee Father, but is intimately involved in His children's lives and will take us all from glory to glory. Bear in mind that we all cannot in this body live on the mountain-top experience. We have to go down into the valley from time to time to be taught. But as you look back in life across the countless mountain-tops towards tyour past-horizon you may remember those valley's between the mountains but you will never see them. Again. Granted of course, that you are obedient to your Father and what He tries to teach you as you grow in Him. Your mind will contradict the Word. Don't listen. As much as is in you for the measure of faith you presently possess keep your eyes on God. Psst...God is found described in Scripture. Hear Him! :) not your mind. |
44 | When will the Antichrist come ? | 1 John 2:18 | jeremiah1five | 241684 | ||
An antichrist is as the Scripture reveals this person to be, that is, one who denies the Father, and the Son (1 John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.) The first thing to do in your own study is define the word "antichrist." It is a compound word. The difficulty is understanding the word "Christ" (taken from the Hebrew "Messias" which means "Anointed.") Then, make application of the word to people. Many people in history fit the description. Antioch Epiphanes, the Caesars, Hitler, even some well-known in Christendom, like John MacArthur fit the description. Don't let one's profession to Christ deter you. John himself says "they were of us, but they left us..." meaning antichrist can be even in the Church. |
45 | Obedience in Love? | Lev 19:18 | jeremiah1five | 241683 | ||
Obedience in Love? Are we doing it right? Here is the original command: Leviticus 19:17-18 (KJV) 17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him. 18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD. Leviticus, the book of Holiness and Righteousness of God. God gives His Holy Word to a Holy and peculiar people. He doesn't give His Holy Word to dogs (unbelievers/non-Covenant.) The original command of God is for the children of Israel to love the children of Israel. The language clearly states "Thou shalt not hate thy brother (member of the same tribe) in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour (member of another tribe), and not suffer sin upon him. Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people (member of any tribe), but thou shalt love thy neighbour (member of one of the other eleven tribes) as thyself: I am the LORD. God even commanded the children of Israel to "not mingle with the heathens nor learn their ways," but they didn't obey. When Christ came He was sent to Israel. He was the fulfillment of many Prophecies and Promises God gave to Israel, and when He arrived He upheld the original command of God given in Leviticus 19:18. Christ did not change the Law. He established it. And yet I see and read everywhere Christians take in the heresy that we are supposed to love everyone, that Christ came and changed the Law by His words in Matthew, and we are to love everyone especially when God doesn't love everyone. Are you one that loves the world (worldly people) and the things of the world (things in creation)? |
46 | Who are the unseen accusers and why to t | Gen 1:1 | jeremiah1five | 241682 | ||
Describe the attack. What goes on? | ||||||
47 | I'm curious. Why am I being muzzled? | Deut 6:6 | jeremiah1five | 241672 | ||
I'm still being manipulated. | ||||||
48 | Choosing Christ? | John 3:19 | jeremiah1five | 241670 | ||
And the KJV (with emphasis): John 3:19-20 (KJV) 19 And this is the condemnation, that light (Christ) is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light (Christ), because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light (Christ), neither cometh to the light (Christ), lest his deeds should be reproved. I run into so-called Christians who say they "choose/chose" Christ and became saved. But Jesus emphatically says that no one comes to Him, that all born into the world hate Him. Jesus also taught that a man will have only one master in life and when born into the world that master is darkness (evil/sin). I should note here that everyone that had relationship with God in the Scripture was called of God and none "chose" God or Christ. The disciples were called out of the world and if God or His Christ does not call anyone out of the world that they remain in the world. Let me also note here that the word "lost/loss" is always used of God's Elect when their salvation is being referred. Can one who is in bondage to sin and in the world just "up" and choose Christ without regeneration, without conversion, without the Holy Spirit? Jesus Himself elsewhere said that (salvation) for men is impossible (Matt. 19:26). According to Scripture people cannot justup and choose Christ without the Holy Spirit making the first move. Yet many Christians are deceived in this and sin against God when they meet these false Christians and put light for darkness (and also darkness for light when they treat true born of God like heathens). Are you deceived? (justme, I prefer to not forgive you since you are unwilling to repent so please do not reply here. I want nothing to do with you until you address your false accusation - thank you) |
49 | Defend the Offender-Attack the Offended? | Bible general | jeremiah1five | 241669 | ||
I just cannot believe the busi-bodiness of some that call themselves Christian and interfere lacking wisdom to say nothing. Now, do you see all this that justme has caused? Now I am being "corrected" or "counseled" or ostracized all because justme thinks that this Christian lives by my feelings instead of by every word from the mouth of God. Now Steve wants to stick his nose into this and have a say when it is between myself and justme and justme is unwilling to be obedient and apologize and NEVER do that again to me. Obviously, the dynamic of Christian fellowship is not practiced here. Now I am being accused of exercising my spiritual gift "unseemly?" Do you know the KJV translators use the word "devil" to translate the Greek word for false accuser? How many devils are at Lockman anyway if each time someone opens their keyboard I am falsely accused of something? JUSTME! ARE YOU WITNESSING THIS BULL-DUNG YOU STARTED?? What are you going to do now that you've caused still another to accuse me of something before you address my comment? (Matt. 18:15.) You made the Moderator take sides against me, steve take sides against me, and CDBJ bring their busi-bodiness into your false accusation and interpretation of my "feelings" and the tongue is a world of iniquity that you have set the course of this fire. What are you going to do? Lord, have mercy! Here we have some sharp minds concerning the Word of God but NO ONE IS BEING OBEDIENT AND APPLYING THE WORD! Is this for real?? |
50 | Defend the Offender-Attack the Offended? | Bible general | jeremiah1five | 241668 | ||
So, in other words...doctrine and Christ's teaching means nothing and what you know to do right is to do nothing at all. Why study the Bible if in the end for matters directly in the hands of individuals of faith that we can just wash our hands to things we are commanded to do or not do and then take a hands-off approach and dump things in His lap which is really a cop-out and disobedience and NO ACCOUNTABILITY. I don't believe I read that from a Christian. Just my Biblical-sense worth. | ||||||
51 | Defend the Offender-Attack the Offended? | Bible general | jeremiah1five | 241665 | ||
Conflict of interest. The exercise of a gift in Christ is a command. Even I know to not interfere when one of my brethren is exercising their gift under command of Christ. Restricting is the same as muzzling the Holy Spirit and denying the Life of Christ in His people. But I don't think you understand nor obey this as you restrict another in the body of obeying theirs. You have already declared yourself that when Israel gathered before the Holiness of the Lord at the Tabernacle that they would also have to follow the modes of behavior of the heathens that surrounded Israel when you also add to the Bible and the Word of God that when Christians gather they must also behave according to worldly standards. God's Law is for God's people and He has covered all bases and possibilities in His people. Christians do not gather and then are compelled to behave as the ungodly world does, but that is your position. I don't agree with it and neither does the Word of God. We have the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets that dictate our behavior before God and among brethren, but you will add to that Counsel by compelling Christian brethren they must also obey the world. I have already been at that crossroad. I choose to obey God, not Caesar. By the way...there are no rights in the kingdom of God. There's only obedience and disobedience. But persons like you have Americanized the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. I had seriously thought well of my participation early on about this site, but your behavior towards me and Christ in me with your secular human rules has quenched the Spirit in me. You can tell I know the Word even if how I see God and the things of God do not "square" with you. Your friend justme was wrong to imply that I had ill "feelings" about Lockman and to not obey Matthew 18:15 if this person was in some way offended when I was not speaking to that person offends ME because that is NOT how Christians are to handle such things. The Word of God tells me what to believe, I don't tell the Word of God what to say. And for you to defend the offender and attack the offended as though I sinned or did something wrong is offense against me and Christ in me. I don't step on your call (if you know what that is) nor do I step on your gift and you should not step on mine. But you have the button and try to restrict the Holy Spirit in me with your worldly thinking about privilege and "rights" is an affront to others in the Body of Christ whether they are aware or now. And I don't mind being called "Jer" except I prefer the lower-case "j." There is only one Jeremiah. I am only in power and spirit. So, now what? You going to continue to restrict my voice? You are practicing spiritual dictatorship, Doc. And it is ungodly. | ||||||
52 | Defend the Offender-Attack the Offended? | Not Specified | jeremiah1five | 241662 | ||
QUOTE: (found on the page I view) "Note to viewers: This thread has been temporarily restricted from appearing on the homepage. If you submit a question, answer, or note to this thread, it will be processed and added to the thread, but will not appear on the homepage." I'd like to ask why is the Holy Spirit within me being muzzled and you attempting to control my gift and call in Christ? Christians should love honesty and truthfulness, not try to control God and God's servant. Why am I being treated so disrespectfully? First you defend the offender and false accuser and then you attack the offended. This is ungodly. |
53 | Defend the Offender-Attack the Offended? | Bible general | jeremiah1five | 241663 | ||
QUOTE: (found on the page I view) "Note to viewers: This thread has been temporarily restricted from appearing on the homepage. If you submit a question, answer, or note to this thread, it will be processed and added to the thread, but will not appear on the homepage." I'd like to ask why is the Holy Spirit within me being muzzled and you attempting to control my gift and call in Christ? Christians should love honesty and truthfulness, not try to control God and God's servant. Why am I being treated so disrespectfully? First you defend the offender and false accuser and then you attack the offended. This is ungodly. |
54 | HCSB what's your opinion? | Bible general | jeremiah1five | 241661 | ||
Question: Do the terms actually say "period of time?" Does truth have an expiration date? You quote some of the great minds in Christendom but would you disrespect them as you just now did to me? In the beginning I thought this site was different than the others, but you would ban Christ in me when you don't like someone like me, maybe crucify Him all over again. You muzzle the Holy Spirit and restrict Him in me as well as try to control my gift. It's NOT YOUR GIFT, it's MINE! Now, I ask you to remove your restriction and refrain from sinning against me voluntarily as you have because it is wrong to do to Christ in me as you are doing to me. Unjust, sin-ful, and heretical. But you have the button don't you, and it makes you feel powerful that you do such things to Christians that have a different insight into God and the things of God, especially His Word. You say you are respectful to people? I am HONEST with people. Believers are not to be given "respect," but love and "spect." The unbelievers do not get love that is commanded of God to brethren ONLY, they get re-spect," that is, to look again. Or will you also turn that adjective into a noun and pronoun? Incredible. Friends are thicker than God, huh? What a shame. "What you do to these the least of my brethren," Jesus said, "you have done it to me." You seriously can't defend the offender and attack the offended. What I told "justme" is true. Unless I should insinuate the person is a homosexual the way that person insinuated I was talking about Lockman (which I wasn't). Judge righteous judgment. |
55 | Does God force His will on us ? | Mark 1:12 | jeremiah1five | 241660 | ||
OK, I understand about capital letters. But there is still the truth about adjectives and the tendency of Christians to force such words to behave like a noun and pronoun. I have to ask..."presume" what? And I don't appreciate you not only muzzling the Holy Spirit but also censoring Him by restricting these comments and notes from appearing on the homepage. Why do you do that? Why the manipulation of my gift of Christ? Have I done that to you that you would do it unto me? (Matt. 7:12). |
56 | I'm curious. Why am I being muzzled? | Deut 6:6 | jeremiah1five | 241657 | ||
I'm curious. Why am I being muzzled? | ||||||
57 | Does God force His will on us ? | Mark 1:12 | jeremiah1five | 241656 | ||
Doc, the Holy Spirit through Peter uses the adjective, not a noun nor pronoun. The Greek word is "traducer" which means "false accuser" or "one who slanders another." And it is not capitalized. This is the same word Jesus used to describe the slander of Judas of the character of Jesus to the priests when he approached them to make a deal in turning Him over to them. It is an adjective and can be used of a human person as Peter is describing the tongue, the world of iniquity that sets everything on fire. If God does not bridle that tongue then He cannot control the body (of the servant.) Many have the tendency of applying "satan" "devil" etc., to Lucifer, but the grammar won't allow it as an adjective. The roaring lion roars and it's only all roar, no bite. Proverbs does talk about the bite, but still I don't understand why Christians try to change an adjective and try to make it a noun or pronoun all the time they read "devil" in Scripture. I have done my studies on the subject and it comes out the same. We shouldn't always try to make words like "satan" or "devil" always mean Lucifer. Man is a "satan" and is also at times a "devil," isn't he/she? Adversary (Ro. 8:7), and false accuser (Jn. 6:70 - "have I not chosen you twelve and one of you is a false accuser?") Yes, he was. |
58 | Who or What Dictates Your Behavior? | Deut 6:6 | jeremiah1five | 241654 | ||
I have made no accusation about Lockman, so please, do not create a problem by insinuating that I have. If you wish to address me personally and discuss any of my feelings rather than the facts and truth of the Word of God you can email me at my user name Otherwise, taking guesses about my feelings towards Lockman when I have yet to declare myself I take as false witness. | ||||||
59 | Does God force His will on us ? | Mark 1:12 | jeremiah1five | 241653 | ||
Have you ever walked into a room and feel an oppression so thick and oppressive that you had to leave. Animals can sense them, too. Dogs especially can sense a great deal of attitude/countenance from their master. There are only angels and man in creation. If they were angels why the need to coin a new word to describe them in the NT? Why not just use "angelos?" Makes no sense. | ||||||
60 | Does God force His will on us ? | Mark 1:12 | jeremiah1five | 241652 | ||
Yes, I understand that. But where is the correlation that Satan is referred to as Lucifer? I don't see it. Please, identify "Satan's minions." What are they? Angels? Another created being? |
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