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Results from: Answered Bible Questions, Answers, Unanswered Bible Questions, Notes Ordered by Verse | ||||||
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
1 | explain 1:24-27 | Rom 1:24 | feetxxxl | 197143 | ||
the question was for romans 1:24-27. is there any legitimate explanation to explain romans 1:24-27?what was the lie that was exchanged for what truth, and how was the created worshipped and served so that those that did it were given over to homosexuality? in other words does this scripture give us license to say to anyone who is homosexual, you are gay because you you exchanged the truth for a lie, and you worshipped and served the created? |
2 | explain 1:24-27 | Rom 1:24 | DocTrinsograce | 197146 | ||
Dear Feet, Context is crucial if we hope to render a sound exegesis of Scripture -- or, indeed, any text! Let me ask you a question: The first word of this verse is "dio" which can be rightly translated as "therefore" or "consequently." What are the characteristics of the people of which Paul is speaking (see vv18-23)? What does this passage relate concerning what they did, thought, and said? In Him, Doc |
3 | explain 1:24-27 | Rom 1:24 | feetxxxl | 197148 | ||
that's what i thought. there is no credible explanation that ties homosexuality with 1:24-27. sins committed in the commission of same sex relations, no more condemns homosexuality than the incestial rape of 2samuel and the adultry of 1samuel condemns heterosexuality. | ||||||
4 | explain 1:24-27 | Rom 1:24 | BradK | 197157 | ||
Hello feet..., So, might I ask what point you're making? Are you stating that homosexuality is not being condemmed in Romans 1? If you are, then you're frankly on very tenous ground according to scripture! Speaking the Truth in Love, BradK |