Personal profile for user screen name: curious2010 Hello to all my name is Beckie. I am 28 years old and have 2 children. I am married and currently live in Italy, my husband is in the Army and this was our first overseas PCS. I was raised in a pentecostal church and my grandfather was a preacher. I believe in god and Jesus but have a hard time with religion. I admit to being a sinner and am probably the furthest thing from a good christian as a woman can get. I have many questions about many different things. I have had a few bad experiences in church and have not gone in awhile. The only things I am sure of is that there is a god in heaven and a devil in our midst. I hope to make friends here that can help me begin a closer relationship/understanding of God. Thanks to all who answer to my questions, have a great day.(The above information has been submitted by the author for use solely by the StudyBibleForum.com) |