Personal profile for user screen name: tar2480 When people ask me what my denomination is, I say that I am a Christian. Not because I don't believe in the doctorine of my church, but because I believe we allow the "little things" (doctrine) to cloud the "big things" (Christ came to save us through faith that we might do his will) and break the fellowship we are supposed to have as the "Church".I am single and am nearing my 30's. I have been a Christian since I was 4 when I bugged my mom for 2 weeks because she thought I was too young to make that descision. I come from a single mother house hold and am a testament that not all such children go the "wrong" way. My mom was exceptionally wise and taught me from a young age that although my earthly father chose not to be around, I have a heavenly father who will never fail me. It's still hard, but I couldn't imagine what it would be like without that knowledge. I am not the greatest speller so please forgive me for that. It is nice to find a place where children of God can come to discuss His word and His truth. I look forward to worshipping with you. (The above information has been submitted by the author for use solely by the StudyBibleForum.com) |