Lev 18:23 'Also you shall not have5414 intercourse7903 with any3605 animal929 to be defiled2930 with it, nor3808 shall any802 woman802 stand5975 before6440 an animal929 to mate7250 with it; it is a perversion8397.
Lev 19:19 ¶ 'You are to keep8104 My statutes2708. You shall not breed7250 together7250 two3610 kinds3610 of your cattle929; you shall not sow2232 your field7704 with two3610 kinds3610 of seed, nor3808 wear5927 a garment899b upon you of two3610 kinds3610 of material8162 mixed8162 together8162.
Lev 20:16 'If there is a woman802 who834 approaches7126 any3605 animal929 to mate7250 with it, you shall kill2026 the woman802 and the animal929; they shall surely4191 be put4191 to death4191. Their bloodguiltiness1818 is upon them.
Ps 139:3 You scrutinize2219 my path734 and my lying7250 down7250, And are intimately5532a acquainted5532a with all3605 my ways1870.