Judg 8:26 The weight4948 of the gold2091 earrings5141 that he requested7592 was 1,700505,7651,3967shekels of gold2091, besides905,4480 the crescent7720 ornaments7720 and the pendants5188 and the purple713 robes899b which7945were on the kings4428 of Midian4080, and besides905,4480 the neck6060 bands6060 that were on their camels'1581 necks6677.
Prov 1:9 Indeed3588, they are a graceful2580 wreath3880 to your head7218 And ornaments6060 about your neck1621.
Song 4:9 "You have made my heart3823a beat3823a faster3823a, my sister269, my bride3618; You have made my heart3823a beat3823a faster3823a with a single259glance of your eyes5869, With a single259 strand6060 of your necklace6701b.