2 Cor 2:11 so2443 that no3361 advantage4122 would be taken4122 of us by Satan4567, for we are not ignorant50 of his schemes3540.
2 Cor 7:2 ¶ Make5562 room5562 for us in your hearts; we wronged91 no3762 one3762, we corrupted5351 no3762 one3762, we took4122 advantage4122 of no3762 one3762.
2 Cor 12:17Certainly I have not taken4122 advantage4122 of you through1223 any5100 of those whom3739 I have sent649 to you, have I?
2 Cor 12:18 I urged3870 Titus5103to go, and I sent4882 the brother80 with him. Titus5103 did not take4122 any4122 advantage4122 of you, did he? Did we not conduct4043 ourselves4043 in the same846 spirit4151and walk in the same846 steps2487?
1 Thess 4:6and that no3361 man transgress5233 and defraud4122 his brother80 in the matter4229 because1360 the Lord2962 is the avenger1558 in all3956 these3778 things3778, just2531a as we also2532 told4275b you before4275b and solemnly1263 warned1263you.