Is 21:12 The watchman8104 says559, "Morning1242 comes857 but also1571 night3915. If518 you would inquire1158, inquire1158; Come857 back7725 again7725."
Is 30:13 Therefore3651 this2088 iniquity5771 will be to you Like a breach6556 about to fall5307, A bulge1158 in a high7682 wall2346, Whose834 collapse7667 comes935 suddenly6597 in an instant6621,
Is 64:2 As fire784 kindles6919 the brushwood2003, as fire784 causes water4325 to boil1158-- To make3045 Your name8034 known3045 to Your adversaries6862c, That the nations1471 may tremble7264 at Your presence6440!
Obad 1:6 "O how349 Esau6215 will be ransacked2664, And his hidden4710 treasures4710 searched1158 out!