Subject: when we die where do we go immediately |
Bible Note: sleep becuase for the saint it is temporary. I think the first time that this became understood to the new testament saint was when Jesus said about one how had died, "he sleepeth" when the believer in Christ dies he is imeddiately with the Lord as the previous post made quite clear, but to us that are here on earth he sleepeth. We see only the dead body. But that state is not eternal. That body will be raised incorruptible and perfect. That is going to happen as sure as God is God. The promises of our body being raised incorruptible is a foundation of faith. As Paul said, if you remove the faith of a body raised from the dead, you remove faith of salvation. Paul said if the body be not raised you are still in sin. Only those that inherit the promise of a bodily resurrection have entered into the kingdom of not having sin imputed to them. It is a theological understanding that should be studied out. God Bless |