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NASB | Matthew 24:45 ¶ "Who then is the faithful and sensible slave whom his master put in charge of his household to give them their food at the proper time? |
AMPLIFIED 2015 | Matthew 24:45 ¶ "Who then is the faithful and wise servant whom his master has put in charge of his household to give the others [in the house] their food and supplies at the proper time? [Luke 12:42-46] |
Subject: Who is this "slave"? |
Bible Note: bstudent, If you are trying to get a complete understanding of who the faithfull and discreet slave is, Jesus gives us the answer, the same as he gave Peter when he asked in the parallel account found at Luke 12:35-38.One contextual fact to keep in mind, is that Jesus was stressing the importance of BEING IN READINESS. His disciples asked him a threefold question as recorded at Matt 24:3. They were looking for a SIGN."When? When? When? What will be the sign of your Coming (presence), and of the conclusion of the system of things. In order to get a full picture instead of only seeing a piece of the puzzle, we must read the entire message as recorded in Gods word (Matt chapters 24-25 and Luke 12:35-38). This is what we find when we look at this passage on "Who is the faithfull and discreet slave" in it's context: 1)After asking the question to what will be the SIGN, Jesus starts by saying,"See to it that no one misleads you"(Matt 24:4). He gave a clear warning and stresses this point throughout, since he knew that they were looking for a SIGN. 2) Matt 24:36-44 After giving the parable of the fig tree, Jesus mentions at verse 36 "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angeles of heaven nor the Son, but the Father alone". He describes the suddeness of His coming and compares it to the days of Noah. Verse 44 sets the stage for the question by saying, "For this reason you BE READY too; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not thik He will. 3) Jesus asks the question. (matt 24:45;Luke 12:42) In lukes Gospel, it's interesting to note the details that are given and the question that Peter asked Jesus at verse 41. He asked,"Lord, are you addressing this parable to us, or to EVERYONE else as well?" 4) Jesus answers Peter: Luke 12:42-48. You'll notice that there are several individual slaves mentioned here and the different outcomes upon his arrival. Verse 48 is a particular verse to consider for it says,"but to the one who did not know it, and committed deeds worthy of a flogging, will receive but few. And from EVERYONE who has been given much shall much be required; and TO WHOM they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more. So it appears, based on context,that he was stressing the need to BE READY! I encourage you to read these chapters in their entirety,so that the Holy Scriptures can clear up any difficulty or misunderstandings(2Tim 3:16),and to get more details than this brief summary. It is just as vitally important that We too BE READY on the day of his coming(presence), for we and nobody knows when the day is except for God(Compare 2Thess 2:1-3). It would be helpful to look up various translations of the Bible on this scripture as well as the greek manuscripts for accuracy. May God Bless you in your efforts to learn His most precious truths found in his word the Bible, and may he find us all to be a"faithfull and sensible slave"(NASB) Sincerely, JIML |