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NASB | Matthew 24:27 "For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be. |
AMPLIFIED 2015 | Matthew 24:27 "For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming [in glory] of the Son of Man [everyone will see Him clearly]. |
Subject: Rapture - Bodies or souls disappear? |
Bible Note: Greetings back to you, Makarios. Thank you for your courteous response. I guess you can call me a post-tribber if you like, but, I prefer to call it a pre-wrath position. Neither do I believe that we should argue about when the rapture occurs, and I don't. In fact I have found that most pre-tribbers won't even talk to me about it. Thanks for including scripture references. I guess, with reference to 1. and 2. that I fail to see that the time of the "rapture" would have any bearing on the answer to those two. Number 3. I see no problem there. The "place" being prepared is obviously the New Jerusalem, which is seen, in Rev. 21, coming down out of heaven and "the dwelling of God is now with men, and He will live with them.." That is post-millenial and long after Christ's return. 4. The other verses dealing with God's wrath, well I certainly agree that God promises His own protection from His wrath to come. However, He does not promise protection from the tribulation, which is man's inhumanity to man. And I think that is where everything gets messed up by man, who naturally want's to think that when trouble starts, he's outta here. It doesn't matter what I THINK! I'm just a dummy, trying to understand what God's word says. It appears to me that the majority of evangelical, charismatic, and fundamentalist Christians have chosen to look at the tribulation and the Day of the Lord as being one and the same. I do not believe scripture supports that. The signs which Christ said, in Matt:24, would precede His coming are AFTER the tribulation. The same signs are mentioned in Rev.6 and in Joel 2 as being BEFORE the Day of the Lord's wrath. They are not the same thing. Therefore, He does not have to snatch us away before the tribulation in order to be true to His words about protection from His wrath. Finally, when I can find nothing to even hint about Christ coming before the tribulation(and I would love to believe that was true), and I can find that the resurrection mentioned in Rev.20 as being the "first", I cannot bring myself to believe that God forgot about one that happened seven years earlier. Blessing to you, also Ben |