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NASB | Proverbs 4:5 Acquire wisdom! Acquire understanding! Do not forget nor turn away from the words of my mouth. |
AMPLIFIED 2015 | Proverbs 4:5 "Get [skillful and godly] wisdom! Acquire understanding [actively seek spiritual discernment, mature comprehension, and logical interpretation]! Do not forget nor turn away from the words of my mouth. |
Subject: Not for Lazy People |
Bible Note: "Now the Word of God does not yield up its meaning to lazy people. Salvation is free; but 'Truth' has to be 'bought' (Proverbs 23:23); yet few indeed are willing to pay its stipulated price. Not only do the Scriptures have to be 'searched' (John 5:39), and searched 'daily' (Acts 17:11); not only does passage have to be carefully compared with passage (1 Corinthians 2:13); not only must all this be done in meekness (Psalm 25:9) and complete dependency upon God (Proverbs 3:6); but there must be a fervent crying 'after knowledge' and an importunate 'lifting up of the voice for understanding,' and seeking her 'as silver' (which entails hard labor and diligent perseverance), yea, a searching for her as for 'hid treasure' (Proverbs 2:1-5). "It is at the above point that so many have failed. The meaning of God’s Word cannot be ascertained as easily as can that of a newspaper article, nor can any enter into the 'mystery of the Gospel' (Ephesians 6:19) as readily as one may solve a problem in mathematics. If a person approaches Holy Writ with prejudice, his mind is closed against its teachings. If he regards any passage as plain and simple and is satisfied that he already understands it, he is not likely to cry unto God for or receive light from it. If he assumes that he is now in possession of practically all that the Bible teaches on a subject (contrary to 1 Corinthians 8:2), or blindly follows some man unto whom he credits the same thing, then God will take them wise in their own craftiness (1 Corinthians 3:19) and suffer them to remain in darkness." --A. W. Pink (1886-1952), from "The Satisfaction of Christ: Studies in the Atonement" |
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