Results 61 - 80 of 311
Results from: Answers On or After: Thu 12/31/70 Author: skccab Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
61 | whom did Cain took as wife? | Genesis | skccab | 210739 | ||
Shalom Erzily, Welcome to the Forum!! There is a Search box at the top to your right, just enter the words "cain's wife" and you'll get 6 pages of comments (with each one of those comments tacked onto a much longer thread that you might find interesting). The short answer is, NO, God did not create any nations prior to Adam and Eve, and Cain married one of his sisters. This type of intermarrying went on for a short while, while the world populated, and the gene pool was still quite good. :-) Cheri |
62 | Does the Lord set up our leaders. | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 210736 | ||
Charlotte, Somehow the chapter for Saul's anointing of kingship went missing!! It's chapter 10 verses 15-24 of 1 Samuel. Sorry about that. Cheri |
63 | Does the Lord set up our leaders. | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 210735 | ||
Shalom Charlotte, Yes, he does. In Ex., He set up Pharoah to make His glory, power, and name known (Exod. 9:16) He set up Nebuchadnezzar as well (forgive me, but I can't think of the passage). God choose Saul (1 Sam. 15-24 God choose David 1 Sam. 16:3-14 There may be more... :o) By the way, welcome to the forum. I hope you stay around and study the Word with us. Cheri |
64 | Weakness vs lies | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 210700 | ||
Shalom jillyanna, That is easy. When the wicked one begins whispering in your ear, you just shout out loud and clear what God has to say about you: 2Co 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is united with the Messiah, he is a new creation — the old has passed; look, what has come is fresh and new! 2Co 5:21 God made this sinless man be a sin offering on our behalf, so that in union with him we might fully share in God's righteousness." Gal 4:6 Now because you are sons, God has sent forth into our hearts the Spirit of his Son, the Spirit who cries out, "Abba!" (that is, "Dear Father!"). Gal 4:7 So you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, also an heir of God through Messiah. 1Co 6:20 for you were bought at a price. So use your bodies to glorify God. 1Co 6:11 Some of you used to do these things. But you have cleansed yourselves, you have been set apart for God, you have come to be counted righteous through the power of the Lord Yeshua(Jesus) the Messiah and the Spirit of our God. 1Co 3:16 Do you not know that you are a Dwelling Place of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? Col 1:27 To them God wanted to make known how great among the Gentiles is the glorious richness of this secret. And the secret is this: the Messiah is united with you people! In that rests your hope of glory! Col 2:10 And it is in union with him that you have been made full — he is the head of every rule and authority. Col 2:11 Also it was in union with him that you were circumcised with a circumcision not done by human hands, but accomplished by stripping away the old nature's control over the body. In this circumcision done by the Messiah, Col 2:12 you were buried along with him by being immersed; and in union with him, you were also raised up along with him by God's faithfulness that worked when he raised Yeshua from the dead. Col 2:13 You were dead because of your sins, that is, because of your "foreskin," your old nature. But God made you alive along with the Messiah by forgiving you all your sins. Eph 2:5 that, even when we were dead because of our acts of disobedience, he brought us to life along with the Messiah — it is by grace that you have been delivered. Eph 2:6 That is, God raised us up with the Messiah Yeshua and seated us with him in heaven, Eph 2:11 Therefore, remember your former state: you Gentiles by birth — called the Uncircumcised by those who, merely because of an operation on their flesh, are called the Circumcised — Eph 2:12 at that time had no Messiah. You were estranged from the national life of Isra'el. You were foreigners to the covenants embodying God's promise. You were in this world without hope and without God. Eph 2:13 But now, you who were once far off have been brought near through the shedding of the Messiah's blood. Eph 2:14 For he himself is our shalom — he has made us both one and has broken down the m'chitzah which divided us [my addition, m’chitzah means separation, and so is used of the Temple wall of partition that separated Jews and Gentiles] Eph 2:15 by destroying in his own body the enmity occasioned by the Torah, with its commands set forth in the form of ordinances. He did this in order to create in union with himself from the two groups a single new humanity and thus make shalom, Eph 4:30 Don't cause grief to God's Holy Spirit, for he has stamped you as his property until the day of final redemption. Mat 5:14 "You are light for the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. (Scriptures cited from CJB and The Scriptures 1998) Stand firm in the conviction of your true salvation Cheri |
65 | Christian principles | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 210688 | ||
Shalom Milena, And I will add to brother John's welcome, that once you've been here a VERY short while, you'll see that you probably use better English than we Americans do!! Welcome to SBF! Cheri |
66 | what is it to be an overcomer? | Revelation | skccab | 210495 | ||
Shalom docandlinda2, I'm going to give you my understanding of the word "overcomer," which is very simple. Faithful. To those who remain faithful to His calling, His statutes and commandments. Overcomers are those who weighed the cost of serving Him, who picked up their cross and obediently followed until they died (or who will be caught up with Him at a future date). Cheri |
67 | does he come with a vengeance | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 210467 | ||
Shalom Nickim, Could you be a bit more specific in what you're wanting to know? I'm not sure what you're wanting to know but if you're asking about the Day of the Lord, the answer is yes. Cheri |
68 | how many verses | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 210465 | ||
Shalom Nickim, Could you be a bit more specific in what you're wanting to know? Cheri |
69 | I need blessing | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 210457 | ||
Shalom Zoomzoom, What kind of blessings are you seeking? Breath is a blessing. Another day to bless is a blessing. Do you have food on your table, clothes on your back? Perhaps you're not getting the "Big" blessings because you fail to see the little needful things as blessing? For Bible books to read - you can see that Ruth had a really rough time before her blessing came. Job really had a rough time of it. What about Joseph in the last chapters of Genesis, if anyone had a bad time of it, he did. And then there was Moses, after dealing all those difficult people he didn't even get to enter into the promised land, only to look at it. Jeremiah also had a hard time - people wouldn't listen to him and tried to kill him numerous time. And Paul's life wasn't so wonderful to be wished for. But he considered himself most blessed (check out Acts and most any of his letters.) Cheri |
70 | # of Pharisee-made laws in Jesus' time | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 210421 | ||
Shalom Curious One, There are 613 civil/moral/religious/temple laws from Gen. to Deut. that comprise the "Law." Just about any statement that speaks of doing or not doing is considered a part of the "law." Now the oral law that Messiah was so against was conceived to help prevent anyone from trespassing the actual law, they were called "fences." I don't know how many of those there are, but to give you an idea: there are about 2 pages in the Bible on foods to eat/not eat - today in 2008 there are over 1000 pages written by renowned rabbis about those 2 bible pages - add-ons, if you will. :-) Hope this helps Cheri |
71 | WHO IS MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE AS THE PAU | NT general | skccab | 210393 | ||
Shalom Rajesh, Paul's Pharisaic teacher was Gamiliel, the grandson of Hilliel (I'm not sure of the spelling?). Cheri |
72 | betrayed by a friend | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 210188 | ||
Shalom Bless, This is more of a human nature problem than anything. First anger comes from your mind. Rise above it and control it. Second, if you are a Christian, then simply consider whatever someone stole from you as given to them in the name of the Lord, and that should take care of any thoughts of betrayal or theft. And then every time you think of it any other way, pray. You don't have to continue to be close friends with this person, but you do need to continue to pray for them. (If you are often around this person, you do need to be able to be civil toward them, also.) Lev. 19:18 and Mat. 5:43 cheri |
73 | Jesus preaching in Paradise? | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 210178 | ||
Evening JKM He may have been using Eph. 4:9-10. Next time you hear something that you question, ask the teacher for references, or if necessary, back-up references. If that person is truly called to teach, he/she will not be offended in the least by your request. Cheri |
74 | rev 20:4 questions | Revelation | skccab | 210071 | ||
Shalom alanj, Welcome to the forum. Please fill in your user profile so we can all get to know you. Many people (myself included) simply take the Bible as it says. To me it appears to be saying that these folks were martyred during the 7-year tribulation. Then they are raised to enter into the 1000-year millenial reign of our Lord. Others will probably answer your question with more concise information than I can. Have fun studying your Father's word. Cheri |
75 | Is Christmas wrong...... | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 210069 | ||
Shalom Hancock, This is just opinion: Christmas in and of itself is certainly not wrong. What is wrong is the Santa Claus lie, the opportunity to throw wild drunken parties, going into debt giving gifts to people you don't even like. Getting together on Dec. 25 with your loved ones (natural family and spiritual family), giving of small gifts is wonderful, as long as we remember it's all about the Lord, not the kids or anything else. Just my 2 cents :-) Cheri |
76 | Where a verse is in the Bible. | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 210064 | ||
duplicate question | ||||||
77 | Where a verse is in the Bible. | 2 Chronicles | skccab | 210062 | ||
Shalom JKM, Try 2 Chron. 7:14. Cheri |
78 | why israelites could not sacrifice | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 209997 | ||
Shalom Ianetp, Where were the Israelites at this time, book, chapter and verse please? Thank you Cheri |
79 | Does Paul mean the throat literally here | Rom 3:13 | skccab | 209996 | ||
Shalom Kristy, Since doing Bible study is fun, I'm not gonna steal that joy from you. I'll help you learn how to use this site. Look to your right to see "Bible Text." Below that and below "Translation" you'll see "Book Chapter / verse" just type in the verse you want to check out (rom 3:13) click go. On the next page you'll see the entire 3rd chapter, find the verse you want and left click the green I for information. You will get the NASB and Amplified versions of the verse, Translator's Notes, and the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries. This is a good start at finding out about verses. After that just google "John Gill Commentary" or "Matthew Henry Commentary" and then check out the verse. Have fun Cheri |
80 | Are Dots or dashes significant? | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 209878 | ||
Shalom DCSI I don't know about the English Bible, as far as I know there are no dots nor dashes. The Hebrew language has dots above and below the letter and dashes below the letter to tell the vowel sound, dots within the letter often change the letter to another letter, for example: the second letter with a dagesh is a "B" sound, without the dagesh it has a "V" sound. I love the Hebrew language, but I'm just a beginner at it. :-) Cheri |
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