Results 61 - 80 of 144
Results from: Answers On or After: Thu 12/31/70 Author: DAIRYLEADER5 Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
61 | How to exercize the gift of prophecy? | 1 Thess 5:21 | DAIRYLEADER5 | 96328 | ||
Prophecy is to convince unbelievers, Im not a prophet but I have prophcied three times and within a 14 day period each came to pass. One was a prophecy of my own death.Its easier to convince an unbeliever that the Bible is true when they can see something, Just like Thomas, who had to see Jesus alive before he believed. As far as how aggressive , its simple in turn and in order as Paul instructed. DL5 | ||||||
62 | connection? | Genesis | DAIRYLEADER5 | 96321 | ||
Biblesearcher, there is a special connection, look at vs.28, this is a reconstruction period for the earth.See what you think,.DL5 | ||||||
63 | Can't we practice asking good questions? | 2 Tim 2:23 | DAIRYLEADER5 | 96298 | ||
The phrase, I need no man teach me but the Holy Ghost , represents, true teachers who have been taught by the spirit by others who have been taught by the spirit.When we know not what to pray the Holy Ghost prayes for us,the prayer Jesus taught us is significant for our spiritual groth and acknowledgement of God the Father.I pray it often.Foolish and unlearned questions can be handled on a one on one basis, maby a lot of the time younger christians are trying to get to the meat of the word too quick and have yet to digest the milk first. Well see. I am an Ordained, preacher, teacher an evangelist,your response and all others I get are very helpful to establish a repore and to understand the need of each individual. Thanks DL5. | ||||||
64 | How do we learn? | 2 Tim 2:23 | DAIRYLEADER5 | 96182 | ||
Aixen7z4, The apostil Paul tells us in scripture that he came in demonstration and power, there is little done today in churchs. People have gotten to the point that they want a concertive service and nothing out of the ordinary to happen. The Bible tells us that, I need no man to teach me, except the Holy Ghost. Asking questions are nessary to the body to grow, first thing I suggest is to think about your questions before you ask, the spirit might give you the answer, 2nd, try looking it up for yourself first, use your index or reference material or search from the internet, if that doesnt help then by all means ask, someone will help. You may not like the answer but someone will help. You cant practice to pray ,that comes by the spirit, The Bible tells us that when we dont know how to pray the spirit utters groanings, for us that cannot be uttered, that not the exact quote but I believe that you get the Idea.I was told by a frend that if I came to this forum that a few here would try to twist my words around and muddle the truth, but Im still here trying to help those who would listen. Dont be afraid to ask questions just ask, I will answer as best as I can,and I believe that there are others here also who dont care to share their wisdom and knowledge that God has given them with others. but false doctrine will be met by the truth. Let every man be a lier and let God be true. With love in Jesus D.L.5 | ||||||
65 | book w bible quote as title -hitler | Bible general Archive 2 | DAIRYLEADER5 | 95866 | ||
There are two, the first is, The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche and the second is , the Quatrains by Nostradamus, not only did Hitler use these but the United States also used the same text to counter his asumptions.DL5 | ||||||
66 | Seven Church "ages"? Is it scriptural? | Revelation | DAIRYLEADER5 | 95844 | ||
Hi John R. First look at the seven churches, some are still in exesistance, some are not, 2nd.The warning at the end of revelations not to add or take away, Jesus would not have warned us to leave all in if the 7 churches mentioned didnot have significance for us. The scripture you ask about lines up this way, remember this is interpretation, the basis for the 7 church ages. 1. Ephesus,sower, Mt.13:3-9., 2. Smyrna, weat and tares,, Mt 13:24-30,36-43. 3. Pergamos, mustard seed, Mt 13:33-35., 4.Thyatira,leaven, Mt: 13:33-35., 5. Sardis, treasure hid, Mt. 13:44., 6. Philadelphia, pearl, Mt. 13:45-46., 7. Laodicea, dragnet, Mt.13:47-50., The parables in Mt.13 survey the church age in terms of Gods kingdom here on earth, which covers the first and second comming of Christ. The Cathlocs also have used the time line also.There are also time lines used from genesus to revelations not concerning the church but of a sort to indicate time in Gods eyes. Take time, look at what Ive given you and if I can help more let me know and I will do the best I can to help. In Jesus DL5 |
67 | A New Reformation? | Revelation | DAIRYLEADER5 | 95682 | ||
New Creature, I believe we are in the end days, look at Revelations Cpe.3:14If we look at all thats going on in the church today it fits well with the discription of Jesus account of the Laodicean church age, Remember the churches in revelations are not just litteral churches but church ages. The church will not go through any more reformations or changes for Jesus says here that they will become luke warm and thats what we have now, listen to the news and read the articles and you will find an , anything goes attitude with the church. This is my oppinion its fulfilling prophecy. DL5 | ||||||
68 | how do I know if God is speaking to me | John | DAIRYLEADER5 | 94892 | ||
John 14, ie spirit of truth, a spirit must answer the question, did Jesus come in the flesh.,Look up the spiritual gifts, especially the gift of decerning of spirits. DL5 | ||||||
69 | EXPLAIM CHAPTER 3 VERSE 5 | John | DAIRYLEADER5 | 94243 | ||
John 3:, is indicateing a reburth in spirit and being born again by the word of God, Cleansing by the water,IE word., Water babtism was not started by man but is a commandment of Jesus, look at Math.28:18-20.DL5 | ||||||
70 | what color was adam and eve? | OT general | DAIRYLEADER5 | 94101 | ||
I know of no indication in scripture, I only have speculation,If I had to say ,I believe that they would be as the Hebrew are, for they are Gods Chosen people. DL5. | ||||||
71 | what does it mean to walk in the spirit? | Proverbs | DAIRYLEADER5 | 94099 | ||
Proverbs states that If a man acknoledges God in all His ways, that God will direct His footpaths. To walk in the spirit is to allow the Holy Ghost to direct you in everything you do, the Bible also states that, whatever you do ,do it as unto the Lord.DL5 | ||||||
72 | In Mark 10:46-52: Did beggars under the | Mark | DAIRYLEADER5 | 94032 | ||
The only law that I know of for the handicap, was they were only allowed to use the cleanesing pools at night, by the tempil. To me this statement was to indicate that Bartimaeus left all he had to go to Jesus. DL5 | ||||||
73 | I'm getting differing opinions... | Matthew | DAIRYLEADER5 | 93364 | ||
Chusarcik, Math 12:40-42, Ec.11:3, Jesus didnt go to hell to preach repentance to wicked spirits,the Bible says, as a tree falls so shall it lay.Dont get confused on the reference to Noahs days. | ||||||
74 | 1 Peter doesn't sound like faithful dead | Matthew | DAIRYLEADER5 | 93363 | ||
Chusarcik, look at Prov.9;18, psal,86:13,9:17,88:3,89:48 and Gen 44:29, try to get a hold of the book ,Charting the End Times, by Tim LaHaye, it will help you understand again, the old test. Saints had to go throu the same door as we do, and thats why Jesus had to fulfill prophecy and go to the center of the earth to preach the gospell to the captives and set them free. | ||||||
75 | Thanks, what do you think about this? | Matthew | DAIRYLEADER5 | 93354 | ||
Hi, Chusarcik, In verse 20 peter was speeking of the disobedience of some saints which disobeyed God at different times, such as noah and moses and some of the prophets,remember what Jesus said, no man goes to the Father except throu the Son.... The old testiment saints had to go the same way we go and thats throu Jesus. God will not give a double standard, its throu Jesus or nothing. The reference to noah was an example of Gods patience with man.look at Gen 11;31 for saints disobedience of Teran and abram. I hope this helps. | ||||||
76 | It all comes down to the Word of faith | Rom 10:8 | DAIRYLEADER5 | 93279 | ||
The best way I can answer your question is with a question, Are we liveing in the last days? Didnt Jesus ask, Will there be faith on earth when I return?Our faith as Christians is waining because we as the Bible states ,are being caught up with lifes pressures. God tells us that he will shorten the days so that the very elect wont be decieved. I hope this helps. | ||||||
77 | blessing on marriage | Matthew | DAIRYLEADER5 | 93268 | ||
Tocurious;There is a lot of misunderstanding on marrage and divorce, and can I say a lot of hard feelings.Most people who dont know what it means to be hungry always turn their head the other way and have no understanding of the cause or reprocusions. For give the spelling, Im just and old country boy. Math.5:31-32, romans 7;1-6, this is law not grace., Rom 8;7, The carnal mind is not subject to the law of God and neither can be.The subject of divorce is clear in scripture, surcomstances which are between you and God are 1. were you an unbeliever and 2. was there adultry?I judge not for as the scripture says, seek out your own salvation with fear and trembling.People are too quick to judge by what they think they know, I didnt know what a sinner was untill I became one and was convicted in my heart, crude example but there it is.If you and God are settled with each other its fine with me.A man told me once, a long time ago,A man must be the Husband of one wife to be a decon, I said ok, so a nother man of the same church was not allowed to be a decon because his wife was married before.So what happened to the 1wife law.?This man had never been married before and was punished by wrong interpretation.So be careful of of wrong interpretation and be honest to God.Hey George, I read and some of this is in responce. | ||||||
78 | A FALSE TEACHING? Yes / No | Matt 8:5 | DAIRYLEADER5 | 93185 | ||
eph.4;7, 2nd cor.1;8,jude.1;20, 2nd th,1;3,1th,3;10, the Bible tells us that weve all been given a measure of faith and that not all men have faith.Jesus when Healing the blind , said, according to the faith that is within you.Math 9;29, so yes its according to your levil of faith. | ||||||
79 | adultrus marriage, a "marriage" in Gods | Matt 5:31 | DAIRYLEADER5 | 93182 | ||
Remember that God called Isreal an adultrious nation and cut them off because of idol worship. There are adultrious acts spiritual and fisical.Mark 12;17.Jesus fullfilled the law and never done away with it.Look closely at Mark cpt 10;9 and ask yourself what does it mean to me, not what someone else has told you, I teach Bible this way,Also Math.19-9.A lot of times when we were out in sin as an unbeliever we all made mistakes,we pay for them,God forgives us and then man reminds us all the days of our lives, where is the justice in that.As far as being fair game, Im not afraid. There are a lot of Christians that believe that all spiritual gifts stopped at 70 A.D.In 1999 I was pronounced dead of a massive heart attack, 27 minutes later after my wife laid hands on me I was alive again, so I continue to preach and teach without fear of man and his forms of religion.What God did for the early church He does for us today. We are the representives of Jesus Christ, we are called after his name,if we are Christians, and the word christian means Christ Like and we cant preform the things that Jesus and Paul said we could do then dont you think that the meaning of the word christian should be changed to a faxcimially or pale copy. Just a thought.If I continue to tell the truth I will only answer to God anyway. Ive died once what else could happen to me thats worse. Thanks for the support, sometimes I feel alone out there. God Bless. | ||||||
80 | What are the sins that lead to death? | 1 John 5:17 | DAIRYLEADER5 | 87706 | ||
Look at rom. cpt 1;28 thru 32. rev 22;15 | ||||||
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