Results 61 - 80 of 375
Results from: Answers On or After: Thu 12/31/70 Author: BMyers Ordered by Verse |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
61 | Missing the Manusripts | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 220748 | ||
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62 | Missing the Manusripts | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 220750 | ||
Well, it isn't missing in every version of the Bible. Some versions include the whole passage, others include the passage, but note that it may not belong there, other versions include it in the footnotes, and yes, some versions leave it out. What you are noticing is the difference in translation philosophy and which documents they are using to translate the Bible from. The simple answer, there is evidence to raise doubt that these verses may not belong. How the Bible translator deals with this issue determines how the passage appears in their translation. The actual translation history of the Bible is a very fascinating topic to me. It is also a very in depth topic and something that doesn't lend itself to be easily explained in a short post. Brad |
63 | names of Jehovah | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 220784 | ||
On the right side of the screen is the search box. I typed in name Jehovah and it showed several post with various names of Jehovah listed. Brad |
64 | omitted scripture ..BRAD K | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 220866 | ||
If you come looking for a fight for KJV Only, you have came to the wrong place. If you have come to discuss the difference in translations, you will find several post on this matter. KJV is a respected version, but even the KJV has gone through revisions. Most modern translations will tell you in the preface what documents they are translated from and many versions will also make a footnote when the is sufficient evidence that the passage could be different. Before saying one version of the Bible is the best, I would suggest picking up several books on Bible history, translation philosophy, and Biblical manuscripts. It is easy to sit around a parrot what one has read on other websites, but I challenge you to truly research the topic. It is fascinating to see how the Lord has preserved His Word throughout the years. I leave you with the final thought, how do you know your version of the Bible is right? I thank God for the many Godly men and women that he has used through the years to preserve His Word and hopefully through your own research you will be able to find this topic as interesting as I have. Brad |
65 | why 6 hurs on the cross | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 221076 | ||
Because he didn't want to hang for seven? I can't think of any scriptures that designate the six hours on the cross as anything significant beyond the obvious fact of what was accomplished by Christ through this act. Brad |
66 | Who were the 1st Jews (Judah's tribe ?) | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 221078 | ||
The actual term “Jew” was first used to describe the tribe of Judah in 2 kings 25:25, which is after the tribes had split. Yet, defining “Jew” also can mean “one whose religion is Judaism” (Webster). Judaism means “a religion developed among the ancient Hebrews and characterized by belief in one transcendent God who has revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew prophets and by a religious life in accordance with Scriptures and rabbinic traditions” (Webster). So, by this definition, the Levites could be considered Jews. Brad |
67 | Who did God use in the bible? | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 221144 | ||
I guess it depends on how you define "supercool", but I can think of several, Moses, Noah, Abraham, David, Elijah, Elisha, Mary, and Paul just to name a few. Brad |
68 | ? for Bible historians on translations | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 221541 | ||
If your character is devout Roman Catholic, she was most likely exposed to the Bible in Latin. If my memory serves my correctly, the Latin Vulgate was the only approved Bible at that time for Catholics (which most common people did not have a copy of). The Douay-Rheims Bible (which I believe came out in the 1600's) would have come into play at sometime during this period, but I don't know how quickly it circulated (plus quick today and quick back then is vastly different). One place you might seek answers is the Catholic Church. Send them an e-mail. I have asked questions before and the response has been friendly and informative. Brad |
69 | how did god spank children | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 221807 | ||
Right off the top of my head, I don't know of any phrase where God physically spanked a child in the manner that we would today. In the same token, if your are referring to the general principal of discipline, there are several examples, starting with Adam and Eve in the garden. Brad |
70 | At what age women took vows not to marry | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 221843 | ||
I don't believe that it is stated in the Bible (is there a verse you are thinking of?). This topic is more of a cultural topic which would require understanding the culture of the time. Based on my very limited knowledge of middle Eastern culture, I believe it was the parents who would make this decision and not the girl/young lady. Brad |
71 | prayer | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 221951 | ||
The practice for praying for the dead is based on the Catholic doctrine of purgatory. A quote from the Catholic encyclopedia: "We have said that there is no clear and explicit Scriptural text in favour of prayers for the dead, except the above text of II Machabees." Link to the full article: So as others have stated, there is not Scriptural evidence that we should pray for the dead. Brad |
72 | all lefthanded army men | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 222321 | ||
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73 | moses died how long after Jesus came | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 222624 | ||
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74 | how many years moses deid when Jesus cam | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 222626 | ||
It depends on which date you are using for the Exodus. There is about a 200 year difference between the two common Exodus dates which places them entering the Promise Land sometime in the 1,400 BC or sometime in 1,200 BC depending on the timeline you are using which depending on the timeline determines how many years between the death and the birth. Brad |
75 | moses died how long when Jesus was born | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 222628 | ||
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76 | how many times the bible say do not fear | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 222651 | ||
Instead of giving you the answer (which is over 50 times in the NASB, I will tell you how to get the answer. Go to the website Type in the phrase you want to find in the search box, put place the phrase in quotes, this way it has to match what you are looking for exactly. Then select the translation you want to search in, which I believe the default is the NIV. It will bring up a dozen or so verses for you, but at the bottom of the list there is a hyperlink to see more. Select that and then you can scroll through and see how many verses (I changed my page layout from 25 verses to 500 verses). Brad |
77 | fish tattoo | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 222705 | ||
If you use the search feature on the right hand side of this website, you will see the word "tattoo" only appears one time in the Bible Lev 19:28 'You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the LORD. The Ichthys (which has meaning also) has played an interesting part of church history and contains various meanings depending on who you ask. As far as the Bible, I don't remember anyone being tattooed with a fish although I have hooked myself a few times fishing if that counts. Brad |
78 | sins of the father | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 222708 | ||
First, I want to encourage you to find a local church that you can attend. This forum is an awesome tool, but it can’t replace the relationship you build in a church and having someone that you can talk to face-to-face and a minister you can seek Godly counsel from. I don’t by any means want to devalue this forum, it is a great tool and one that can help every believer and non-believer dig deeper into the Word, but in Hebrews 10:25 we are encouraged together with one another. You asked about generational sins, which the following information is taken from “The Bible mentions “generational curses” in several places (Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 5:9). It sounds unfair for God to punish children for the sins of their fathers. However, this is looking at it from an earthly perspective. God knows that the effects of sin are passed down from one generation to the next. When a father has a sinful lifestyle, his children are likely to have the same sinful lifestyle as well. That is why it is not unjust for God to punish sin to the third or fourth generation – because they are committing the same sins their ancestors did. But they are being punished for their own sins, not the sins of their ancestors. The Bible specifically tells us that God does not hold children accountable for the sins of their parents (Deuteronomy 24:16). There is a trend in the church today to try and blame every sin and problem on some sort of generational curse. This is not biblical. The cure for generational curses is salvation through Jesus Christ. When we become Christians, we are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). How can a child of God still be under God’s curse (Romans 8:1)? The cure, then, for a “generational curse” is faith in Christ and a life consecrated to Him (Romans 12:1-2).” Hopefully others will be able to expound on this topic further, but I would really encourage you to get into a local church that can provide you the support and help that we all need for a day-to-day walk with Christ. Brad |
79 | Translate Rev 5:10 accurately please | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 222746 | ||
I don't know Greek, but I can help (maybe) with your question. The problem doesn't lie with the Greek translation, but with which version was used. If you look at the modern translations (for this example I picked the NKJV) and the footnotes help explain the difference in the translations. 10 And have made us[d] kings[e] and priests to our God; And we[f] shall reign on the earth.” (NKJV) d.Revelation 5:10 NU-Text and M-Text read them. e.Revelation 5:10 NU-Text reads a kingdom. f.Revelation 5:10 NU-Text and M-Text read they. Additionally, if you refer to Rev 1:6, that will hopefully add additional clarity. Brad |
80 | ways there are to unite with a baptist c | Bible general Archive 4 | BMyers | 222794 | ||
I'm sure that his is Bible question, if I'm understanding it correctly, this is a denominational question, which would be best directed towards that denomination. Brad |
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