Results 41 - 60 of 4325
Results from: Notes Author: Hank Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
41 | God Punished New Orleans with Katrina | Bible general Archive 4 | Hank | 209358 | ||
Val :: In my post 209308 on this thread I endeavored to make the point that questions on events such as the Katrina-New Orleans hurricane disaster tend to lead to speculation. And they invariably do. You admit in your post to Brad that what you wrote on the issue was your opinion. And opinion and speculation are at least close cousins if not identical twins. What makes this a Bible study forum is the study of the Bible. Dishing out opinions on any issue -- be it why hurricanes hurt and often kill people or why some dogs bite and others only bark -- is not Bible study. The central question, it seems to me, should not be "What is my opinion on thus and so?" but rather "What does the word of God teach on thus and so?" Opinions may be fun to read and even more fun to write, but they don't teach us very much, do they? --Hank | ||||||
42 | God Punished New Orleans with Katrina | Bible general Archive 4 | Hank | 209357 | ||
jack5505 :: Who or what is the source of this material? A reminder to you, please: read the terms of use before posting to Study Bible Forum. --Hank | ||||||
43 | Where are the other churches | Rev 2:4 | Hank | 209108 | ||
Kcabml4 :: Gutenabend und Wellkommen, zum des Bibel-Forums studieren. It's good to have you, and we hope you will find this website a friendly place to engage in the study of God's word and to enjoy the fellowship of Christian men and women from near and far who gather here to learn more about God's Holy Word, the Bible. ...... Quite some time ago I spent an enjoyable year and a half in southern Germany, in the Stuttgart area, as a member of the U. S. Army. I studied German during my time in the country and became fairly fluent in it. I have fond memories still of Deutschland -- the energetic and hospitable people, the lovely mountains and peaceful valleys, the vibrant, bustling cities and quiet, charming villages, and the delicious food. --Hank | ||||||
44 | how did jesus teach disciples about | Matt 16:19 | Hank | 208913 | ||
Matt1078 :: Your personal profile begins with these statements: "Saved 1967. Born again 1972." Tell us what you mean by "saved" and "born again" if you please. Do you conceive of the two terms as being separate entities? To put it another way, what is the difference between being saved and being born again, or how is it possible to be saved WITHOUT being born again? What do the Scriptures teach? --Hank | ||||||
45 | sola scriptura | 2 Tim 3:16 | Hank | 208810 | ||
The Latin term _sola scriptura_, which means _by Scripture alone_ was one of the principal slogans of the Protestant Reformation. As frequent readers and contributors of Study Bible Forum know, we have adopted _sola scriptura_ as our principal slogan also. But how many of our readers and contributors have a working knowledge of the meaning and significance of the term? Here is a link to a fine article on _sola scriptura_ that perhaps all of us could read with profit. It is particularly recommended to those who recognize that they need to learn more about this important concept and to those who think they already know everything there is to know about it. :-) Here is the link: ....--Hank | ||||||
46 | What is the true meanign of proverbs 18: | Prov 17:17 | Hank | 208740 | ||
Tim :: Good buddy, you're confusing everybody! Being dually registered and using both accounts are disallowed, so please decide which one you intend to use, use it only, and retire the other. Otherwise, you could end up having both accounts revoked. I trust you appreciate the problem and will take the necessary steps to correct it. You may post as Tim3:16 or Timaeus, but not both. --Hank | ||||||
47 | Demons | Eph 6:11 | Hank | 208593 | ||
Dear peacebestill :: Thanks so much for giving us your personal profile, written with grace and felicity, and I urge all Forum registrants to read it. Grace to you as we all of us come together here to learn more about God, His precious Son, and His eternal word, the Holy Scriptures. Pray that we may unite for a common purpose, "to know Him more clearly, to love Him more dearly, and to follow Him more nearly." Those wonderful words were written centuries ago by Richard of Chichester and are no less true today than the day they were penned. ..... Soli Deo Gloria! Grace to you, and "Peace, be still" (Mark 4:39). "Be still, and know that I am God! (Psalm 46:10). "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee. Trust in the Lord forever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength" (Isaiah 26:3,4, KJV) --Hank | ||||||
48 | Demons | Eph 6:11 | Hank | 208584 | ||
Just a brief off-topic note, peacebestill, to extend to you a warm welcome to Study Bible Forum. If you would be so kind and feel so inclined, please fill in your personal profile. This would be of enormous help to the rest of us in getting to know you better. You can access this area by clicking on your user name in any of your posts. You might wish to peruse the profiles of a few of the regular users to get some idea of the content of the personal profiles. Again, welcome, and let us know if at any time you feel we can be of help. --Hank | ||||||
49 | What do we have as a conseqence of goda | Bible general Archive 4 | Hank | 208583 | ||
Hi, Brothers Steve and Jeff :: When thinking about God's incomparable grace and trying to describe it, amazing is an understatement, yes. It is a word that doesn't carry quite the oomph that it did back when the hymn "Amazing Grace" was written, the erosion accounted for partly because of overuse and misuse. To illustrate: Now and then I tune in on one of these drawn-out commericals -- called infomercials, I believe -- on cable TV. Just recently I viewed one of these on which the salesman was describing the glorious features of a food chopper of some sort. His constant claim was, "You'll be amazed." Now I can't possibly imagine myself being amazed by a plastic whopper-dopper chopper. And it wasn't just the chopper that was supposed to be amazing. The low price was also supposed to be amazing as well. So just how is the viewer supposed to think about this concept of amazing? Is he amazed by the grace of God on the one hand and equally amazed by the food chopper on the other? I cringe at the abuse that the English language has suffered in the last half century or so. ..... But I believe that the grace of God is truly amazing, in the best and highest sense of the word. Yet the word 'amazing,' like other words in our language, falls dismally short of the mark when it is applied to the mighty God and His attributes. Upon consulting my copy of Roget's Thesaurus, I found some 50 synonyms for 'amazing,' but found none that was truly adequate to describe or define the grace of God. Yet I am convinced that the regenerate believer knows in his heart what it is and what it has done in his life, even though he may fall short, as I do, of being able fully to express it adequately in words. I believe the grace of God is in a real sense akin to the "peace of God, which passeth all understanding" (cf Philippians 4:7). --Hank | ||||||
50 | What do we need to know about God | John 17:3 | Hank | 208495 | ||
jamison :: In your post # 208487 you asked Azure to "step outside the box of standard theology." Why did you do that? Is that where you live? It would appear so. Tell us then, how does the plan of salvation look from "outside the box"? What is the outside-the-box doctrine on soteriology? Which of the following statements best fits outside-the-box theology? ..... (1) Man is saved by his good works. ..... (2) Man is saved by faith in Christ plus his good works. (3) Man is saved by God's grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. What does out-of-the-box theology say? --Hank | ||||||
51 | Adam and Eve Perfect or Flawed | 1 Tim 2:11 | Hank | 208279 | ||
Sorry, John. The only partial quotations taken out of context that have become the norm on SBF are those from Scripture. :-) My absolute favorites are the bungled quotations, as, for example, these words from the well-known Christmas carol, "while shepherds washed their socks by night..." --Hank | ||||||
52 | Adam and Eve Perfect or Flawed | 1 Tim 2:11 | Hank | 208267 | ||
Dear John :: It surprises me that anthing I've said on these pages over the years would be considered quotable. But to your question of whether I'd mind your quoting my words to others, the answer is no, sir, I have no objection. Grace to you, John. --Hank | ||||||
53 | Adam and Eve Perfect or Flawed | 1 Tim 2:11 | Hank | 208245 | ||
Immanuelsown: Looking over the battery of questions you've posed to Humbled, I don't see how they can be answered without delving into speculation. Do you? I lay no claim whatever to any expertise on matters involving High Theology or anything of the kind, so I'm fairly well limited when it comes to trying to connect the dots. And that is good! It forces me to attempt to speak only where the Bible speaks and to keep my mouth shut where the Bible is silent. I have enough trouble learning and digesting what the Bible clearly reveals, and so it leaves me no time to speculate and ruminate on the those things which our loving and all-wise Father chose not to elaborate. God's eternal and unchanging word will be around long after I'm gone. Few indeed are they who care about my opinions now and fewer still will remember them after I've gone. So my candid view about questions such as you've asked is this: If God did not choose to reveal these details, is it our business to worry very much about them? I really don't believe that God expects us to fill in the blanks ourselves nor needs man to take over where He left off, do you? I'd feel more comfortable about this thread if it were dropped here and now, without further ado. ..... Just how important is it to know about things such as Eve's "motivation" and how much time elapsed between the time God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat the forbidden fruit and the time Eve was tempted? The narrative of Adam and Eve has endured and imparted the message it was intented to impart for centuries as it is, without being gussied up with all these minute frills and details. Let's be content to learn from it all that it clearly reveals without tarnishing the sacred record by adding our worthless speculation and groundless guesses. --Hank | ||||||
54 | love as opposed to false humility | Luke 16:1 | Hank | 208243 | ||
s-o-g :: Sir, I'm confused. Who, pray tell me, are you addressing? --Hank | ||||||
55 | Will suicide condem my soul to hell? | Ex 20:13 | Hank | 208121 | ||
s-o-g :: No one on this Forum is a firmer advocate of context, context, context than I, so lay off your implication that I take Bible verses out of context and serve them up "willy nilly" fashion to prove a theory! You say John 10:10 blows my theory out of the water. It didn't blow anything I said in my post out of the water. I advanced no theory but merely cited the passages in the New Testament that define what is commonly known as the unpardonable sin, and pointed out that these passages are not about suicide. I really have no idea of what you're trying to prove by what you have said in your response. and I frankly wonder whether anyone else does, or even you do. So why don't you take a dose of your own medicine and stop yanking verses out of context in an effort to shore up an untenable preconceived notion that is foreign to any biblical definition or orthodox interpretation of the unpardonable sin. --Hank | ||||||
56 | Will suicide condem my soul to hell? | Ex 20:13 | Hank | 208110 | ||
Dear s-o-g :: The scriptural account and description of the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit -- the "Unpardonable Sin" -- is given in Matthew 12:22-37 and Mark 3:22-30. ..... There is not in the scriptural account of this sin even the remotest suggestion that it is suicide or has any connection whatever with suicide. To equate suicide with the unpardonable sin is bad, enormously bad, interpretation of these passages in Matthew and Luke. Try this link: --Hank | ||||||
57 | is it ok to lie in certain cases | Col 3:9 | Hank | 207976 | ||
bowler :: I know the hour is late and perhaps I nodded off for a moment, but in reading your post, I was taken back in my reverie to the time years ago when I read Erskine Caldwell's novel, "God's Little Acre." Written in the 1930s, it is the story of a Georgia dirt farmer named Ty Ty Walden and his family. They lived off the land. In good years they got by but in bad years they suffered enormously. It was during one of the bad years when a severe drought threatened to wipe out all of Ty Ty's crops that he went alone out into the middle of his sun-scorched fields and, in his own clumsy way, began to pray. As I recall the prayer, it went something like this: "Now God, you know we need rain and we need it bad. I've been patient with you but I'm here to tell you my patience is running out. We need rain today, but I'm willing to give you until tomorrow to do something, and if you don't, well, I'm going to have to take matters into my own hands. Amen." ...... When you said in your post about one being placed in a situation in which there were no good options and no time left to wait it out to see whether God would deliver -- this was so close to Ty Ty's prayer in the parched field that it evoked a virtual deja vu in my mind. ..... But neither Ty Ty's prayer nor your post said much about the providence of God. And were you unable to find anything in Scripture that would corroborate some of your statements, especially those in the second paragraph of your post? --Hank | ||||||
58 | is it ok to lie in certain cases | Col 3:9 | Hank | 207972 | ||
Hi, Cheri :: You stated, "Lying is always wrong, BUT..." and then you listed what you believe to be an exception. Let's carry this reasoning process a little further by extending it into other areas and applying it to other sins. Can we hold that homosexuality is wrong, BUT... it's O.K.for those who claim to have a defective gene and thus can't help being "the way God made me" as many homosexuals assert? Can we denounce stealing BUT justify it for those who say they cannot keep from stealing any more than the homosexual can keep from practicing homosexuality? Can we denounce murder as sinful BUT justify abortion on demand? Can we denounce adultery BUT justify the adulterer on the grounds of having an over-active libido or having a spouse who just doesn't understand the adulterer's emotional and sexual needs? The litany could go on, of course, because for every one of God's commandments man has invented a ton of ways to justify his disobedience of each of them. ...... In none of the Ten Commandments will we find the word "except." We never read "Thou shalt not steal, except..." or "Thou shalt not bear false witness, except..." Once we begin to look for loop holes, once we start trying to chip away at God's commands and look for ways to justify our sins, we may as well throw out the whole thing and stop pretending. We may get pretty good at deceiving others and downright excellent at deceiving ourselves, but we never get to first base in our efforts to deceive God. ...... This is not posted as a springboard to debate (I don't engage in or promote Forum debates), nor is it intended to be a personal attack on anyone. Not at all. It's something that I feel deeply about, however. And that something is that it is so very dangerous to allow ourselves even to think of ways to append to God's straight and clear commands that little word BUT... That can get us in a peck of trouble! Let us not look for ways out of, but for ways into, God's truth. "Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wonderous things out of thy law" (Psalm 119:18, KJV). --Hank | ||||||
59 | Clarification needed, Justme | Bible general Archive 4 | Hank | 207854 | ||
Justme :: Don't crawl in a hole, brother! If I crawled in a hole every time I made a mistake, I'd spend as much time underground as a mole. --Hank | ||||||
60 | Clarification needed, Justme | Bible general Archive 4 | Hank | 207805 | ||
Hi again, Justme :: May I please offer a small correction of what obviously was a typo but which changes the meaning considerably? You wrote, "As Hank has so kindly reminded me that politics is a subject now allowed on SBF..." The word "now" properly should be "not." Isn't it remarkable how much difference a single word, yea, even a letter, can make? Or a comma. For example, "No tears will be in heaven." Insert a comma after no and you get "No, tears will be in heaven." Careful attention to detail, by the way, makes for a good argument in favor of an accurate, literal, word-for-word translation of God's word over a loose paraphrase. Now I must proofread with utmost care this little essay on attention to detail. How embarrassing it would be to make this post only to have someone point to a glaring mistake in it! Grace to you, Justme. --Hank | ||||||
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