Results 121 - 140 of 42010
Results from: Answered Bible Questions On or After: Wed 02/16/00 Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
121 | SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH | Gen 29:31 | FytRobert | 242645 | ||
122 | Joshua tree | OT general | Tdenh96 | 242639 | ||
People always say *Joshua trees grow at the gates of heaven, and the gates of hell.* where does it say that in the bible, or does it? | ||||||
123 | 1John 3:1 we must love in deed and truth | OT general | Tdenh96 | 242636 | ||
I always hear the saying *the bible says that Joshua Trees only grown in two places on earth, the gates of Heaven, and the gates of hell* as we all know joshua trees grow in Jerusalem, as well as palm Springs, California (29 palms) so people think that the Marine Corps base guards the gates of hell.. so I ask, where in the bible does it day the *astriced facts*. Or does it at all | ||||||
124 | rachel was already dead how could she bo | Gen 37:10 | elliebar | 242633 | ||
Jacob says to joseph should your mother and I bow down to you. Rachel was already dead | ||||||
125 | did god change with time | Gen 1:1 | big t | 242628 | ||
do'es god change with time I know sin is sin but I mean do'es god overlook more today than in years past | ||||||
126 | is eating on graves a sin ? | Bible general | poteet39 | 242624 | ||
wht dos god say about people eating on graves? | ||||||
127 | SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH | Gen 29:31 | FytRobert | 242621 | ||
128 | Genbesis chpter 11 verse 1 why do evolu | Gen 11:1 | Rharris | 242610 | ||
Genesis Chapter 11 verse 1 why do evolutionists reject this verse? | ||||||
129 | where is suicide in Bible | Bible general | donut | 242612 | ||
what does the Bible say about suicide and where are the scriptures | ||||||
130 | Cain feared who would kill him? | Gen 4:13 | jem2837 | 242602 | ||
In Genesis 4:13-15, Cain is speaking with God about his punishment for killing his brother Abel. He say's that his punishment is to great for him to bear and so forth. Cain's concern becomes what will happen to him if God banishes him. He goes on to express concern about becoming a vagabond on the earth. He worries about his demise if someone else finds him and wants to slay him. He is one of the sons of Adam and Eve, the first two breathed into and or created of God and placed in the Garden of Eden. Who was Cain afraid of being killed by? Was he not one of the sons born of Adam and Eve, the first humans God created? |
131 | Are we outside time when we die | Revelation | Jkitchens7 | 242596 | ||
In our bible study we are in the last 2 chapters of Revelation. I think we are outside time and space and in more than 3 dimensions. Others vehemently disagree are we outside time? | ||||||
132 | Is there chronolgical time in heaven | Bible general Archive 3 | Jkitchens7 | 242588 | ||
Is God bound by time and is time observed in heaven |
133 | who was the first father | Gen 1:1 | philipannyathenia | 242586 | ||
who was the first father | ||||||
134 | What is the covenant of salt in 2 Chron | Num 18:19 | Al Takahashi | 242576 | ||
In 2 Chronicles 13 vs 5 .What is meant by the covenant of the salt? | ||||||
135 | What would you do? | 2 Pet 2:13 | justme | 242567 | ||
In recent days we have witnessed an elected State Official refuse to obey a Supreme Court order. That High Court decision violated what the elected officials Christian belief in what the Bible says to them. this causes me to question what I would be willing to say "no that is against what the Bible says". I question at place and time will Churches in the United States have to defend what the Bible says against those who are anti-Christian, anti-church anti-Bible, anti-religion, anti-God? I believe as Christians we are facing a time of oppression at the least. The book FOXE'S BOOK OF MARTYRS is a book worthy of every Christian to peruse over once in a while. In FOXE'S BOOK OF MARTYRS many actual events of Christian's suffering for their faith are recorded for our encouragement to stay faithful. I feel that even today many are suffering for their steadfastness faith in the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Here is my question. If the United States government took away our religious freedom of speech, and worship, limiting what your Pastor can preach (example Romans 1) like what has happened in most countries in Europe and in Canada; what is your Biblically based belief, and thinking on what you should do? Please use Bible verses to base your answer. justme |
136 | Almost understanding? | James 1:22 | rikbrooks | 242557 | ||
Tim, PLEASE bear with me on this. I may be on the verge of understanding. Are you saying that the works is not what saves us but works are just the result of being saved? Rik the Seeker |
137 | the Father sees us as the His Son-- vers | NT general | Mick R | 242551 | ||
Quite often a person trying to provide solace for someone who's lost a parent or child will say, "You now have an angel/your angel looking over you" Scripture says we take on the "Body of Christ" and the Father sees us as the His Son-- I'm looking for that Bible verse and I'm stumped... Can you help? |
138 | What are Christ's commandments | James 1:22 | rikbrooks | 242547 | ||
I'm not trying to get around anything. I grew up a Southern Baptist and I can remember in great precision a sermon during a revival where the visiting pastor said: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life... not whosoever believeth in Him AND not smoke AND not cuss AND go to church every time the doors open AND AND AND" I am not trying to 'get out of' anything but I'm honestly trying hard to understand what seems a contradiction. Am I the only one that feels this way? If so, what does everyone else understand that I don't? I pray every single day for guidance on this since the questions came up. I'm ready for something that I can understand. On the other hand I'm also ready to be patient and get my personal revelation later if need be. Maybe something y'all said will help me understand some day in the near or distant future. Maybe it will be a seed that will sprout. I'm reading every answer prayerfully. It may be impossible to get around John 14:15 but John 3:16 is kind of hard to get around too. And about John 14:15... excuse my ignorance, as I say I'm just getting back into the Bible but what commandments are Jesus'? I saw only one, Love thy neighbor as yourself. Rik the Seeker |
139 | 1689 Confession 1st or second? | NT general | justme | 242540 | ||
I have heard and read some mention about "THE LONDON BAPTIST CONFESSION OF FAITH" of 1689. When I looked it up, there is a second confession of the 1689 as well. I looked for a complete Confession to print from the web site. However what I found was a huge number of sections. Is there a place that has the confession where it can be printed? Is there a short summary version of the Confession? Thanks, justme |
140 | Grace vs Works? | James 1:22 | rikbrooks | 242533 | ||
Please excuse my ignorance but I'm just returning to the faith after many years. Today I read this verse about the difference in hearing and doing. “You must do what it says (the Bible). Otherwise you are only fooling yourselves” Really? What about God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God – Ephesians 2:8 We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus – Acts 15:11 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are justified by his grace as a gift. Romans 3:23-24 For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life John 3:16 It didn’t say that whoever believes in him and does good works and do what the Bible says and control your tongue then you will be saved. Yet James 1:26 says that if you don’t control your tongue then your religion is worthless. I’m severely confused. |
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