Results 121 - 132 of 132
Results from: Answered Bible Questions, Answers, Unanswered Bible Questions, Notes Author: Tim Sheasby Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
121 | Do you have to be baptized to be saved? | Rom 6:3 | Tim Sheasby | 22290 | ||
I agree that water does not save -- it is the Blood of Christ. But, and this is a big But, it is only in BAPTISM that you can come into contact with the cleansing blood of Jesus. You have to be baptised into his death. I believe you are saved by baptism, but it is not the water that saves. It is the submissive obedience to the command of Christ (Mark 16:16) | ||||||
122 | Do you have to be baptized to be saved? | Rom 6:3 | Tim Sheasby | 22289 | ||
Of course it is not the removal of dirt -- it is not a bath -- but it is still an immersion in water. Again, look at the custom and usage of the time where everyone knew that baptism was immersion in water. | ||||||
123 | Is this | Rom 6:3 | Tim Sheasby | 22288 | ||
When interpreting scripture we have to look at the usage of the word in the context of its day. When Jesus and His disciples spoke of baptism they understood this to be immersion in WATER. There is no evidence that this was ever anything else. In addition baptism is not something you do but something you allow to be done to you. You baptise others or are baptised by someone else. Jesus told his disciples to BAPTISE those to whom they taught the gospel. How could they do this with the Spirit? Clearly, however, this can and was done with water. Tim |
124 | When will the rapture occur???? | 1 Cor 15:52 | Tim Sheasby | 22285 | ||
No offence taken. However, can you defend your viewpoint biblically? Opinion is not enough when we are dealing with the word of God -- only a sincere love for the truth (2 Thess 2:10). I have had to change my thinking on many things as I have studied deeper into God's word. Sometimes even to the point of disagreeing with doctrines I have believed for 35 years as a Christian. Still If you can show me, from Scripture, that I am wrong then I will change my view. In Christian Love Tim |
125 | why is baptism important | 2 Cor 5:17 | Tim Sheasby | 22284 | ||
NO! The baptism of water and the baptism of spirit are the SAME baptism. (See John 3:5). Where in the Bible does it say that water baptism is an outward symbol of an inner reality? NOWHERE! Romans 6:3 again -- you are Baptized into Christ. Ephesians 4:5 -- there is only ONE baptism. Spiritual rebirth ONLY takes place at the physical immersion (Baptism) in water. Tim |
126 | is baptism important | John 3:5 | Tim Sheasby | 22278 | ||
Point taken. The one Baptism I referred to earlier is the Christian baptism. The Greek word for baptize, for others reading this discussion, simply means dip or immerse. I believe the reason the King James translators simply transliterated and anglacised the word was because USAGE had changed from the original practice of immersion to that of sprinkling or pouring. If they had translated it as they should have there would not be so much confusion today about the need for baptism by immersion. |
127 | Prosperity/Stewardship? | Matt 25:29 | Tim Sheasby | 22201 | ||
This is clearly a Stewardship issue to me. Remember it was not their own money they had, but their masters. The good stewards used the money FOR THEIR MASTER and were rewarded with more money. Why? Because the master knew they would use this money to generate more FOR THE MASTER. If, as Christians, we are blessed with the ability to make money this ability is good stewardship only if we return this wealth to the Master who gave it to us in the first place. | ||||||
128 | When will the rapture occur???? | 1 Cor 15:52 | Tim Sheasby | 22199 | ||
Rapture is a man made term and is based on misunderstanding of Matthew 24 (The so-called signs of the times). If you read the passage that this discussion is based on you will see that this is talking about the final end of creation. I am sorry to disillusion you but the tribulation took place nearly 2000 years ago already. A careful study of Matthew 24 along with historic writings of the time will show how the destruction of the Jewish temple preceded a time of terrible tribulation as has never been seen since. That marked the final end of the Jewish people as the chosen ones of God. The signs of the times mentioned in that passage also have been misunderstood. It says that people will SAY the end is near because these things are happening. We know though that Jesus said that NO ONE knows the time except God so how can we presume to be able to work it out? | ||||||
129 | is baptism important | John 3:5 | Tim Sheasby | 22197 | ||
Ephesians 4:5 says that there is ONE baptism. I believe the Bible implicitly. I believe there is only ONE baptism that we need in order to be saved and that is the one Jesus commanded (Mark 16:16 et. al). This is an immersion in water. As this passage shows the birth in water and the birth in spirit are simultaneous events (Check the Greek grammar if you don't believe me). | ||||||
130 | why is baptism important | 2 Cor 5:17 | Tim Sheasby | 22193 | ||
Another point: Romans 6:1 following shows that it is only by sharing in the death of Christ that we can share in His resurrection. And we die with Christ when we are baptized. Why are there so many "Christians" who cannot accept that they must be baptized to be saved? Satan has done a wonderful job of confusing us when we read the word of our God. |
131 | why is baptism important | 2 Cor 5:17 | Tim Sheasby | 22192 | ||
You are only a new creature when you are "in Christ". What we have to determine then is "How do I get into Christ?" Gal 3:27 says "For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." (NASB) This shows that you must be baptized into Christ -- Can't find any other way to get into Him and therefore to become a new Creation. | ||||||
132 | Does Not Mean Baptism | John 3:5 | Tim Sheasby | 22191 | ||
The Greek grammar in this passage cannot be talking about physical birth and spiritual birth as two separate events. The grammar here clearly indicates that the birth of water and the birth of Spirit are simultaneous. It is taking it out of its original linguistic context to try to make this refer to 2 separate events. Besides if Jesus is talking to people who have already been born physically (Duh!) then why should he tell them this requirement for salvation? | ||||||
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