Results 121 - 140 of 2277
Results from: Answers On or After: Thu 12/31/70 Author: Hank Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
121 | Paul remembered what 3 things inThes.1-2 | 1 Thessalonians | Hank | 194770 | ||
Dear lizliz1296 - We try to be helpful whenever we can and respond to questions as well as we know how. But liz, wouldn't it be better if you got a pencil and paper and a copy of the Bible and sat down and read 1 Thessalonians 1 and 2 for yourself, jotting down Paul's rembrances as you studied the passage? Your question sounds much like a typical "textbook" question, an assignment in a Bible course perhaps. Is it? If it is, you will profit much more by digging out the answer for yourself (it is not hard to find) instead of copying an answer that some of us on Bible Study Forum might give you. If I am way off base and this is not a homework assignment, and if you are unable to find the answer in the text, let us know and we'll be happy to help you. But first, please see what you can do on your own. May God bless your efforts as you study His word. --Hank | ||||||
122 | difference in Lord and LORD | Bible general Archive 4 | Hank | 194768 | ||
fudge :: The format that the King James followed was to put LORD in all caps when it referred to the covenant name of God in the Old Testament and in the New Testament when an OT passage was quoted. Lord is commonly used in reference to Jesus. Many modern translations follow a format similar to that used by the King James translators. --Hank | ||||||
123 | What are the 6 major events in Genesis? | Genesis | Hank | 194761 | ||
sddethdan :: But how did you know there are six? --Hank | ||||||
124 | Bye | Bible general Archive 4 | Hank | 194745 | ||
Dear Cheri :: It is disturbing to learn of any experience on Study Bible Forum that saddens the heart of its registrants. Other responders, among them Azure and Tim, have expressed their thoughts quite candidly and quite well, and it seems to me that both of them have made a valid point when they point out that just because your question-request was not responded to doesn't necessarily mean that no one read it or that no one acted upon it, but that it was left untouched, thus keeping it foremost on the home page, so that other readers would be afforded the opportunity to see it. ...... Regarding your point about the Forum's absorption in trivialities, I believe it has merit and should be taken to heart by us all who post on SBF, newcomers and veterans alike. It is easy and tempting, but always unwise, to allow ourselves to veer off course and become absorbed in things that are really quite trivial and contribute nothing of value to the readers of this Forum -- things like engaging in petty spats, quarrels and debates, disagreeing over things that really don't matter all that much, or simply indulging in idle chit-chat. We have clear guidelines that have been laid down by the Lockman Foundation. It behooves each of us to do his utmost to folow them. Thanks, Cheri, for expressing your concerns. Whether you choose to remain or go away is, of course, your decision to make, not ours. But I do hope that you will pray about it fervently and proceed accordingly. May God continue His blessings upon you, your daughter and your extended family. --Hank | ||||||
125 | Chronological bible? | NT general | Hank | 194555 | ||
Michael :: According to information published in John MacArthur's Study Bible, Paul wrote Ephesians while a prisoner in Rome sometime between A.D. 60 and 62. He wrote Titus between A. D. 62 and 64 from either Corinth or Nicopolis. --Hank | ||||||
126 | heaven(s)? | Gen 1:1 | Hank | 194550 | ||
Hello, Candy7777 :: Thanks for your very first post to Study Bible Forum and we bid you welcome. The word in Genesis 1:1 that is translated "heavens" is the Hebrew "shamayim (Strong's 8064). It can mean heaven, heavens, highest heavens, sky, horizon, etc. depending on context. Gen. 1:14 speaks of the expanse of the heavens (shamayim) and this same Hebrew word in Gen. 1:26 is translated "sky." ...... Gen. 1:16 speaks of God making the two great lights (sun and moon) and the stars and (1:17) placing them in the heavens (again, the same word, shamayim, appears in the Hebrew manuscript. ...... Thus incorporated in the Gen. 1:1 phrase, "the heavens and the earth" is a summary statement of all of God's creation, i.e., the entire universe, all things. "Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb, 'I, the Lord, am the maker of all things, stretching out the heavens by Myself and spreading out the earth all alone'" (Isaiah 44:24). What a marvelous passage from Isaiah this is, a perfect complement to the majestic Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." ..... If foolish man would only believe these magnificent statements from God's word, he would have no trouble believing the rest of Scripturre nor would he waste his precious time toying around with vacuous and flimsy theories such as evolution. --Hank | ||||||
127 | getting in to the old testament | Ruth | Hank | 194537 | ||
janice :: Thanks for your question; it always warms my heart to hear from people like you who hunger and thirst for God's word. Val mentioned the books of Ruth and Esther, excellent choices both. Genesis is foundational to all Scripture, so I'd recommend begining with it. Exodus is Genesis' sequel and would be a nice choice to read next. The book of Job, one of the supremely finest pieces of writing in all literature, is a good early choice also. You might want to read a Psalm or two every day along with your other Old Testament readings. The books of Samuel and of Kings are fairly easy to get into and will give you much information. Round out your reading with the major and minor prophets and the other books you missed in your initial survey. Every serious Bible scholar I've be exposed to stresses the importance of prayer in connection with Bible study. The prayer of us all ought to be, "Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law" (Psalm 119:18) ...... Many people who start out -- usually on January 1 -- with the honest intention of reading the entire Old Testament do so by attempting to read straight through in order, beginning with Genesis. But, alas, so many of them get bogged down along about midway of Leviticus and there goes their New Year's resolution! Another peril that I've found unproductive is to determine to read a given number of chapters every day. I much prefer to measure my Bible reading in blocks of time, not chapters, and here's why: Some chapters demand of the reader much more than do others. If, for example, one decides he can devote an hour on any given day to reading and studying the Bible, he may find it necessary to devote the full hour to one chapter -- or even a lesser portion -- of Scripture. The object is not to skim through as many chapters as possible but to absorb as much of God's truth as possible within the time frame available. ...... So bon voyage, Janice, as you begin your sacred journey through the blessed word of God. Your rich rewards, I'm convinced, will be nothing short of amazing. --Hank | ||||||
128 | Your User Profile | Bible general Archive 4 | Hank | 194528 | ||
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129 | Would Jesus be considered a prophet? | Eph 4:11 | Hank | 194461 | ||
miller521 :: The Jews expected both a prophet and the Messiah, two separate and distinct persons. See John 1:20,21 and John 7:40,41. In Acts 3:22 Peter quotes from Deuteronomy 18:15,18, to wit: "For Moses truly said to the fathers, 'The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your brethren. Him you shall hear in all things, whatever He says to you. And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that Prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people'" (Acts 3:22,23). ...... The application of this prophecy was to Joshua, immediate successor to Moses. Peter applied it to Christ also, giving it a double, futuristic application. When Moses said, "The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me" he did not mean likeness as to physcial traits, character or ability, but likeness in the sense of being raised up by God. He is saying that God will raise Him up as He raised me up. The point that Peter is making in Acts 3:22,23 is that the Jewish expectations of a prophet and the Messiah are both of them fulfilled in the one Person, Jesus Christ. ...... Prophet, therefore, is one of the titles of Christ that Scripture uses along with about a score of others. --Hank | ||||||
130 | Ephesians 2:1-3 | Ephesians | Hank | 194305 | ||
jmar :: Good day to you. New users are a welcome sight on Study Bible Forum. So are good questions such as those you've presented. However, your questions do appear as though they could be "textbook" questions from a Bible study assignement. Are they? If they are, we urge you to dig these out yourself to the best of your ability, for that is the only real way to learn. If they are not, so inform us, and some of us will do our best to answer your questions. Please respond at your earliest convenience. Have a good day. --Hank | ||||||
131 | why did job take all that | Job | Hank | 194262 | ||
churchboy :: Thanks for you question. We'd feel more comfortable in the attempt to supply an answer if you could be a little more specific in your question. Would you do that, please? Welcome to SBF. --Hank | ||||||
132 | in prison how did paul received new? | Bible general Archive 4 | Hank | 194256 | ||
ASMITH :: Tell us, please, are you the same person who registered today with the user screen name of tiffy312? If you are, an explanation is in order. --Hank | ||||||
133 | Should the church promte make up? | 1 Tim 2:9 | Hank | 194206 | ||
Felicitous salutations on this Lord's Day, John D. :: "Looking beautiful for God" by the use of make-up is clearly a new wrinkle (pun intended) in my sphere of experience! The thought that immediately came to mind upon reading your account of the emergence of this fad in your town (let's pray it's only local!), is that this practice is by no means in accord with 1 Samuel 16:7 (ESV): "But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart'" Nor is this silly fad in harmony with the passage you referred us to, i.e., 1 Timothy 2:9. The judicious use by a woman of various "beauty aids" is of itself not condemned by any Scripture that I know of, but the presumptuous use in order to "look beautiful for God" is pure flapdoodle, and handing out free make-up packs in church is far too ludicrous to deserve serious comment! --Hank | ||||||
134 | 7 old test. prophecies fulfilled | Bible general Archive 3 | Hank | 194139 | ||
LoriLu - This question sounds very much like it may be a homework assignment. Is it? If it is, please keep digging. If it isn't, we'll be happy to answer it for you. --Hank | ||||||
135 | How Old was John? | NT general Archive 1 | Hank | 194137 | ||
mae68 - Your question concerns the apostle John's age when he wrote the three epistles bearing his name, as you made have clear in a subsequent post. The precise age of the apostle at the time of writing is unknown, although strong and early testimony of the church ascribes John as the author, and the date of writing circa 85-90 A.D. Consistent church tradition identifies John in his advanced age as living and writing in Ephesus in Asia Minor. Internal evidence in the three epistles supports the advanced age tradition, for he refers to his readers as "little children" and to himself as "The Elder." So it's fairly certain that John was no spring chicken when he wrote the epistles. --Hank | ||||||
136 | What does this relate to? | Gen 3:15 | Hank | 194135 | ||
Resplendent - Welcome! and thanks for your first post. .... This verse, Genesis 3:15, has long been recognized as the first messianic prophecy of the Bible. In looking over the various resources on this verse that are in my library, I favor John MacArthur's because I believe he does a fine job of exposition of this verse, clear without being hyper-technical, and I can do no better than reproduce here what Dr. MacArthur wrote as a footnote to Genesis 3:15. ..... "After cursing the physical serpent, God turned to the spiritual serpent, the lying seducer, Satan, and cursed him. This 'first gospel' is prophetic of the struggle and its outcome between 'your seed' (Satan and unbelievers, who are called the Devil's children in John 8:44) and her seed (Christ, a descendent of Eve, and those in Him), which began in the garden in the midst of the curse passage, a message of hope shone forth -- the woman's offspring called 'He' is Christ, who will one day defeat the Serpent. Satan could only 'bruise' Christ's heel (cause Him to suffer), while Christ will bruise Satan's head (destroy him with a fatal blow). Paul, in a passage strongly reminiscent of Gen. 3, encouraged the believers in Rome, 'And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly' (Romans 16:20). Believers should recognize that they participate in the crushing of Satan because, along with their Savior and because of His finished work on the cross, they also are of the woman's seed. For more on the destruction of Satan, see Heb. 2:14,15 and Rev. 20:10." ...... I do hope that this will add to your understanding of Genesis 3:15 and its significance as the greatest story every told unfolds in the greatest book ever written. --Hank | ||||||
137 | Homosexuality | Romans | Hank | 194130 | ||
VDavis - Whether you will find the word homosexual (or homosexuality) in Scripture depends upon what English translation you use. Some of the modern versions (e.g. NASB, ESV -- two very good ones, by the way) use homosexuals (NASB) or homosexuality (ESV) in 1 Cor. 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10. A well-referenced, scripturally-based article that you may find helpful is at --Hank | ||||||
138 | The existence of Satan | 1 Pet 5:8 | Hank | 194084 | ||
dkweiland - Do a word search of Satan on this website, jot down the passages from both the Old and New Testaments, and show them to your friend. If she doesn't believe the Word of God, however, you face an enormous problem, everything else is well nigh academic anyway, and you're not very likely to meet with much success. But let's pray that she does believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God! It is impossible to believe what the Bible teaches and deny the existence of Satan. One simply cannot believe those parts of Scripture that he wishes to believe and ignore or deny the rest. (See 2 Timothy 3:16). ..... French poet Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) wrote, "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist." May your efforts bear fruit, and we'll be praying for you. --Hank | ||||||
139 | How Old was John? | NT general Archive 1 | Hank | 194011 | ||
mae68 - Evidently you are asking about a book that the apostle John wrote, but which? --Hank | ||||||
140 | what does it mean that it says solomon d | Bible general Archive 3 | Hank | 193198 | ||
Frank - Upon what passage(s) of Scripture do you base your question? --Hank | ||||||
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