Results 101 - 120 of 4325
Results from: Notes Author: Hank Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
101 | Radical Change which we Cannot Perform | John 3:3 | Hank | 202913 | ||
Amen to the Spurgeon quote (Post 202910) and thanks for posting it, Brother Doc; for surely it can cast much light to the paths of us all. Every member of SBF ought to meditate upon it himself and pass it on to others also. Soli Deo gloria! --Hank | ||||||
102 | Hatred..Am I truly a Christian?? | Matt 5:44 | Hank | 202857 | ||
Bad, sad advice to a hurting soul, Jim. How distressing it is to read this on Study Bible Forum. Think about the impact of what you've told this person, and please consider a retraction and an apology, for they are in order. It doesn't appear at all that you are accurately handling the word of truth according to the command laid down in 2 Timothy 2:15, Jim. .... Please look at your New Testament and mark all the verses wherein we are commanded to love on another. Then mark all the verses that teach it is o.k. to hate one another. Tally your score and let the Forum know the results. --Hank | ||||||
103 | Hatred..Am I truly a Christian?? | Matt 5:44 | Hank | 202856 | ||
Excellent, Cheri. We all of us (including Jim) must realize that we are not in charge of things, we are not sovereign ... no, we are not God. And, as you said appropriately in the opening of your post to Jim, we are commanded to love. God does not grant His people the option to hate. Blessings to you, Cheri. --Hank | ||||||
104 | God love the senner but hate the sin | NT general | Hank | 202764 | ||
gospelcompilation :: You say you are "merely sharing my views of God's wonderful word." Thus far you have not graced this Forum with anything from "God's wonderful word" but merely opinion, not a word of which has been backed up by even as much as an identifiable scripural allusion, much less a direct quotation. . ....... You conclude with "Perhaps I came to the wrong place." Perhaps so. As the name of the web site clearly implies, this is a forum for studying the Bible, a Study Bible Forum indeed, but decidedly not a place that permits or welcomes a string of mere opinions, speculations or guesses based on mere opinions, speculations or guesses. If you wish to continue to post, please read carefully the terms of use and follow them to the best of your ability. ..... And by the way, the Bible leaves the reasonable reader no room whatever to doubt its condemnation of the sin of homosexuality ...... You say that "Scripture is not a weapon to be used...but an intimate, personal teaching device." I don't know where you got this idea, but a citation is clearly needed. Here's what the Bible says: "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12). It also says: "All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16,17). This Forum holds to the doctrine of sola scriptura; and thus we hold the word of God in high regard on all spiritual matters and the word of man in low regard. --Hank | ||||||
105 | then why people think 2 woman | Gen 1:27 | Hank | 202670 | ||
Dear Michael :: As Doc has mentioned, there has been considerable activity on the Forum concerning the so-called Gap Theory. It rather astonished me to find that I've written and posted 23 monographs on the subject over the years and frankly have said all that I care to say about this weak, lame and biblically ungrounded theory. If you care to read these monographs in chronological order, use the Advanced Search function, type in my user screen name, Hank, in the appropriate box and in the box beneath it type in the words gap theory. I've done quite a bit of research into this theory and perhaps you will find the results of that research helpful to you. There is no biblical evidence at all -- or even a hint or suggestion -- that would lead a rational person to espouse the gap theory; to do so is not to rightly divide the word of God but to engage in pure eisegesis in a vain attempt to lend credence to a pre-conceived idea. The gap theory, not unlike all other false doctrine, has its roots in man's foolish notion that he can twist the word of God to fit his agenda and support his inane theories. As it was in the days when the judges ruled Israel, so is it today, that man, the obdurate rebel, does what is right in his own eyes (see Judges 21:25). --Hank | ||||||
106 | Quote help about asking questions | Bible general Archive 4 | Hank | 202565 | ||
Watamin, if we happen to see that same t-shirt walking around, we'll make a note of the message and get back with you! :-) --Hank | ||||||
107 | Should the Bible be free? | Bible general Archive 4 | Hank | 202564 | ||
Hi, John :: The rights of the Authorized (King James) Version in the United Kingdom are vested in the Crown. --Hank | ||||||
108 | Should the Bible be free? | Bible general Archive 4 | Hank | 202549 | ||
The KJV is "in the public domain" in the United States but not so in the United Kingdom. --Hank | ||||||
109 | How do I forgive adultry if it continues | Bible general Archive 4 | Hank | 202191 | ||
TJS :: A conflict not unlike that of which you speak and with which believers wrestle day by day was by no means foreign to the apostle Paul. He discusses it in Romans 7. Verses 15 through 25 present a profound insight into the spiritual and psychological struggles within the believer between two natures, the old sin nature and the divine nature received at the point of regeneration. The passage shows that self-effort cannot achieve holiness through keeping of the law or win the struggle against indwelling sin. Actually, one should read and study Paul's argument all the way from the beginning of Romans 6 through Romans 8 in order to attain a more lucid understanding of it. --Hank | ||||||
110 | this mean baptism saves you? | Acts 2:38 | Hank | 202086 | ||
Dear Paul :: Your ministry and family responsibilities rightly fall higher in the pecking order than your response to us on this thread, so please don't feel obligated to do so. Your brief note is sufficient. God's grace to you, sir, and I'm sure others will join me in prayer for your mother's recovery from her stroke. In Him, Hank. | ||||||
111 | this mean baptism saves you? | Acts 2:38 | Hank | 201980 | ||
Dear Paul :: You may find the article at the following link instructive in interpreting 1 Peter 3:21: Does Scripture actually support the statement that "God saves us by several things working together" etc.? ..... John 3:16 is quite clear, unfettered and unambiguous in its affirmation that "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." ..... Paul and Silas were direct and to the point when in Acts 16 they answered the jailer's question (v.30) "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" by telling him (v.31) "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household." ...... "For by grace you have been saved through faith..." (see Ephesians 2:8). "Through faith" the Scripture says, not through faith plus something else, some added requirement. Scripture lays it down in Ephesians 2:9 that salvation is "not of works, lest any man should boast." The idea of baptismal regeneration is the adding of a "plus something else" -- an additional requirement (something man himself must do) for salvation -- that goes beyond the biblical teaching of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. ....... This post is intended merely to be a remonstrance to the doctrine of baptismal regeneration and decidedly not meant to be a springboard to discussion of, or invitation to debate, baptism; specifically, baptismal regeneration. There have been multitudinous posts entered on this topic since the Forum began seven years ago, and no cogent argument can be made in favor of adding to the vast stockpile that already exists in the archives. ..... At all events I hope that the article cited at the web site will help. There are several other related articles on this same web site that you may want to examine as well. --Hank | ||||||
112 | Which commandment was he talking about? | 1 Tim 6:14 | Hank | 201840 | ||
Hello, SomeOtherName. You say you dropped the vowel in the word "God" years ago in order not to offend. Out of curiosity I ask, "Offend whom?" In your profile you say you prefer the King James Bible, but you surely are aware that it never refers to our heavenly Father as G-d. Nor does the NASB, which was translated under the aegis of the Lockman Foundation, our hosts of this Forum. This matter regarding the usage of this item, as well as other unconventional terminologies, on SBF has come up before. We most of us who are regulars on the Forum agree that it is of utmost importance to enter posts that are as plain and lucid as we can make them, without esoteric garnish of any kind. To write G-d, therefore, in lieu of God might possibly offend somebody, though I confess that I don't know who it would be or how it would offend. but it is virtually certain, to confuse more readers than it would offend. Since we have no scriptural basis whatever for dropping the "o" in "God" and consequently no cogent reason for doing so, let's adhere to the conventions of standard English usage and write "God" instead of "G-d." Can we make the case that the translators of the KJV, the NASB, and many other respected English translations were being imprudent and offensive by their use of God instead of G-d? I don't think so, do you? You can rest assured that you may use the vowel in the word "God" on this Forum with impunity! --Hank | ||||||
113 | Who are the Ammonites? | Gen 10:16 | Hank | 201599 | ||
Just for the record, the Ammonites are mentioned in the book of Deuteronomy, both books of Samuel, both books of Kings, the second book of Chronicles, in Ezra and in Nehemiah. Taken together there is a total of 15 verses in Scripture that mention the Ammonites according to the NASB concordance provided on this site by Lockman for the use of Forum readers. --Hank | ||||||
114 | The Best | Is 25:6 | Hank | 201589 | ||
Good quote from Charles H. Spurgeon, Doc. I might the herd of WOF televangelists update what Spurgeon wrote? Do you suppose it would read something like this: ....."We preach a cotton-candy prosperity gospel. The best living is in luxury. High on the hog, you know. The best man is the one with the most money. The best style is first class -- living in a mansion, driving luxury cars, flying private jet airplanes. The more people we can con into sending us their seed-faith money, the more wealth we can produce. After all, God owes us health, fortune and fame, so what are we waiting for? Just name it and claim it. But first you'll need to send me your seed-faith money to show you're serious about this." ..... --Hank | ||||||
115 | Jesus descend into hell | 1 Peter | Hank | 201588 | ||
Brad, while it can be said that there are some points of debate on the subject of hell, it can also be said that there is much ignorance and misunderstanding of it. Please permit my use of a personal example as an illustration. For many years I was a Presbyterian. During all those years I sat with my fellow worshipers in the pew and every Lord's day we "said what we believed" by repeating the Apostles' Creed. I was either a slow learner or a lazy one, because even though I said the words "He descended into hell" in unison with the other worshipers every Sunday, I didn't understand what I was saying. And neither did most of the other worshipers in the congregation, as I found out later. ...... It's truly amazing how one can repeat words that he has been taught and have virtually no more idea of what he is saying than a parrot does. ...... I sat in on a Bible study class one day and at the end of it the leader said to the students, "Let's close by SAYING the Lord's Prayer." So everyone joined in and in a sing-song monotone that would put the most dedicated insomniac to sleep, they SAID the Lord's Prayer. ..... So, if there is a point to this post, it would be this: That merely SAYING what we believe or SAYING a prayer without understanding and fervor is pretty drab business. Even a parrot can do that. --Hank | ||||||
116 | Jesus descend into hell | 1 Peter | Hank | 201573 | ||
Hi, Brad :: There can be little doubt that the influence of the Apostles' Creed is at least partially responsible for the widespread and unquestioned acceptance of the teaching that Jesus went to hell between His death and resurrection. Even the clause itself, "He descended into hell" comes straight from the Creed. Some false teachers assert that Jesus suffered in hell after His death on the Cross because His death on the Cross was insufficient for atonement. This is a completely false doctrine that finds no support whatever in Scripture. There is what for me was a helpful article on this subject at the following URL. I've cited it already on this thread, but it would do no harm to list it again, so here it is: ..... This article takes pains to point out that much of the confusion lies in how the Hebrew and Greek words for Sheol and Hades respectively are translated into English in a number of versions. Anyway, I found the article helpful and hope you will too. It's good to have you on SBF, Brad. --Hank | ||||||
117 | Help, parents need encouragement! | 2 Tim 3:16 | Hank | 201451 | ||
Colin -- It's good to learn that you have remained at least a reader of SBF. We "old timers" as you dub the regular and long-time users of Study Bible Forum do our best to keep the Forum on track and in accord with the guidelines laid down by the Lockman Foundation. We envisage SBF as being a Q and A of Bible questions and Bible answers and believe that that is the proper scope and interpretation of the terms of usage you will find in the guidelines published on this website. Moreover, as the Lockman Foundation subscribes to the doctrine of sola scriptura, in like manner so do we. And sola scripturaclearly encompasses the idea of the sufficiency of Scripture. It is regrettable that you view as "lousy" treatment the sincere efforts of many of the respondents on this thread to defend "sola scriptura" and keep the Forum focused on the primary purposes for which it was designed and which remain to this day its chief raison d'etre. I fail to see in any of the responses evidence that the questioner was treated unkindly or insultingly. Every good wish and God's grace to you, friend. --Hank | ||||||
118 | Help, parents need encouragement! | 2 Tim 3:16 | Hank | 201426 | ||
Hello, justme :: Thank you for your response and for the spirit in which it was given. As most of us long-time regular users of SBF know very well, it is easy enough to misunderstand as well as to be misunderstood. A Forum is not the same thing as a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and information in person. We try to smile with the use of the symbol :-) and stress our arguments with a !Beyond that we must rely solely on the written word. And it is a fact that we all of us sometimes fail to express in words exactly what is on our minds and in our hearts. To quote a famous line from the movie "Cool Hand Luke" -- "What we have here is a failure to communicate." ..... When you posted your question and followed it up by insisting on a recommendation by Forum members of a book or books by living authors that had to do with your question, I believe this set off a signal to some of your correspondents to defend the Forum's strongly held position of sola scriptura. That is to say that the normative procedure on SBF is to ask Bible questions and give Bible answers without giving precedence to secular works. Another way of putting the matter is this: While references to and quotations from certain secular works, such as orthodox commentaries, sermons, etc. are not prohibited on SBF and are generally recognized as having value to the extent that they may illuminate difficult portions of Scripture, they are in no wise to be thought of or used as an alternative to or substitute for Scripture. ...... Justme, it is my considered opinion that respondents on this thread such as Doc, Humbled, WOS and I were acting in good faith to defend sola scriptura because it appeared, at least to me, that secular works were being sought as the primary source of information with Scripture being used as a supplement or even an option. I believe that certain secular works, if selected with wisdom and discretion, can in some measure and to a limited degree help to EXPLAIN difficult portions of Scripture. That is the stated purpose of most study Bible, for example. I do not believe that any secular work ever SUPPLEMENTS Scripture. ...... Sir, I do not believe your intentions were to dishonor the word of God! Your post to which this is a response says as much, and I am perfectly willing to take you at your word. ...... So the mild brouhaha that has occurred on this thread was more than likely a matter of misunderstanding -- ours of your intent and you of ours. Let's let it pass and use it as a growing and learning experience. Let's not quibble about it any longer and let's not bear ill will one toward another. Rather let's continue to love one another and in all things strive to bring glory to our blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Grace to you, justme. --Hank | ||||||
119 | Is there info @ dinos? Kidz ask. | Job 40:15 | Hank | 201404 | ||
Hi, Angela :: Another welcome to Study Bible Forum. As a graduate of Liberty Univeristy, you will doubtlessly find that the principles promulgated by SBF under the aegis of the Lockman Foundation are not unlike those for which your alma mater has long stood. ..... About the dinosaur question, Angela, you might find it helpful to browse through the many articles on creation at ..... All the articles in this website are written by conservative Christians who are also graduate scientists. No junk promoting evolution will be found here. On the contrary, much will be found to refute the godless theory. You will need to adapt the material before presenting it to young minds as most of it is written on a college level. ..... One suggestion for you. Perhaps it would be good to weave into your presentation to the little ones the whole Genesis story of God's marvelous and mighty creation rather than center on dinosaurs. I'm a father and grand-father and know full well the utter fascination kids have for these creatures, but in my opinion kids need most of all to get the big picture of creation instead of concentrating on the fascinating dinosaurs. --Hank | ||||||
120 | Help, parents need encouragement! | 2 Tim 3:16 | Hank | 201379 | ||
A resounding amen to your post, WOS! The Bible, the living word of the living God, is the only truly seminal source of truth, the only sure counsel for the problems that beset mankind, the only abiding and eternal lamp to his feet and light to his path (cf. Psalm 119:105). ...... I grew up in a time when in American publishing history there was a genuine plethora of so-called how-to publications, also known as self-help books. You could buy books that would tell you "how to" do virtually anything. How to win friends, get a job, become a millionaire, lose weight, become a glamorous movie star, think positively, understand Einstein's theory of relativity -- the list was practically endless. Yet those books that were on everybody's best-seller lists in the middle of last century largely have faded into oblivion. Most of them are out of print and few among the younger generation have ever heard of them, much less read them. So if we should hasten to recommend a current book that claims to reveal an easy way to solve tough human problems, such as delicate human relationships, we should be especially careful, being mindful that that book will more than likely turn out to be no easy fix at all. And it will just as likely prove to be as superficial and as ephemeral as the once highly acclaimed self-help books of yesteryear. ...... Somewhere on this thread a user was somewhat critical of other users who had unequivocally cited the Bible above all other books as the supreme source book to study in an effort to find the answer -- God's answer -- to the question that generated the thread. But, seeing no fault in citing God's word as being all-sufficient, I can't in any manner or on any point agree with that critic. We either believe in and accept in toto Hebrews 4:12, or else we reject it. There is no middle ground, no room for bargaining. ...... Sir Walter Scott, the great Scottish novelist, on his deathbed asked his son-in-law, John Lockhart, to read to him. Looking over the long shelf of books that Sir Walter had written, Lockhart asked, "What book shall I read?" The dying novelist replied, "Why do you ask that question? There is but one book, the Bible. Bring me the Bible. Read to me from that book." ..... When we need counsel, when we need answers to our most pressing questions, when we need nourishment for our souls and strength to carry on, we should not need to seek in vain to find solace in some book that frail man has written. We should seek solace where it can be found, in God's word. ...... "There is but one book, the Bible. Bring me the Bible. Read to me from that book." ....... "All Scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16,17, ESV) --Hank | ||||||
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