Results 101 - 120 of 311
Results from: Answers On or After: Thu 12/31/70 Author: skccab Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
101 | Jesus Praying for us and Gods will | Hebrews | skccab | 208249 | ||
Shalom lovemyLord7 One such scripture that comes to mind is Heb. 7:24. Cheri |
102 | How do you reconcile unexpected deaths? | Ex 20:13 | skccab | 208069 | ||
Shalom Dawna, Welcome, Dawna, to Study Bible Forum! The poster (George) that you are responding to hasn't posted on SBF since 2003. He may not receive notification that you have replied to him. As you read through the different threads, at the bottom of the pages, you can look to the right of the title and see the poster and date of posting. If you click on the poster's name you can find out the date of his/her last post, that will give yoo a great indication of whether or not they will respond back to you. :-) Cheri |
103 | pictures,armour of God | Mark 12:30 | skccab | 207815 | ||
Good Morning Liefie, Welcome to the forum. That's a very good question. I would suggest first that you just draw the different pieces of the armor as they are described, maybe make a paper doll to wear the pieces, and you could explain them something like this: Girded the loins with truth: the loins are noted for their reproduction properties (you know how much your child can understand), so if you loins are girded with the truth, you will always produce that which is good and true. The breastplate of righteousness: covers the chest which houses one's heart, will help keep your love pure and true and fixed on the One who is pure and true. The feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace: your feet are what takes you to places, if they are covered and ready to spread the gospel of peace then they will not take you into places that are tumultous, where you should not go, instead they will take you to places that need to hear the gospel. The shield of faith: is held out in front of a person, it covers, protects from things that can harm, but you have to hold it or it won't do you any good. The helmet of salvation: it goes on the head which is at the top of the body, therefore the helmet of salvation covers the whole entire body, all is saved and belongs to God. The sword of the Spirit: the Word of God, the Bible, read it, live it, love it. And praying always: let everything that comes out of your mouth bring glory to God and blessing to people. Praying isn't always about Asking for something. This isn't too difficult for a 6yr old to understand. Have fun teaching your wee one Cheri |
104 | why did God wait ? | Ex 4:24 | skccab | 207802 | ||
Vblocal, Welcome to the forum!! Are you talking about the circumcision of Moses' sons? Scripture doesn't say why the boys were not circumcised first. But God works in patterns, and He was about to redeem Israel from slavery in Egypt, and His redemption is "free." He redeems first and then shows one how to live the life of a redeemed person. Cheri |
105 | Hebrws 9:27 what Happens with Enoch and | Revelation | skccab | 207697 | ||
Shalom SOG, I will be interested in others' answer to this too. I personally believe that the 2 witnesses of Rev. 11:1-14 are Enoch and Elijah, just for that reason - they do eventually get killed and that would take care of the Heb. 9:27 passage. I know that most people believe the two witnesses are Elijah and Moses because of the Transfiguration, but could be that's not a correct assumption. Cheri |
106 | crowns | Revelation | skccab | 207686 | ||
Shalom Domartin, Rev. 2:10 Messiah says He will give the crown of life to overcomers. There are other passages that speak of or allude to crowns being given out, perhaps someone else will know those scriptures? There are ONLY believers in Heaven (Rev. 21:14-15). Cheri |
107 | Harvest Time | OT general | skccab | 207310 | ||
Good afternoon Jim, Passover is actually only a 1day observance, it seems longer because the day after begins the week long observance of the feast of Unleavened Bread or Matza. At the end of Matza, 50 days are counted to the feast of Shavu'ot (Pentecost) - this is the celebration of the spring harvest, of first-fruits, Lev. 23:10-21. Lev. 23:39-43 is also a feast of first-fruits, of the fall harvest. It is called Feast of Tabernacles, feast of Booths, or just Sukkot. As to your question about Passover being considered a part of Shavu'ot, I don't believe it was other than simply being a reminder that "first-fruits" was just around the corner, kind of like Thanksgiving is a reminder that Christmas is just around the corner. Maybe someone else can help with this question? Still learning, too :-) Cheri |
108 | Harvest Time | OT general | skccab | 207308 | ||
Good afternoon Jim, Passover is actually only a 1day observance, it seems longer because the day after begins the week long observance of the feast of Unleavened Bread or Matza. At the end of Matza, 50 days are counted to the feast of Shavu'ot (Pentecost) - this is the celebration of the spring harvest, of first-fruits, Lev. 23:10-21. Lev. 23:39-43 is also a feast of first-fruits, of the fall harvest. It is called Feast of Tabernacles, feast of Booths, or just Sukkot. Still learning, too :-) Cheri |
109 | Judah and Israel Reunited? | Amos 2:4 | skccab | 207291 | ||
Good morning Tumbleweed, Let me first welcome you to the forum. Very glad to have you here!! As far as I know the nation Israel never re-united in Bible times. I'm 99.99999etc. percent sure they did not. In May 1948 Israel once again became a sovereign State. But those that returned were the Jews. (In Bible-ese the people from the tribe of Judah and Benjamin, the Southern Kingdom, were the ones called "Jews.") The Southern and Northern Kingdoms of the Bible not yet re-united. On June 7, 1967 at 10:20am Israel re-entered the Old City of Jerusalem, the Temple Mount and the Wailing Wall. Southern and Northern tribes not yet re-united. In March 2005 the 'powers that be' in Israel decided that the little groups of Israelites spread all over the world who were claiming to be members of this or that tribe from the Northern Kingdom (aka Ephraim and/or Israel) were indeed children of Abraham. They opened the doors to these Israelites with the condition that they adopt Judiasm as their official religious/life-style. (Since the records that were kept in the Temple were destroyed in 70AD, I don't know what criteria the state of Israel is looking at when making these decisions - I'd like to know if someone else does :-) ). Southern and Northern Kingdoms still not re-united yet. There is one group of Israelites that are not welcome in their homeland (even though, as I understand it, the state of Israel agrees that these people are from the tribes they are claiming to be from)- they are world wide, many in Ethiopia and other areas in Africa. They have accepted Jesus as their Messiah and they will not renounce Him, so they are not being allowed to return home. The total reunion of the nation of Israel will not be complete till these are allowed to return also! Ezek. 37 is happening right now!! Individuals from the tribes of Jacob are coming to the Lord and returning to their homeland! We are living in the days of Prophecy, before our very eyes!!! Hope this helps a bit Cheri |
110 | Take up another's offense or not? | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 206152 | ||
Shabbot Shalom bro How have you been? Is it 2 Cor. 7:9-13 that you're looking for? Cheri |
111 | Giving God money but ignoring parents. | Matthew | skccab | 206109 | ||
Shalom Eroot, Welcome to the Forum! I think you might be looking for Matthew 15:1-6. Cheri |
112 | Where the priest impatient and greedy? | 1 Sam 2:13 | skccab | 206104 | ||
Shalom remorse2 Verse 12 of that chapter tells you that they (Eli's sons) were corrupt and did not know the Lord. I don't think that their procedure was customary, that is why the worshippers would object (as in verse 16). My 2cents worth Cheri |
113 | Confirmation of Humbledygraces Warning | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 205959 | ||
Shalom Tam, Good for you, you go girl!! I've already had a go-around with him, didn't care for another!! Cheri |
114 | Praise Dance Wrong Worship? | Ps 149:3 | skccab | 205655 | ||
Shalom again Tam I love it!! It's soooo much fun. And the anointing just falls as everyone joins in, either in the dance itself or in the playing of the tambourines and shofars! It's joy unspeakable. My fellowship doesn't have a "dance team" like most Messianic congregations do, and we only have 1 evening a month where we have live music and dance but we sure do dance to the Lord on that night!! (Just a side note: we do Jewish folk dances, dances that actually have steps to follow - not just shaking this that or the other :-) mark)v(equals)4GBAqLXQnAw(ampersand)feature(equals)related This is just a youtube of a messianic congregations dance team. I enjoy watching this, hope you do too. Now you got 6cents total!! it's adding up girl Cheri |
115 | Christians Demon Plagued? | Mark 16:17 | skccab | 205651 | ||
Tamara, Are you talking about Peter's denial? And/or about when he told Messiah that He would not die (that scene, I don't remember too well)? If either of those, then remember that Peter was NOT sealed with the Holy Spirit, that didn't happen till after the resurrection, and his salvation was not effected till the death and resurrection of Messiah, either. I don't have any scriptures, just a little common sense - there is a BIG difference between just blurting out something that Satan may put in your mind and doing an action (especially one that you would normally NOT do) that he has put in your mind. From your post, you said "He never said she was possesed, he said she was demon plagued and that the demon had to be cast out of her in the name of Jesus before her sanity returned to her." Your friend totally contradicted himself didn't he? You can't cast something out that is not inside of you, can you? Maybe this lady just needs to be checked out medically, Late on-set Turetz? maybe? Another 2cents worth, wowee if I keep on you're gonna be a wealthy lady Tam!! Cheri |
116 | is it's possible to stop the will of God | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 205429 | ||
Shalom Silasfirst, See Gen. 18:20-19:29 where Abraham pleads for the righteous that might be found in Sodom and Gomorrah. And Exod. 32:7-14 where Moses pleads for Israel as a whole. (I love the way God tells Moses "YOUR people" where they had always been "My people" up to this point!!) There is one other time that God was going to destroy Israel and Moses intercedes but I can't remember where it is. Anyone? Cheri |
117 | Mistaken View Or False Doctrine? | Eph 1:13 | skccab | 205285 | ||
Good morning Tam, Glad to see someone else up at this hour!! Question: Do you believe that salvation is the same for all involved? At any given time? Including the saints of old, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, etc? If so, then those 3 senarios must prove false. Those men (and unnamed ladies) never received baptism as prescribed in the gospels or letters. They partook of cleansing, purification rituals but the two rituals are a bit different and performed for different reasons. Also, because churches now, most often, have classes people attend prior to baptism, you have to think about the ones who get saved and then must wait a week, a month, or more before baptism - what about if they have a fatal accident before baptism? I believe they are as saved as you and I. As far as your friends bearing good fruit, that would be expected because they are true believers. If they got baptized thinking that was a part of their salvation "requirements", it wouldn't annul the part that truly was required, i.e., repent and believe. Repent and believe in the Lord. That and that alone is what saves. Nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else. Just my 2cents worth :-) Shalom Cheri |
118 | Why can't I speak in tongues yet ? | Acts | skccab | 204296 | ||
Shalom Joann, Doc is certainly right, you most likely have been taught wrongly. I know that I was taught that speaking in tongues was the ONLY sign of baptism of the Holy Spirit. But in Torah (I'm sorry, I donlt know exactly where, and my Bible has been packed away for vacation), when God took of the Spirit that was on Moses and distributed it to the 70 elders who were to help him, my bible says that they prophesied (not spoke in tongues or unknown utterances), that one time, and that one time only So now we have 2 different signs of the Holy Spirit. And how about the 3pack a day smoker who, without thought or effort suddenly no longer lights up. Or the one who could put a football locker room to shame by their foul mouth suddenly, also without thought or effort on their part, their language is totally cleaned up. I think the sealing of the Holy Spirit is different with each individual as God sees fit. Which is what everyone else has been telling you. Just live you life to glorify the Lord in all you do and what He has planned for you will happen just as He wants it to, in His time. Meanwhile, relax, and enjoy the journey. :-) Cheri |
119 | Does it Really matter? | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 203420 | ||
Shalom Zanna Lynn, The Lord will accept worship on any day. BUT there is a blessing associated with keeping the Sabbath, which is the day God - not man - ordained as holy, and He has never rescinded this ordination. This blessing is associated with the Sabbath only, not Sunday, or Wednesday, etc. Read Isaiah 58:13-14. Cheri |
120 | Before, during, or after? | Bible general Archive 4 | skccab | 203112 | ||
Good morning Brad, I guess now the question for me is am I understanding those 2 verses correctly. I see us, Believers, as the aliens being grafted into Israel. The original question was: are those chapters, Ezek. 40-48 about an allegorical, or metaphorical temple, is it the heavenly temple, or the tribulation, or millennial, or maybe the newly renovated earthly temple? I apologize for being redundant, but I hoped that maybe some of you folks had learned or heard some new thoughts on the subject over the past year that you'd be willing to share :-). Shalom Cheri |
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