Results 101 - 120 of 144
Results from: Answers On or After: Thu 12/31/70 Author: DAIRYLEADER5 Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
101 | Revelation in Daniel 10 | Dan 10:1 | DAIRYLEADER5 | 86549 | ||
This was Daniels 4th vision, basically It concerns Isreal in the last days and the antichrist. it also shows that the satanic forces can fight physically with the angels of the lord and detain them in preforming their duty to God. daniel in his visions are all leading up to the Hes showing the things which will happen between nations these were or should I say are ,allready fullfilled. i hope this helps. | ||||||
102 | Why angels are not forgiven? | 2 Pet 2:4 | DAIRYLEADER5 | 86474 | ||
Lets look at this question again ,it should be in two parts. 1. Why arent these angels capable of being forgiven, 2. Why isnt the other group of angels that rebelled with satain with them in hell. The Bible tells us that we shall be judgeing angels but which group. Since the only sin that cannot be forgiven is the blasphem of the holy Ghost this is probably one of the sins that they comitted. Since they faught against the Trinity for controll of heavan. i also want to interject athought that when a man dies his soul leaves the body, In 1Kings 17 ;20thru22 we read, And He cried unto the lord and said, o lord my God;..... I pray thee let this childs soul come unto him again;...and the soul of the child came unto him again and he revived. Now this child had died, and he had a soul. Dont you suspect that angels that were created beings do not have a soul, so then they follow different rules than the man who became a liveing soul? I dont care much for speculation but the Bible never tells us what sin these first set of angels comitted.In Gen. 1;28 as well as other scriptures we find out that God had destroyed the earth before Noah, so what went on between Him and these angels never comes up,for here in Gen. he tells them to "replentish" the earth. This might give you a little more to think about. | ||||||
103 | 1 tim 4:1-2 | 2 Pet 2:1 | DAIRYLEADER5 | 86252 | ||
Many of the scriptures are misinterpreted but that isnt a call to arms for false teaching. In tim 4;1-2 were talking about people in the end days changing the scripture completly, even to the point in saying that Jesus hasnt come in the flesh yet. Forbidding to marry, you can see that now in some religions, also commanding to abstain from eating meat which the Bible says is clean if we give thanks to God for it.Some religious people that Ive come up against said that there was not a trinity, which the Bible says plainly there is. Othere said there is no hell. But as I advised other people to do in the past ,is not to argue with these type of people ,leave them to God.Some one may say ,well that not a good answer to give them, lets look in 2 Tim 2;23, this is the reason I wont argue over the scripture | ||||||
104 | goodnewsminister, 5 yrs after Pentecost? | Luke 16:23 | DAIRYLEADER5 | 86097 | ||
According to Daniel 9;27, at the begining of the second half of the 70th week, the antichrist will break his covenant with Israel, and it will be broken for 31/2 years, time, times and hafe a time. Since the first 69 weeks or 69 ,7s, were fullfilled, the last 7 years has yet to be fulfilled.daniel didnt say the 70th week was concurrent, we hafe to look at what he was proficying. Its easy to get confused. | ||||||
105 | goodnewsminister. When did Gentiles hear | Luke 16:23 | DAIRYLEADER5 | 86079 | ||
Searcher this is what I know about the questions you asked, Ive got to go out for a while but heres a start. Daniels 70th week started 444B.C. When there was a decree of Artaxerxes for Jews to restore and rebuild Jeruslam, Walls. Dan.9;25, Neh 2;5-8, dan 9;1,20-23.And the 70 th week doesnt stop untill after the third temple has been built and the rule of the 4th beast. Any other questions Ill be glad to answer later. | ||||||
106 | is Jesus God ?and how can you prove it? | Isaiah | DAIRYLEADER5 | 86077 | ||
Isa. Cpt 9;6,Luke 2;11,Titus 2;13, Leonardo, there are many religions out there that are not based on the truth, this should help. DL5. Have a real good day. | ||||||
107 | Spirit and Truth | John | DAIRYLEADER5 | 86016 | ||
With the whole soul, mind feelings, emotions and desires. God wants to have an entimate relationship with his people. A true love between spirits. For God is Spirit. He doesnt want anyone who would worship him in fallacies, contrvercies, or vain rituales. just as was asked about praying in the holy Ghost this is one example, not every one will but God has made provisions for our mistakes. I hope this answers your question. | ||||||
108 | The form of Godliness? | Jeremiah | DAIRYLEADER5 | 86012 | ||
Jer 23;1-2, 11-31 Ezek. 13; 1-23., 34;1-6 Mt. 23. Try these. | ||||||
109 | THe Spirit of Religion | 2 Timothy | DAIRYLEADER5 | 86007 | ||
The vs you used is in 2 Tim. 3;5 These vs. list 7 religious and moral sins of apostates. An apostate is a person who abandons what they believe in. and a reprobate is a person who is depraved or corrupt person. Some other scripture that might help is Jer.23;1-2., 11-31.,. Ezek. 13;1-23., 34;1-6 Mt. 23.Also look at the Tower of Babel as a start of cults and spirits of religion. | ||||||
110 | What is the difference between believing | 1 John | DAIRYLEADER5 | 85992 | ||
Satan believes in jesus. The Bible says Not everyone that says Lord,Lord shall enter the Kingdom Of Heavan, only those who do the will of the Father. 1st John 3;23. not only in the name of Jesus but having faith on that name. | ||||||
111 | Did Jesus have anxiety? | 1 John 4:18 | DAIRYLEADER5 | 85449 | ||
1st well go to the scriptures, Mth 29;22-23,. 27;46,. Mk., 10;38-39,. 14;34 thru39,. Luke 22;40 thru 44 ,. john 18;11., Mark 15;34 . In Luke Jesus was under extreme Mental Pressure, vs 44, "And being in agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground."The websters new world Dictionary describes Anxiety as "1. a state of being uneasy or worried about what may happen, eager and sightly worried desire;as to do well.". Jesus was the son of God and he had no fear but you still hafe to remember that he was still a flesh and blood man. God sent him an angel to comfort him in vs. 43.Jesus has always been , he had never expierenced pain, loss, or seperation from the Father. This was new to him. Now lets look at Heb. 12;2. Remember that Jesus was in extreme pain and agony. In the old Roman History books you will find out that at an crusification, they always issued a pain killer to the ones being crucified. Jesus never took this , he had to feel every pain for us. So ask yourself this question, if Jesus was concious of every pain as a man, what kept Him on the Cross?, A Vision,or some of us call it a window, Yes Jesus knew the future, but as a suffering man the only thing He felt was pain and the Sorrow of being appart from the Father. Prov.29;18, without a vision my people perish., Mark 15;34, ELOI,ELOI,LAMA SABACH THA NI?When I had my first heart attack, i was not afraid but I was in Great pain, a type of pain that I had never felt before, the helplessness, the pain, I also cryed out to God the same thing that Jesus said, I also was filled with anxiety. God started me saying the 23rd pslm. then I died. Thank God he raised me back to life 24 minutes later in frount of a room full of people. I hope this will give you a little more insight. With love in Christ DL5. |
112 | Zech 12:10 objections applying to Jesus | Zechariah | DAIRYLEADER5 | 85272 | ||
Your right, this is Jesus that the prophet is talking about. He is also talking about the conversion of Isreal. Remember that even thou the Jews are Gods chosen people not all Jews will be saved the book of Rev.12;17, tells us that only a remnent will be saved.rom,.9;27 | ||||||
113 | How can we discern meaning of Bible? | Genesis | DAIRYLEADER5 | 85259 | ||
Lets look at what God had to say, look yp Rom.8;6, then 1 Cor.2;14, all scripture is true, we have the carnal knowledge of history in the scripture to trace important events as they have occured and also as things progress. Just as in the case of the battle of Gog and mayGog which is to take place with the carnal knowledge of scripture we can use todays maps to track what modern countries will attack Ireal. But also to decern the scripture it self we hafe to look at what God said, "But the natural man does not recieve the things of the spirit of God ,for they are foolishness to men nor can he know them because they are spiritually discerned." 1 Cor,2;14. An unbeliever according to God cannot understand the spirtual meaning of scripture,Sometimes people try to make understanding the Bible so hard.Paul said that he came not with great swelling words, final thought look at 2nd Peter 2;18 | ||||||
114 | what does the spirit man know? | Luke | DAIRYLEADER5 | 85256 | ||
Luke ,16;19 start there,The soulish state should not be confused with what a lot of teachers teach about, purgatory,purgatory is a lie and a deception,its against everything Jesus taught us about the next life. In luke we learn that the rich man lifted up his eyes our of torment. The Bible here tells us that the people in Hell or Sheol, have total memory and all their sences. The ones who have died in christ are according to scripture are in a sleep state, untill the resurection.I hope this helps you. | ||||||
115 | what does the words case or relationship | Matt 19:10 | DAIRYLEADER5 | 85254 | ||
In this verse the word case means state of the man, if you look at vs.8 and 9, this illistrates the state or case of the men he was talking about.Jesus was being tempted by others to justify divorce for any cause. The deciples wanted to know if these men were so unhappy in there relationships with their wives ,then would not it be better not to marry at all. | ||||||
116 | CAN ANGELS NOW CONVERT? | Jude | DAIRYLEADER5 | 85253 | ||
No, when Satan convinced 1/3 of the angels to revolt against God their fait was sealed. the Bible tells us that we as the Children of God will judge them. God will not allow any sin into Heavan.There are 4 of them bound in the Euprates River.Rev.cpt.9;13,Especially look at Jude cpt.1 vs.6. this should be just the begining for you to explore the rest of the story of angels. | ||||||
117 | Has Satn been in hell (fire)? | Ezekiel | DAIRYLEADER5 | 85251 | ||
The answer to this is no,in Ezk.28 starting at vs.14, God tells satan about his future.Satan was cast down to earth to become the god of this world and then as Jesus defeated him on the cross he was removed from the earth and put up in the second heavan. This is where he became the Prince and Power of the air. Before Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire he will be bound 1000years ,Rev 20;1 thru 3. untill the battle of Armageddon. | ||||||
118 | how to convince one of Bible's truth | 1 Timothy | DAIRYLEADER5 | 85135 | ||
1 tim 1;4, cpt 6;4, 2 tim 2;23, and titus, cpt 3;9, my advice to you is this ,dont try to debate with him, youll lose. the bible tells us that it is the Holy spirit that draws men to repentance, leave it to him, these books and verses that i gave you will prove that what i say is the truth. i know that you care for him as i do for a lot of people that i know but we are not supossed to strive with an unbelever the bible tells that in the end days men will go after what they say is science, 1 tim, 6;20. the king james version calls it science, others call it knowledge. the bible says that the scriptures were given to men by the inspiration of God and we believe that the books that are in it are what God wanted us to read. so my opinion dont debate any more , just pray that God will deal with him in his own way. | ||||||
119 | Us or them, for now or dead with Apostle | John | DAIRYLEADER5 | 85131 | ||
the hebrew word for breath is naphach, this verse is for us also, remember that the scripture tells us if we forgive then, or Heavanly Father will also for give us, its hard sometimes for people to believe that God would grant us the same power that the deciples had but its true, the gifts of the spirit are available to all thoses who ask, we have the power within ourselves to forgive sin against us. If the scriptures are to be believed then all the scriptures are to be believed. I ve had people to tell me that, "well i believe this part but i dont that part" then is this person calling God a lyer?Jesus said that He ,the Father and the Holy Spirit will come and make their abode within us. we are the ambasidores of Christ, and sense God has no respect of person then the same power the deciples and the apostile paul had we can have by believeing and asking, isnt that what the bible tells us. I wholehartedly believe so. I hope this helps.look at james 1;22 thru 25, also 1 corn.12;1 thru 11. | ||||||
120 | David's nurse | 1 Kings | DAIRYLEADER5 | 85124 | ||
1kings 1;3, abishag | ||||||
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