Results 1 - 4 of 4
Results from: Answered Bible Questions, Answers, Unanswered Bible Questions, Notes Author: dace Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
1 | "consigned to disobedience?" Free will? | Rom 11:32 | dace | 52686 | ||
God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The serpent then tempted Eve to eat of the fruit. So she did. Then Adam ate also. Almost all Christian's know these simple facts, but I think we forget how powerful they are. The serpent tempted Eve to eat. She would not have done so if not persuaded by Satan. There was a war going on in Heaven, and Satan hated everything that God was doing, so he came to mess up God's good works. God showed mercy by not destroying us right then and there! He allowed us to live! He allowed us to choose! And yes, He allowed us to sin, and still does! Praise God that we all live today to choose our paths and live forever with HIM!!!!! |
2 | Did others exist when Cain killed Abel? | Not Specified | dace | 52685 | ||
My question deals with Genesis Ch 4:13-4:17. Did other people exist at the time of Cain murdering Abel? Based on scripture, Cain was worried about other people murdering him right after he murdered Abel. There was no mention of anyone else at this time. Is there other scripture that can prove this? Cain, also directly after leaving, layed with his wife. Is there a time gap in here or what? Please help! | ||||||
3 | Did others exist when Cain killed Abel? | Bible general Archive 1 | dace | 52691 | ||
My question deals with Genesis Ch 4:13-4:17. Did other people exist at the time of Cain murdering Abel? Based on scripture, Cain was worried about other people murdering him right after he murdered Abel. There was no mention of anyone else at this time. Is there other scripture that can prove this? Cain, also directly after leaving, layed with his wife. Is there a time gap in here or what? Please help! | ||||||
4 | Did others exist when Cain killed Abel? | Genesis | dace | 52694 | ||
My question deals with Genesis Ch 4:13-4:17. Did other people exist at the time of Cain murdering Abel? Based on scripture, Cain was worried about other people murdering him right after he murdered Abel. There was no mention of anyone else at this time. Is there other scripture that can prove this? Cain, also directly after leaving, layed with his wife. Is there a time gap in here or what? Please help! | ||||||