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Results from: Answered Bible Questions, Answers, Unanswered Bible Questions, Notes Author: Piper Ordered by Verse |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
1 | C harles Stanley abusing the Bible? | Not Specified | Piper | 75778 | ||
I think the President is making the tough decisions on Irag and I think Charles Stanley is one of the better TV evangelist. But in last Sunday's sermon Charles Stanley was using Bible verses to justify HIS that war protesters are sinning against God and his commandments (Paul's honoring goverment etc). Is it right to use the Bible on such a sujective/political topic? Again, I personally think the President is doing the right thing but it is a very tough call and I wouldn't think of using the Bible against people who disagreed with me on such a topic. |
2 | Why was Moses denied the promise land? | Not Specified | Piper | 99302 | ||
Someone told me that after all his sufering and sacrifice for forty years, Moses was denied the promise land simply because, many years before, he stuck a rock to produce water rather than spoke to it as God commanded? Was that it? |
3 | To whom do we belong? | Bible general Archive 1 | Piper | 73751 | ||
Is it lonely when the Holy Sprit reveals to you alone and all others are decieved? It must be your humbleness |
4 | fact or literary device? | Gen 18:21 | Piper | 88069 | ||
How could an all-knowing God say something like: "I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether [as vilely and wickedly] as is the cry of it which has come to Me; and if not, I will know. Is this fact. or some sort of literary device? |
5 | Why was Moses denied the promise land? | Num 20:1 | Piper | 99313 | ||
Someone told me that after all his sufering and sacrifice for forty years, Moses was denied the promise land simply because, many years before, he stuck a rock to produce water rather than spoke to it as God commanded? Was that it? |
6 | Why was Moses denied the promise land? | Num 20:1 | Piper | 99324 | ||
Objevtively speaking, isn't God being a tad harsh (on a technicality?) with Moses, considering Moses faithfulness for 40 years. How do I reconcile this act of God with a loving/merciful( or even a Just) GOD to someone exploring Christianity who is looking for reasonable answers that make sense (i.e. not doctrine alone). |
7 | Should my kids read Psalms? | Ps 41:10 | Piper | 75087 | ||
Psalm 41:"But You, O Lord, be merciful and gracious to me, and raise me up, that I may requite them". I'm fairly new to the Bible. I try to read a Psalm each day and would like my kids to read them because they model a relatioship and communication with God . But I really find it very frustrating when David CONSTANTLY goes on and on from Psalm to Psalm about all his enemies. What's going on here? Are ALL these people really that evil or is David including at least some of his personal/ political feelings in the Psalms. David had some major humans flaws...are those flaws wiped away in the words in Psalms. I'm really getting frustrated with my favorite book of the OT so Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks. |
8 | Should my kids read Psalms? | Ps 41:10 | Piper | 75094 | ||
Thanks Searcher, but your answer REALLY does not address my question. | ||||||
9 | dictatorship superior to democracy? | Dan 2:37 | Piper | 82377 | ||
Hank: Sounds like a return to the "good old days": the 1950's Bible belt where segregation, exclusion, censorsorship, regimented prayer...and most of all...hypocrisy, was king. Sure, there's less "law" now, perhaps more sinners... but that's the price of freedom:freewill. Go to Iran, not many overt sinners there, and all the public prayer you can swallow. Frankly, I'll take 2003 sinners over 1953's Pharisees any day. My sense is Jesus would too. PS: can't recall, but wasn't Christianity the required state religion during the last centuries of the Roman Empire? |
10 | dictatorship superior to democracy? | Dan 2:37 | Piper | 82470 | ||
""""""However most Democracies give into dictatorships when social morals drop so low that crime and anarchy reign"""""" Ed B and Pastor Glenn What are some examples? Wasn't Greecebecause of constant warring city unity. Romans actually had stong character when Augustus Ceasar ended anything resembling democracy. Even consider modern goverments: Germany was because of Versailles treaty resentments ? Were you thinking of some South American countries? They do have a lot of coups |
11 | dictatorship superior to democracy? | Dan 2:37 | Piper | 82513 | ||
Pastor GLenn It's odd you're quoting all O.T. verses. Is repentence the 3rd or 4th thing you have to do to be saved. Does it come before or after baptism? I want to make sure I get it perfect. That's what counts. |
12 | dictatorship superior to democracy? | Dan 2:37 | Piper | 82515 | ||
Ed I thinking you're taking the Gospel of prosperity and applying it to countries. Doesn't the world system belong to the devil? So, those who succeed by the standards of the the "world", whether it be a person, a country or a football team, are not necessarily Godly. Right? |
13 | dictatorship superior to democracy? | Dan 2:37 | Piper | 82516 | ||
Oh, I'll make a note of it. I thought faith in Jesus's perfect sacrifice was first, then walking in the sprit, then repenting, then baptism. Thank God for erasers Am I missing anything? |
14 | Joyfully accepting Jesus but not saved? | Matt 13:20 | Piper | 72968 | ||
“The one on whom seed was sown on the rocky places, this is the man who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy;yet he has no firm root in himself, but is only temporary, and when affliction or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he falls away.” It certainly sounds like at a point in time they joyfully accepted Jesus? Have they lost their salvation or are they just unfruitful? |
15 | Joyfully accepting Jesus but not saved? | Matt 13:20 | Piper | 72975 | ||
Plainly speaking, if you receive something with Joy it implies that you accepted it.... Can we please keep this simple. |
16 | Joyfully accepting Jesus but not saved? | Matt 13:20 | Piper | 73004 | ||
Thanks Ottersln: but these verses from the sowers parable appear to contradict the statement I hear from virtually all churchs/evangelist who emphatically state that at the very moment you accept Jesus you are a new perfect being in God's eyes: saved and saved forever. This parable does not appear to concur with that "corest" of core teachings...quite the opposite. How can this be reconciled? | ||||||
17 | Joyfully accepting Jesus but not saved? | Matt 13:20 | Piper | 73135 | ||
I don't understand (at all). I thought the whole point was to have people to make a desision to accept Christ as their savoir. To accept Christ in their lives. If I have heard a thousand sermons....that was the central point of 990 of them...without qualifiers. Did all these preachers misinterpet the bible? Would the Holy Sprit fail to lead that many men of God . Or did I just hear what I wanted to hear??? | ||||||
18 | Joyfully accepting Jesus but not saved? | Matt 13:20 | Piper | 73188 | ||
What if that person arrested was Peter. Arrested on the night Jesus was to died for him. Peter whose faith buckled when he was intimidated by a "girl" . Peter the Rock. Would he have been convicted? | ||||||
19 | God's Mercy in China circa 70A,D. | Rom 1:20 | Piper | 73267 | ||
Does Romans 1:20 mean that a China women (say in 70A.D.) who believed there was "a God" and was humble and loving because of that belief went to heaven or did she go to hell because she didn't know the name Jesus. (Or did she go someplace in-between?) | ||||||
20 | Active Homosexuals: Truly Christian? | Rom 1:21 | Piper | 87114 | ||
I guess the Homosexual has the same odds as a Rich man... that of a camel going thru...(isn't that inthe scripture some place?) Mr. Hank, If you own a computer...are you not rich man indeed. Gotta a feeling if God has enough grace for all us RICH Christians...he might let a few crumbs fall of the the table for our loving Gay Brothers ....but for the grace of God |
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