Results 1 - 20 of 20
Results from: Notes Author: wisdom111 Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
1 | are we willing and obedient? | Is 1:19 | wisdom111 | 198992 | ||
Thanks for the enlighten of Isaiah 1:19. | ||||||
2 | how do i convince my wife to follow me | Bible general Archive 4 | wisdom111 | 198989 | ||
We are to live before others and Christ Jesus lived before His Disciples. | ||||||
3 | What is a counted all joy in trials? | James 1:2 | wisdom111 | 183805 | ||
Thanks for info concerning count it all joy. thanks for your enlightment. | ||||||
4 | Need Godly advice having a male friend? | Rom 7:2 | wisdom111 | 183218 | ||
Thanks John. I appreciate the Scripture reference to my situation and comfirming it is not wrong in the site of God to have a male friend. | ||||||
5 | When is the heart touched by God? | John 16:12 | wisdom111 | 183206 | ||
Thanks for the re-assurance, so I will not think I am losing my mind, when the unction or utterace come and be conforming to the Word of God daily. Be bless. | ||||||
6 | what is the perfect or divine Will of Go | Bible general Archive 3 | wisdom111 | 183161 | ||
okay thanks, sorry about the second click. | ||||||
7 | why did satan wanted Moses body? | Bible general Archive 3 | wisdom111 | 183123 | ||
There are some Scriptures in The Word of God is silence because God would have it that way, because i believe we would try and figure out what was Satan motive when God want us to focus on who He is and what He has in store for His children from day to day. The major should become minor and minor should become major. | ||||||
8 | Kingdom of God consist | Rom 14:17 | wisdom111 | 183120 | ||
thanks for your response. I agree the Kingdom of God is more than physical, it is all Spiritual and follower of Christ Jesus. Thanks. | ||||||
9 | God does answer prayers | Gen 30:17 | wisdom111 | 183119 | ||
thanks for your response and I agree 100 percent. | ||||||
10 | why was the book of deuteronomy written | Deut 4:2 | wisdom111 | 178081 | ||
God re-enforced the law through this book. Exdous, Leviticus, has some of these same laws written in them. | ||||||
11 | Does temptation attack human weakness? | Esther | wisdom111 | 177264 | ||
Yes, it does all the time. The weakest part of our flesh. | ||||||
12 | Genesi 3rd chp. Satan tempt Eve | Bible general Archive 3 | wisdom111 | 174654 | ||
you quoted the Scripture and I was just replying to your comment or statement. | ||||||
13 | Genesi 3rd chp. Satan tempt Eve | Bible general Archive 3 | wisdom111 | 174586 | ||
Think about what you have quoted in Titus 2:3-5vs. Older women are to teach the younger ones: how does the older teach the younger? Our society has spoken and the younger are not listening to the older concerning the things at home or their husband. The women today are competing against their husband, why? Remember you quoted God's Word not man's opinion We must never forget who is doing the speaking and giving the instructions. Either we will "obey the Word of God" or we will go our own way, which leds to destruction. Be careful in giving an answer it may come back toi haunt you in the future. | ||||||
14 | II Cor. 5:17 | 1 Cor 1:2 | wisdom111 | 174193 | ||
I agree with The Word of God and will never deny this truth. Here is the under girded of being a "saint" do our lives protray who we say we are or does it portray what God says we are? We are sinners who have been saved by God's grace through Christ Jesus Our Lord. Yes, Paul writing in I Cor.1:2v. Always remember who is doing the talking and whom the talking is being done to and time this was presented. Paul was telling them who they were supposed to be and had been called to be holy. Am I right? We have not arrive where God said we should be, but striving for perfection daily in "Christ Jesus Our Lord". We must live something before we speak something, right? | ||||||
15 | Spirit received is miraculous never non | Acts 2:38 | wisdom111 | 174192 | ||
That may be, but "love" is the key God will use no matter whether you belive in Him or not. The Word of God will never cease, but love will go beyond the grave or any life on Earth. God's love is "unconditional" and His Word will never pass away. Take a closer look at what Paul is speaking in reference. |
16 | Triune God | John 14:28 | wisdom111 | 174190 | ||
Remember studying the Word of God we see equal not in the way man sees, but we see in the way God sees equal with His Son. There is a great discernment with how these three offices relate and correspond to each other. They are so close in nature of God. Then the Holy Spirit is the "spirit realm" in which God operate in us. We are spiritual being who lives in a body and have a living soul with counterparts attach. The soulish realm consist of: mind, will, emotions, intellect, imagination, and understanding. Jesus was there when the foundation of the world was created. Genesis 2: 26 thru 31 verses give valid proof God is in Jesus and Jesus is in God. And the Holy Spirit comes from both. John 16th chapter explain what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit. Man is a spirit who lives in a body and have a soul. | ||||||
17 | Christianity, Religions and Confusion | John 14:6 | wisdom111 | 174189 | ||
They are betrayed by Satan himself. Genesis 3rd chapter tell us Satan is subtle and crafty. He will make you think God will let you into heaven without accepting Lord Jesus Christ, but the last judgment is God The Father who will judge the last breath exhale from us, and if Christ is denied and then in Hell we will lift up our eyes. Read the book by Mary Baxter, "Divine Revelation of Hell" this will change your mind and view about Christ Jesus and The Father God concerning who will be saved and how God intervene on so many lives, but they refused to accept his Son Lord Jesus Christ. She has three books total. All concerning the divine revelations of Heaven and The Spirit Realm. | ||||||
18 | Spirit received is miraculous never non | Acts 2:38 | wisdom111 | 174058 | ||
the correctness of this is I Cor. 13 chapter where Paul say they will cease if there is no "love" being shown to one another. God's word and love will never fail or pass away. | ||||||
19 | NOAH"S CURSED SON | Genesis | wisdom111 | 174054 | ||
the Biblical Principle of the Law in that day was disobeyed. A child was not to view his father or mother nakedness. | ||||||
20 | concerningthe in-between writings of God | Bible general Archive 3 | wisdom111 | 173955 | ||
There are history pertaining to the Bible we have not read as of yet. The "Lost Books of Eden" is not a myth or pseudopygraphal books as you call them. when the "Holy Spirit" of god is not resting in our hearts will think it is a myths. The "Word of God is the most powerful tool man has in his corner" along with dedicated prayer. Praying the "Word of God" daily there are many things God is revealing concerning his Word. Am I stating it correctly? We can't read "God's Word" on an intellectual level we will falter everytime, because the way we think is not the way God think. Isaiah 55:6-11 verses speak so plain and clear, how can you deny those words of prophecy. Matthew 24 chapter and Mark 13 chapter speak very clearly concerning the times we are livng "Now". So nomatter what your opinion may be, God has a greater opinion than any of us. God Bless each who read and meditate on these things. Whatsoever things are true think on them daily pertaining to the Word of God. | ||||||