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Results from: Notes Author: pixie Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
1 | Answered | Matt 6:16 | pixie | 108652 | ||
I think I found a satisfactory answer here on the post. Thanks.....Pixie | ||||||
2 | Are the unevangelized people really lost | Rom 2:15 | pixie | 84296 | ||
Thank you Moran, Ric and John Reformed, Although the Romans scripture sounds similar, the one I'm looking for was very clear in saying God judges by the persons conscience. It was so clear when I read it yet all I remember for sure is that it was in the last 1/3 of the new testament. It's interesting how God turns on the light sometimes and then turns it off again. As for God having mercy on whom He will, I understand that it refers to Him making some for good and some for bad. I can't believe that everyone (African tribes or Nomads of the Himalyas,etc) who has not heard the gospel was made for bad thereby being unable to receive His mercy. I'll keep looking for the verses I'm looking for and I'll let you all know. Thanks again.....Pixie |
3 | Heaven | Matt 22:30 | pixie | 77804 | ||
Good point Hank. I was just going to post that point. I know this is an old post but if I just ran across it then it will still be read in the future. Sex is not for pleasure although it can be pleasurable. Sex is for procreation. The reason that it is a pleasure to us is because if it weren't, would we procreate? Another point is that if we are not to have sex without marriage, how can we justify it in heaven if we are not married and are not given in marriage....Just a thought......Pixie |
4 | Would you please give scripture evidence | 1 Cor 13:12 | pixie | 77803 | ||
I have often wondered why those that were closest to our Lord didn't recognize Him. One reason could be that in those days men often wore their cloaks over their heads and it was not always easy to see the face unless looking directly into the man's face. It's possible that Jesus walked up along side the men on the road and watching His steps He never faced them. As for the others, perhaps He came up to them as they were crying. Often times people won't look up to see someone who's talking to them because they don't want anyone to see them crying. Maybe the tears blurred their vision. There are all kinds of reasons. I never thought about it as being a spiritual blindness but perhaps a little more study might make it clearer for me. ...God bless .....Pixie |
5 | One lamb per household | Ex 12:3 | pixie | 77802 | ||
Thanks jlpangilinan. I will further study this subject. The reason I'm interested in this subject is because my husband recently died unexpectedly. I prayed for him for 11 yrs but never knew for sure if he ever accepted Christ. As all people who have lost someone there are many questions. I am looking these subjects up in the bible and ask opinions...thanks again...Pixie | ||||||
6 | One lamb per household | Ex 12:3 | pixie | 77795 | ||
jlpangilinan, I think I had this problem with you once before. You misunderstood. THIS IS NOT MY LOGIC. This was simply A QUESTION. A question means that the person asking doesn't know or is not sure. It's not a statement of my beliefs. I'm not trying to prove logic. I'm trying to ask a question. We all know that the bible can be misinterpreted and so we must pray and compare all possibilities. I'm not vain enough to believe that I have all the answers and that everyones else is wrong. No one person or religion should say they are absolutely sure without checking all the facts and verses. As for Noah's family, If the family had been believers, wouldn't they have been following God's will? If so then why did God say that Noah was the only righteous one? As for confession. What of those who accept Christ at the last second of death and are unable to confess? As for Lot's wife. Did her belief or lack of belief have anything to do with her turning around or was it just that after she was already safe she followed her natural instincts to turn around and look? I'm not trying to argue. I'm looking for the truth.......thanks....Pixie |
7 | One lamb per household | Ex 12:3 | pixie | 77733 | ||
Sorry, it's Rahab not Rachel | ||||||
8 | One lamb per household | Ex 12:3 | pixie | 77732 | ||
Hi jlpangilinan, thanks for responding. I have found many verses in the bible that show that by the faith of one family member, the whole household was saved. Noah was the only person on earth that God found righteous yet He saved the whole household. Rachel alone put the scarlet thread in the window and her entire household was saved. Jesus is indeed our passover which is why I say that. Although the sacrifice from old testament to new has been changed. I know that the terms are not changed. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Perhaps this is a subject that needs further study......thanks.....Pixie |
9 | The name Jesus | John 1:1 | pixie | 75963 | ||
Nolan, I feel the need to disagree with you. This should not be considered a "Bible Study Forum" for CHRISTIANS but simply a "Bible Study Forum" period. Your statement excludes all other religions as well as atheists and agnostics from a legitimate interest in what The bible has to say. Obviously all of the above groups have questions concerning God,Jesus,Bible, Trinity, Eternal life and Christianity in general. Where do you suppose they will go to find the answers but to christians. Please don't make them feel as if we aren't willing to help them to know the truth. I feel it's perfectly fine for them to ask without needing to state their beliefs. If they promote other religions we will be able to discern that and deal with it as The Spirit leads us but always in love.....God bless you....Pixie |
10 | I want to know more about suicide? | Ex 20:13 | pixie | 75950 | ||
Dear Brother Joe, My prayers are with you. I have been fighting this same question and pain since Dec.2002. My husband died unexpectedly of a massive heart attack. He was only 55. I'd been praying for him for 11 yrs but I thought that when he accepted Christ I would know and we would finally be able to share the Christian life together. I keep asking God for a sign that my husband is in His care. I've not received a sign. At least I can't yet see it because I'm still grieving and in a daze. But one thing I do know is that God can work instantly. Perhaps Jesus appeared to him at the last nonosecond and said "will you come and follow me?" and he answered "yes" and then Jesus led him home. Picture a dedicated fireman who keeps going back into a burning building until he gets the last person to safety. If he loses just 1 person he is heartbroken. If a human can feel this way, how much more so will Jesus keep trying until He gets the last one to safety? Brother Joe, I told God that I would nag him until I get an answer so even if I want to give up on asking, I can't because I gave God my word. Don't stop asking. He will give you an answer because it seems that an answer will be the only thing that will comfort you. He wants so to comfort us. Ask Him, trust and prayers are with you.....Pixie |
11 | prayers OF those who've passed on | John 14:6 | pixie | 75817 | ||
Hi jlpangilinan, In the references you gave, couldn't the "dead" be referring to those who have died as unbelievers? As was pointed out by Emmaus in an earlier post, Rev. 6:9,10 the souls of those that were slain were in heaven asking for God to avenge their blood. Obviously they remembered what had happened. Please forgive me if this sounds argumentative. I'm sincerely trying to weigh the verses to come to the correct answer......thanks......Pixie | ||||||
12 | prayers OF those who've passed on | John 14:6 | pixie | 75815 | ||
Emmaus, thank you for the references. In the Rev.6 reference. They are simply asking for justice for themselves, unless I misunderstood. And the Rev.5 and Rev. 8 reference doesn't state whether the angel held the prayers of the saints in heaven or of those on earth. Forgive me if I missed something. I didn't read the whole context. Thanks again...... Pixie | ||||||
13 | prayers OF those who've passed on | John 14:6 | pixie | 75707 | ||
Although I appreciate the attempt to answer I think you missed the question or I didn't ask it correctly. I didn't ask about how to get to heaven. I already know that Jesus is the only way. I didn't ask about judgement. I asked if those who have passed on and are in the prescence of The Lord are able to pray for their loved ones that are left here on earth. For example: If a remaining loved one wasn't saved or had cancer or something else that we would normally pray for here, are the passed on loved ones still able to pray for them. Do they remember their loved ones that are left here. |
14 | Are the fruits only from God? | Gal 5:22 | pixie | 74610 | ||
Thank you all who have responded to my pain. I know that we should trust God, and I do. So no matter what the answer is I know The Lord is a just God. But it sure would be a lot easier to believe that my husband will be standing next to me when I look into the eyes of Jesus......thanks.....Pixie | ||||||
15 | Are the fruits only from God? | Gal 5:22 | pixie | 74309 | ||
Thank you Searcher, I've just found a verse that helps me. It is Matthew 7:18. It says a bad tree can not bring forth good fruit. I also think I saw somewhere in the bible that without the spirit you can't live like this but I'm not sure where it is so I'm still looking. Thanks again for your caring answer.......pixie |
16 | The bible is a work of fiction - discuss | Gen 1:1 | pixie | 74193 | ||
Well, it's been over a year since I last wrote this response to the post. My husband died unexpectedly in Dec.2002. I have been tortured by the thought that he is not with God. I've been needing God to reassure me since I continued to pray for my husband daily for 11 years. I continued to tell him of the evidences I had read. The book "A Case for Christ" is a great help to witness to non believers. My husband would sit and listen and absorb. I'd also often tell him to "JUST ASK HIM" Just a month before he died he showed signs of recognizing some fulfillment of prophecy. And the night before he died I told him how the disciples that had once turned their backs on a healthy, strong Jesus were within days of the crucifixion preaching boldly, without concern for their own lives. I said "what made them change? Something happened back then" He responded "Yes, something happened" I'm praying that the holy spirit had been working with him through his life. If it were just works I would be sure. Galatians 5:22,23 lets us know what the fruits of the spirit are. He possessed all these fruits and more that are traits of a Christian. I don't know how he could have lived like this without The Holy Spirit. I don't even think a person with tremendous inner strength could. A weakness would eventually show up in 11 years. He even often stopped me when I was looking for vengeance or to attack a persons Christian character. He would discuss it with me and tell me why it was wrong. He had better Christian character than most Christians I know but he used to say that he believes in God but that he thinks he's on the other side of the universe and left us alone. He was also an evolutionist. I know The Lord can work instantly and I'm hoping He had gotten through to my husband. I wish a persons works and lifestyle would be evidence of one's salvation. It would be so much easier for the survivors. Please pray that The Lord will give me that comfort. I miss my husband so..........pixie |
17 | denominations in christianity | Revelation | pixie | 46714 | ||
Hi all, I think the basic reason for the differences is that it is so difficult to believe that salvation is so simple. When Jesus died on the cross He said "It is finished" For this reason a lot of people are still looking to find what exactly they have to do to find salvation so they add books to the original bible or they have Separate books which they read instead of or along side of the bible. It really is pretty hard to grasp the fact that as far as salvation goes "It's that simple" Many, many times Christ said "Thy Faith hath made thee whole" Once it strikes a person that it really is that simple they will then sincerely trust that "it is finished" This trust will fill your heart with such an awesome feeling of love that you will dedicate your life to Jesus. The weight of the world comes off your shoulders. It's an amazing experience. Just to be loved so much is a tremendous feeling..... sincerely ......pixie |
18 | when did it rain for the first time? | Genesis | pixie | 23891 | ||
STOP IT!! The bible is not to be argued over. Whether it rained or not is SOoo minor although i'ts nice that people look to defend the questions that some skeptics might have. I personally think you need to get a grip of the TRUTH before you start entering a discussion board and obviously arguing. About the 2nd time hearing you two, I lost sight of the truth somehow and it made a stressful day even more so. In case you haven't noticed there are a whole lot of differnt beliefs in this world which unfortunately make for WARS. Knock it off!!! |
19 | The bible is a work of fiction - discuss | Gen 1:1 | pixie | 23507 | ||
I have had many spiritual battles where Satan has tried to convince me that the bible is a book of dragons, mythology and fairy tales. My husband believes that is exactly what it is and I have to just pray for him. Sometimes I point out to his scientific and evolutionist mind of his, the scientific evidence supporting the bible. Although often times the science has refuted the bible, it has later said "oops" we were wrong. There are some books written by ex skeptics who attempted to prove the bible wrong and instead found it impossible to do so. One is "Evidence that demands a verdict" by Josh McDowell (I think that's his name). Another is "Science and the Bible" I'm not sure who wrote that one. Many highly intelligent people believe because of their drive to prove the bible to be an impossible fairy tale. Perhaps the best way for you to know would be to try to prove it wrong. Another way would be to JUST ASK HIM. Tell your fiance to trust God to lead you. I'm sure there are plenty of christians that have read your post and will be praying for you..May God lead you in your search. |
20 | Is Paul including here the Ten Commandme | Rom 7:1 | pixie | 21874 | ||
Thanks Ray. I figured that was the problem but I couldn't find the original question. Actually I'm new so I didn't know that the name of the questioner would take me to it. Thanks again..pixie | ||||||
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