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Results from: Notes Author: kw5kw Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
1 | what does it means sons of God here ? | Gen 6:2 | kw5kw | 182845 | ||
First I wish to refreshen our memories upon proper doctrine: In Matthew (xxii:23-33 ), Mark (xii:18-27 ) and Luke (xx:27-40 ) we find Jesus teaching the Sadducees this: Right now all of us are mortal human beings and we are the children of this world; we marry, and are given in marriage. We do this so that we might produce children so that we might be able to carry on the human race. But those of us to whom it will be accounted worthy that they will be able to obtain that world that is beyond; i.e.: those who will be allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven, they will be resurrected from the dead. And once in heaven we will then be equal to the angels in heaven and we will all no longer be simple, mortal, human beings because we will have then become the true Children of God. Once that happens there will no longer a need to marry nor will anyone be given in marriage. Remember that once we’re in heaven we will not be able to die any more. And because of this there will then no longer be a need for producing children. All of the inhabitants of heaven will have been accounted for by then (the resurrection), therefore there will be no need for new additions. With this teaching we also see and understand that the angels do not have the need to produce children either. Therefore we can conclude that since they don't have the need to produce children they also don't have the "equipment" necessary to produce children. It's the Creator who does the creating, nothing else! Why go into the New Testament to answer a question centered in the Old Testament? Simple, it's to create the necessary foundation to prove that the sons of men that are mentioned in Genesis vi:2 are not fallen angels. This is a false teaching that comes from an extra-Biblical book called the book of Enoch where in Chapter seven of this book the author describes that there were two hundred angels that managed to descend to earth . That they took human women who bore giants who were some three hundred cubits in size! (Which was entire length of the arc! ) It’s obvious to me why the book of Enoch is not canonical in the Judeo-Christian world outside of Ethiopia. The sons of God that are mentioned in Genesis vi:2 are actually the sons of Seth who was the son of the creation of God: Adam. Seth followed in Abel’s footsteps and was pleasing to God, therefore his descendents became the sons of God that are mentioned here. The sons of God once again could not be that of fallen angels because then they would be called something besides the sons of God for God disowned Satan and his followers, casting them down in their spiritual bodies and not allowing them to have any type of creative powers. They always have been and always will continue to be spiritual beings. To say that they could have had creative powers and manifest themselves as able to become human then it would be possible for them to have deceived mankind as Jesus either in the original incarnation or in the resurrection. That would make our belief in Jesus questionable and kill Christianity before it was started. The daughters of men listed in this same verse of Genesis would then be the descendents of fallen man, i.e.: Cain. The union of these wicked women over came the goodness of the men and their offspring became large men—larger than most and they became known as giants because they were indeed larger and stronger than most men. It was this race of antediluvian mankind that God wiped from the face of the earth. Here are my notes: the text for Matthew xxii:23-33, Mark xii:18-27 and Luke xx:27-40 was deleted because of length issues in this forum. The Book of Enoch translated from Ethiopic by Richard Laurence, London, 1883. The book of Enoch is considered canonical in Ethiopia. Enoch7:7 Then they swore all together, and all bound themselves by mutual execrations. Their whole number was two hundred, who descended upon Ardis, which is the top of mount Armon. Enoch7:10-12 Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees. And the women conceiving brought forth giants, Whose stature was each three hundred cubits. These devoured all which the labor of men produced; until it became impossible to feed them; (see the next footnote) Genesis vi:15 ... The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, ... Genesis xiv:5 II Samuel v:18; I Chronicles xi:15; Isaiah xvii:5, Ezekiel xxxvii Ezekiel xxxvii:11 Joshua xv:13; Joshua xxi:11 (Hebron) Which is where Abraham’s wife Sara was buried. Genesis xxiii:2. Joshua xiv:15. Judges i:7 Numbers xiii:28; Deuteronomy ix:2 Joshua xi:21-22 Joshua xv:14; Judges i:20 some material came from Smith's Bible Dictionary. Russ |
2 | ur view on Contemporary Christian music? | Eph 5:19 | kw5kw | 179858 | ||
Hank wrote: "A couple of years ago while on vacation my wife and I attended a church service where contemporary music was the only kind they offered that day. And for both my wife and me the high point of that experience was when the service was over and we could leave without drawing attention to ourselves!" Hank, I agree completely with this statement, and your entire article. Modern Christian music, in my humble opinion, is nothing short of a travesty! The church where we were attending, voted to go to contempory music. I actually tried to be patient and forgiving, but when they started "rappin'" I said: "That's enuf!" and we haven't been back to that church since. (There is more to the story than music, but music played a very important factor in our decision to find a new Chruch home.) |
3 | Did God create evil? | Is 45:7 | kw5kw | 178840 | ||
Oh I agree wholehartedly! | ||||||
4 | Did God create evil? | Is 45:7 | kw5kw | 178835 | ||
The post uses cold, one can also use light/dark as the illustration. One can measure light, how intense, what color, what wavelength but one can't measure dark. One can see the good in God and when one is seperated from good one is un-good or evil. Therefore evil is the seperation from good, just as dark is the seperation from light and cold is the seperation from heat. While evil does happen evil was not a creation by God, evil happened when Satan rebelled against God and has continued ever since. Good post. Russ |
5 | When did the curtain rip? | Luke 23:45 | kw5kw | 170962 | ||
I forgot I can't edit here... The above was from "Jesus from Seven Sources" which is a harmony of the Gospels and Acts by Kenneth Ray Taylor. |
6 | "Here I stand; I can do no other." | 2 Thess 2:15 | kw5kw | 170921 | ||
And, by who's traditions do you follow? I follow the Bible. I might listen to other preachers, but the understanding of the bible tells me if they are right. If they are, then I will listen to their message. I might read other's commentaries, then I check with what the Bible says, and some have it right here others have it right there, but the Bible tells me who has it right each and every time. I might read some post here, most post here in this forum are based upon the Bible--especially the replies from people like kalos, hank, doc and a few others. However, I always take what is written here and compare to what the scriptures teach to come to my conclusions. I have posted some things here that have provoked some reaction. It was reaction that I was needing inorder to get some things in my mind cleared up. I might think at times that this site is a bit more concerned with the letter of the law of the bible than others, but there are reasons for that. The main one is to keep the word of God Holy and Pure. Only Sola Scriptura can keep the intent of the word of God pure. Russ |
7 | words | Gen 24:9 | kw5kw | 170823 | ||
for Greek: Vines; Thayer; "Practical Word Studies in the New Testament" in 2 Volumes. for Hebrew: Brown, Driver, and Briggs; Wilsons Old Testament Word Studies There are others, these are but the ones that I have handy |
8 | What To Shut Your Mind Against | 2 Tim 2:23 | kw5kw | 169935 | ||
Oh, I forgot... sorry XM's 170, family chat. All Christian Talk radio with many good programs. also, Satellite radio gives you coverage no matter where you are in the lower 48, some of Mexico and some of Canada. So, you always have the same station lineup and you never drive out of range of a great station that you listen to. (If you like 50's then you'll really like the 50's on 5 on XM then!) sorry to take up so much bandwith here about a non biblical topic. Russ |
9 | What To Shut Your Mind Against | 2 Tim 2:23 | kw5kw | 169930 | ||
and (drum roll) reason number 10 for having XM radio... No commercials on the music stations, no listning to morning talk host talk about what they did/how much they drank last night. Russ |
10 | What To Shut Your Mind Against | 2 Tim 2:23 | kw5kw | 169929 | ||
It's not so much to scold any one person, as it is to say "Lets just answer the question, and not point people to search engines." I simply feel that we are getting way too impersonal. You ask about satellite radio, I could say go to and read for yourself, but I won't, although is an excellent resource. In my opinion XM is better than Sirius because: 1) Sirius has Howard Stern, is there any better reason for a Christian to have XM? 2) Sirius has a gay/lesbian channel, reason #2 for a Christian to have XM. 3) I've had XM since 9/11/2002 well within their first year of service when they had fewer than 80,000 total subscribers and have watched them grow and improve. 4) I really like the line up of channels on XM. the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's all have their own special channels and play only music from their own era. Sirius combines several together. 5) I like a lot of easy listening music, XM has several, ch 24-Sunny and Ch 71-Watercolors are the best, but ch 27-Cinamagic has wonderful soundtracks that you can't hear anywhere else 6) Local (if you live in a MAJOR city) traffic and weather reports on XM. 7) a 24 hour 7 day a week national emergency channel on ... ch 247... 24 7 get it? 8) Xm's birds are in stationary orbit, just like DirecTv or Dish network. No hunting to find signals. Sirius uses 3 birds that are in constant motion. Two are active at any one time the third is down below the equator. Tracking the signal is harder for Sirius receivers to maintain a lock. 9) XM has a huge network of terristeral repeters which, in big cities, help keep you from being blacked out when unable to see the bird because of buildings, parking garages etc. I like being helpful to people, and I hoped that helped, btw, in your opinion, why did the LORD say "lets make man in our image"? I have my opinion, but I really don't have time to read thru a bunch of posts here at work. For more on Sat radio... see I am your brother in Christ, Russ |
11 | What To Shut Your Mind Against | 2 Tim 2:23 | kw5kw | 169919 | ||
Why not answer people’s questions.doc Tim Moran wrote: "How many times can we or must we answer "who was cain's wife"? A true follower of God would be honored to answer this question each and every time it would be put to you, and not point some new person that is trying to find an honest answer to an honest question to a hard to use search engine which now brings up pages upon pages of reading. ck 32580 for example. I'm a member of many boards from satellite radio, digital television, many other bible boards to golden retrievers and RV's. It's the same everywhere. Q. "Which is better XM or Sirius?" A. That has been discussed many times, do a search. Just for grins, I went to, and I did a search on “search forum” and I got over seven thousand hits, that’s a lot of non help to people who don’t know anything about satellite radio. How do you think people feel when asking a serious doctrinal, theological question, but you guys here have discussed it what, 5, 10, 15 maybe 20 times already, so you are so tired of that question you basically tell someone this: “We’ve discussed that a bunch here already, please use the search function.” What that pearson is hearing from you is: “you know what, I’m tired of answering that question, look for yourself!” What you’re telling that person is: “I don’t care for you to answer your question.” If someone came up to you in Bible Study would you do the same? Would you hand them a book and tell them; “Look it up, it’s in here, s o m e w h e r e, I don’t know where, try the index.”? I don’t think you would, I hope you would set down with that person and talk to them. This place should be the same… all forums should be the same! Well that person is interested in an answer not searching. Many people, if they're new to a forum, don't know the "KEYWORDS" to search with/for. These new people need a break--they need an answer not somebody getting all haughty and rudely saying do a search. Some more: Q. "Which is better a travel trailer or a 5th wheel?" A. We've discussed that a lot, do a search. Q. "How hard is it to house train your golden?" A. Oh not again, do a search. What is so hard about typing an answer? At least at the golden forum the moderator will do the search for the person and post the results in thread form. If nothing else, do as I do on many boards (and for this subject as well). I write my answers in a word document, copy and paste them to the board and save them. I can then go back and simply cut and paste an answer and edit it for the individual forum. We’re supposed to be Christians, to help people, not to ultimately turn them away. By not answering a question, you could be only proving some pre-supposed attitudes that we Christians only care about ourselves. I submit this to you in a loving and prayerful manner for your consideration. I am Your Brother in Christ, Russ |
12 | kw5kw, do u worship God WHEN u repent? | Rom 7:19 | kw5kw | 169557 | ||
I missed it... sorry | ||||||
13 | kw5kw, do u worship God WHEN u repent? | Rom 7:19 | kw5kw | 169519 | ||
Tiz true, tis how I feel... I put in II.8.31-34 as a heading, and it didn't come out. I tried to edit, and... this forum is the only one i've ever seen that won't allow editing. |
14 | kw5kw, do u worship God WHEN u repent? | Rom 7:19 | kw5kw | 169509 | ||
I am now feel the responsibility to stay a little longer on this because some restless spirits are making such an outcry about the observance of the Lord’s day. Some say Saturday, I feel that they are trying to follow Judaism, because of observance of a particular day is retained. I’m replying that those days are observed by us because in this matter we differ widely from the Jews. We do not celebrate it with most minute formality, as a ceremony by which we imagine that a spiritual mystery is typified—although we should—as it is a commandment, but we have adopted it as a necessary remedy for preserving order in the Church. Paul informs us that Christians are not to be judged in respect of its observance, because it is a shadow of something to come (Col 2:16); and, accordingly, he expresses a fear lest his labor among the Galatians should prove in vain, because they still observed days (Gal 4:10, Gal 4:11). And he tells the Romans that it is superstitious to make one day differ from another (Rom 14:5). But who does not see what the observance is to which the Apostle refers? It is to those persons had no regard to that politic and ecclesiastical arrangement, but by retaining the days as types of spiritual things, they in so far obscured the glory of Christ, and the light of the Gospel. They did not desist from manual labor on the ground of its interfering with sacred study and meditation, but as a kind of religious observance; because they dreamed that by their cessation from labor, they were cultivating the mysteries which had of old been committed to them. It was, I say, against this preposterous observance of days that the Apostle inveighs, and not against that legitimate selection which is subservient to the peace of Christian society. For in the churches established by him, this was the use for which the Sabbath was retained. He tells the Corinthians to set the first day apart for collecting contributions for the relief of their brethren at Jerusalem (1Co 16:2). If superstition is dreaded, there was more danger in keeping the Jewish Sabbath than the Lord’s day as Christians now do. It being expedient to overthrow superstition, the Jewish holy day was abolished; and as a thing necessary to retain decency, orders and peace, in the Church, another day was appointed for that purpose. It was not, however, without a reason that the early Christians substituted what we call the Lord’s day [Sunday] for the Sabbath. The resurrection of our Lord being the end and accomplishment of that true rest which the ancient Sabbath typified, this day, by which types were abolished serves to warn Christians against adhering to a shadowy ceremony. I do not cling so to the number seven as to bring the Church under bondage to it, nor do I condemn churches for holding their meetings on other solemn days, provided they guard against superstition. This they will do if they employ those days merely for the observance of discipline and regular order. The whole may be thus summed up: As the truth was delivered typically to the Jews, so it is imparted to us without figure; first, that during our whole lives we may aim at a constant rest from our own works, in order that the Lord may work in us by his Spirit; secondly that every individual, as he has opportunity, may diligently exercise himself in private, in pious meditation on the works of God, and, at the same time, that all may observe the legitimate order appointed by the Church, for the hearing of the word, the administration of the sacraments, and public prayer: And, thirdly, that we may avoid oppressing those who are subject to us. In this way, we get quit of the trifling of the false prophets, who in later times instilled Jewish ideas into the people, alleging that nothing was abrogated but what was ceremonial in the commandment (this they term in their language the taxation of the seventh day), while the moral part remains, namely, the observance of one day in seven. But this is nothing else than to insult the Jews, by changing the day, and yet mentally attributing to it the same sanctity; thus retaining the same typical distinction of days as had place among the Jews. And of a truth, we see what profit they have made by such a doctrine. Those who cling to their constitutions go three times as far as the Jews in the gross and carnal superstition of worshiping not on the Sabbath but worshiping the Sabbath itself! So that the rebukes which we read in Isaiah (Isaiah 1:13; Isaiah 58:13) apply as much to those of the present day, as to those to whom the Prophet addressed them. We must be careful, however, to observe the general doctrine, namely., in order that religion may neither be lost nor languish among us, we must diligently attend on our religious assemblies, and duly avail ourselves of those external aids which tend to promote the worship of God. |
15 | kw5kw, do u worship God WHEN u repent? | Rom 7:19 | kw5kw | 169504 | ||
I know you respect the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, on what day did he give this--his first recorded sermon? The Immutability of God A Sermon (No. 1) Delivered on Sabbath Morning, January 7th, 1855, by the REV. C. H. Spurgeon At New Park Street Chapel, Southwark. (ref can be found at: I believe that the Sabbath has moved from the Jewish celebrated Saturday to the Christian celebrated Sunday because Jesus rose from the dead on Sudnay. And if the Rev. Spurgeon can call Sunday the Sabbath day, then I believe that I can also. Your brother in Christ, Russ |
16 | kw5kw, do u worship God WHEN u repent? | Rom 7:19 | kw5kw | 169497 | ||
I like to quote the scriptures, and many times what I do, how I write my quotes are embedded, and supplying a reference destroys the continunity of my thought process. Posting here is not as easy as on many other fourms because of the way this one is set up, you cant use certain symbols that we can use other places so I have a hard time cutting and pasting what I've saved in word because it won't take the 'and' symbol that I use for etc. |
17 | kw5kw, do u worship God WHEN u repent? | Rom 7:19 | kw5kw | 169495 | ||
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18 | kw5kw, do u worship God WHEN u repent? | Rom 7:19 | kw5kw | 169492 | ||
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19 | kw5kw, do u worship God WHEN u repent? | Rom 7:19 | kw5kw | 169491 | ||
Brad, I was answering the question about the scripture, then I was asked to back up what I'd said. My discourse simply backed up my original answer. This being such a legalistic board and all, people wanted scriptures to prove each word. So, I provided what they asked for. I am your Brother in Christ, Russ |
20 | kw5kw, do u worship God WHEN u repent? | Rom 7:19 | kw5kw | 169489 | ||
Huh??? Are you serious? Lev 23:3 Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, a holy convocation; ye shall do no work therein: it is the sabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings. |
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