Results 1 - 18 of 18
Results from: Answers On or After: Thu 12/31/70 Author: Nicki Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
1 | Solve married second time, confess sins? | 1 John | Nicki | 54449 | ||
Who divorced who first? | ||||||
2 | Honor the Sabbath | Ex 20:10 | Nicki | 54448 | ||
Yes, you are still suppose to honor the sabbath day. Although I don't do it on Sunday, I do take a day of rest. God said this because he knows we need it to to prevent burnout. In present time, there are some that take a half day, couple of hours, etc.. I am not sure about these, but yes I do take a day of rest, and I find it to be something that I need, just like God said. | ||||||
3 | image of God | Gen 1:26 | Nicki | 54447 | ||
It means that God is a man not a woman. That is why we call him father. - Nicki | ||||||
4 | Why have kids when... | Gen 1:22 | Nicki | 54446 | ||
God does not choose your child to go to hell. The scripture says that God looks out for fools and babies. But if you child is old enough to understand about the bible, and about salvation,and he chooses to serve the devil, then he sends himself to hell. Now if the parents are responsible, then you are sending him to hell. God's plan for us is to have eternal life with him. Not to send us to hell. The choice is ours. We as God's people have a choice to serve him or the devil. If you choose to serve the devil, then you, not God is sending you to hell. | ||||||
5 | should a man shave his hair | Bible general Archive 1 | Nicki | 54445 | ||
It is better to be single. Read 1 Corithians 7:7-9 Hope this helps. Nicki |
6 | What commandments to keep? | 1 John 2:4 | Nicki | 54444 | ||
Any commandment that is in the bible. In addition to any commandment that he tells you to do. | ||||||
7 | True church of God | John 14:6 | Nicki | 54443 | ||
There are so many churches because everyone does not believe in the same thing. If this was true then every church would practice the same thing. Does this help? - Nicki | ||||||
8 | Is God selfish? | Rom 9:20 | Nicki | 54442 | ||
God did not create Satan, God created an Angel. This Angel, basically was kicked out of heaven because he did not want to obey God. This angel fell to the earth and it became his after adam and eve was tempted in the garden. Does this help? | ||||||
9 | How do you interpret this verse? | 1 Cor 14:2 | Nicki | 54441 | ||
Have you tried the amplified version? - Nicki | ||||||
10 | What is the right amount to tithe. | OT general | Nicki | 54439 | ||
You tithe on your gross. You do this before anything is taken out. | ||||||
11 | forgiveness of daughter-in-law | Eph 4:32 | Nicki | 54438 | ||
Matthew 6:14, Jeremiah 3:12, Psalms 32:1, Ephesians 4:31-32, 1Peter 2:19-24, Matthew 18:12-22, Luke 23:34, Ephesians 6:12, James 4:7, 2Corinthians 10:5, Colossians 3:13, Ephesians 5:2 Gods word tells us that we don't wrestle against flesh and blood, but against unseen forces of evil in the spiritual realm. Knowing this helps us to know who our true enemy is - the devil. He come to kill, steal, and destroy. Go ahead and forgive your daughter-in-law. I know that you may not feel like it, but it will be the best thing to do. You do not want the devil to take hold of your like by allowing bitterness and unforgiveness to enter into your heart so that you will miss out on your blessings that god has for you. You also don't want to be blinded by darkness where God can't guide you. Ask God to help you to forgive her out of obedience to his word. I guarantee you will feel better about it later. Hope this helps Nicki |
12 | God reveals your enemies??? | 1 John | Nicki | 54435 | ||
Psalm 23:5 Does this help? | ||||||
13 | How could the Bible be perfect? | 1 Cor 13:10 | Nicki | 54434 | ||
That does not mean that they had sinful thoughts. God can use anybody he want to do anything he desires to be done. Including writing the Bible. God thoughts and words are perfect. The Bible is God's words and thoughts, not man's. | ||||||
14 | should you pray to god or jesus/ | Rom 10:13 | Nicki | 54432 | ||
You should pray to both. Jesus is the son of God. The scripture says that Jesus is Lord and what ever you pray to the Father about you have to ask it in his name (jesus). Example: Father, I pray for your protection, in Jesus name, Amen. But, if you call out Jesus, or Father, you are still speaking to both. Again, Jesus is Lord. Hope this helps. Nicki | ||||||
15 | Why pray? | Luke 11:43 | Nicki | 54431 | ||
Although, he already knows, he want you to depend on him through prayer. It is done out of obdience to his word. Also, prayer, interupts the devil's plans for you life, if you don't pray, it's almost like gods hands are tied. You have to humble yourself as a servant for the lord and do what the word says even if you don't understand it sometimes. Hope this helps Nickki | ||||||
16 | Can Pareyr change God's plan? | Ex 32:14 | Nicki | 54430 | ||
In my opinion, I think God can incorporate your requests into his perfect plan he already has for you. Whatever his plan is, it is the best one for you, even if you think you have a better one. Basically, God's plan for your life will not change, but you can change your plans if you do not follow his. Hope this helps. Nicki | ||||||
17 | suggestions for third graders | Gen 2:15 | Nicki | 54428 | ||
Satan uses: people,(friends, family,etc.), circumstances, your thoughts, your anger, your weakness, your insecurities, your finances,.. Hope this helps, Nikki |
18 | why did god decide to create a woman | Genesis | Nicki | 54427 | ||
Hi, this is Nicki, you find your answer in Genesis 2: 18-23. Basically God said it was not good for Adam to be alone so he made him a helper and called her Eve. Hope this answers your question. Please let me know. Thanks! | ||||||