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Results from: Answered Bible Questions, Unanswered Bible Questions Author: mloveism Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
1 | Revelation 22:18 | Prov 30:6 | mloveism | 195580 | ||
I posted a quote in a forum and then something was brought up I will post it below: Me: Revelation 22:18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. Him: That pertains to the book of Revelation, only, not to the book we call the Bible. The Bible had not been compiled as a single tome, except for the Torah, until well after that passage was written, and so that passage could not have been speaking of the Bible as a whole, but must have been speaking of the book of Revelation. Can someone explain this to me asap! Thank you bunches and God Bless! -Melissa |
2 | Jesus unheard of in the old testament!!! | Bible general Archive 4 | mloveism | 195582 | ||
I was on a forum talking about God when he asked me some questions I couls not answer... I will post the convo below: Him: The New Testament was added to the Old Testament, what does that say about it's authors? Me: It says that God sent someone to saves us...Jesus! AMEN! Him: Yes, which contradicts what the Old Testament says about it ,NOTHING! There is a passage about a savior, but that prophesy supposedly came true in the Old Testament, and has nothing to do with Jesus. Your savior is a fabrication, and the people who wrote about him can't even get their facts straight among them. Paul knew nothing of a man named Jesus, only a spirit. The rest of the gospels can't agree on his birth parents, either human or divine. The day, he died, who was at his grave, how long he was dead, etc. are all different. Not to mention his death causing the dead to rise, a fact that is for some reason left out of local history of the time period. If someone could help me answer this ASAP I would Greatly appreciate it! Thank you!!!-MLove |
3 | Jesus unheard of in the old testament!!! | Is 53:3 | mloveism | 195578 | ||
I was on a forum talking about God when he asked me some questions I couls not answer... I will post the convo below: Him: The New Testament was added to the Old Testament, what does that say about it's authors? Me: It says that God sent someone to saves us...Jesus! AMEN! Him: Yes, which contradicts what the Old Testament says about it ,NOTHING! There is a passage about a savior, but that prophesy supposedly came true in the Old Testament, and has nothing to do with Jesus. Your savior is a fabrication, and the people who wrote about him can't even get their facts straight among them. Paul knew nothing of a man named Jesus, only a spirit. The rest of the gospels can't agree on his birth parents, either human or divine. The day, he died, who was at his grave, how long he was dead, etc. are all different. Not to mention his death causing the dead to rise, a fact that is for some reason left out of local history of the time period. If someone could help me answer this ASAP I would Greatly appreciate it! Thank you!!!-MLove |
4 | About Homosexuality and Leviticus | Rom 1:24 | mloveism | 195494 | ||
Homosexuality is only pointed out in Leviticus. Leviticus 18:22 " 'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable. Leviticus 20:13 " 'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. If this book was in the old testament does that mean it is no longer a sin? I understand there are other sexual impurites but nothing on homosexuality as a sin. As for using Leviticus, do you also use it to backup the unclean sin of eating seafood such as shrimp and lobster? How about at the end of your period, do you bring two turtledoves or two pigeons to the high priest to sacrifice on your behalf? Does Leviticus still stand to be the rules today? I need answers quick! Thanks! |