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Results from: Answered Bible Questions, Unanswered Bible Questions Author: feetxxxl Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
1 | law is for conscious | Romans | feetxxxl | 197152 | ||
if the rule of law is the same as the rules of law, how is that possible? i cannot agree. that would mean we live under the law. paul says we do not. its the fulfillment of the law, love, which is life. again, in christ, the law is for conscious , conscious about loving, loving our neighbor as ourselves(the summation of all the law). the law is "dont do's" but love instead is "do" paul's epistles are, the essence of .......(doing) loving. therefore, it is following the three love commandments we automatically fulfill the law. but being no longer under or led by the law, we are instead under grace, and are led by and serve of the spirit. we are no longer controlled by the sin nature, but by the spirit................... if the spirit of god lives in us. (and we neither receive god's righteousnes nor our salvation by following the law.) everything i have written is in romans |
2 | explain 1:24-27 | Rom 1:24 | feetxxxl | 197143 | ||
the question was for romans 1:24-27. is there any legitimate explanation to explain romans 1:24-27?what was the lie that was exchanged for what truth, and how was the created worshipped and served so that those that did it were given over to homosexuality? in other words does this scripture give us license to say to anyone who is homosexual, you are gay because you you exchanged the truth for a lie, and you worshipped and served the created? |
3 | romans 1:24-27 | Romans | feetxxxl | 197129 | ||
isnt it quite simple? as paul says we are no longer under the law but grace, the law is now for conscious............conscious of loving your neighbor as yourself....the summation of all the law. consequently, doesnt that mean that in order for homosexuality to be a sin, it has to come against loving your neighbor as yourself. there is also the parable about good fruit and the good tree. by their fruit you shall recognize them. fruit being, fruit of the spirit. has anyone one has been able to explain romans 1:24-27 what was the lie that was exchanged for what truth and how was the created worshipped and served so that they were given over to homosexuality? and if a man was to have relations with a women out of shamebased lust what would that look like? and would that resemble heterosexual bonding, that is bonding done out of mutual love, attraction,affection,respect,and trust for shared committed life together? is not shame based lust about relations while love(agapi) is about relationships? |