Results 1 - 20 of 42
Results from: Answered Bible Questions, Unanswered Bible Questions Author: disciplerami Ordered by Date |
Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
1 | Question: how long is 'temporary?' | Acts 2:38 | disciplerami | 79389 | ||
Question: how long is 'temporary?' I guess Acts 2:38 is off limits to the main page? Do I begin to see the pattern? We have an honest disagreement so why limit exposure to it? Why can't others join the discussion? "Note to viewers: This thread has been temporarily restricted from appearing on the homepage. If you submit a question, answer, or note to this thread, it will be processed and added to the thread, but will not appear on the homepage." See 75471 - removed from main page See 77968 - removed from main page see 75471 - removed from main page See 79308 - removed from main page |
2 | Could this be right? | Acts 2:38 | disciplerami | 79308 | ||
Greetings, The UPPERCASE letters in the following represent the strained attempts to get around water baptism. Matt 28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, [THAT'S NOT WATER BAPTISM BECAUSE I DON'T SEE THE WORD 'WATER' THERE] Mark 16:16 "He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. [THAT'S NOT WATER BAPTISM BECAUSE I DON'T SEE THE WORD 'WATER' THERE] Acts 2:38 Peter said to them, "Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. [THAT'S NOT WATER BAPTISM BECAUSE I DON'T SEE THE WORD 'WATER' THERE] Acts 2:41 So then, those who had received his word were baptized; and that day there were added about three thousand souls. [THAT'S NOT WATER BAPTISM BECAUSE I DON'T SEE THE WORD 'WATER' THERE] Acts 8:36 As they went along the road they came to some water; and the eunuch *said, "Look! Water! What prevents me from being baptized?" [THAT'S NOT WATER BAPTISM BECAUSE I DON'T SEE THE WORD 'WATER' THERE, oops, er, THAT'S NOT PART OF THE GOSPEL BECAUSE IT DOESN'T SAY PHILIP PREACHED BAPTISM. THE EUNUCH MAY HAVE HEARD ABOUT IT BAPTISM AT SOME OTHER TIME] Acts 8:38 And he ordered the chariot to stop; and they both went down into the water, Philip as well as the eunuch, and he baptized him. [SAME AS LAST ANSWER] Acts 9:18 And immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he regained his sight, and he got up and was baptized; [THAT'S NOT WATER BAPTISM BECAUSE I DON'T SEE THE WORD 'WATER' THERE] Acts 22:16 'Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name.' [THAT'S NOT WATER BAPTISM BECAUSE I DON'T SEE THE WORD 'WATER' THERE] Rom 6:3 Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Rom 6:4 Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. [THAT'S NOT WATER BAPTISM BECAUSE I DON'T SEE THE WORD 'WATER' THERE] Gal 3:27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. [THAT'S NOT WATER BAPTISM BECAUSE I DON'T SEE THE WORD 'WATER' THERE] Col 2:12 having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised up with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead. [THAT'S NOT WATER BAPTISM BECAUSE I DON'T SEE THE WORD 'WATER' THERE] 1 Pet 3:21 Corresponding to that, baptism now saves you--not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscience--through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, [THAT'S NOT WATER BAPTISM BECAUSE I DON'T SEE THE WORD 'WATER' THERE] God bless. Disciplerami |
3 | Water baptism the "one baptism"? | Acts 22:16 | disciplerami | 79068 | ||
Is the 'one baptism' the same baptism of Matthew 28;18-20? | ||||||
4 | Do inalienable rights include salvation? | Rom 1:24 | disciplerami | 78823 | ||
Do 'depraved/utterly hostile to God/already damned to hell from conception/spiritually obtuse/spiritually dead like a corpse on the bottom of the sea' have inalienable rights? | ||||||
5 | EIS_ retrospective or prospective? | Matt 12:41 | disciplerami | 78400 | ||
I have read from many Greek Scholars that the word translated in this verse "at", which is the Greek preposition EIS, is always prospective. But some say that the usage of the word in this verse is retrospective/causal and represents an exception to the rule. My question is this: Does this verse say Nineveh repented BECAUSE of the preaching of Jonah (retrospective use of EIS), or does this verse say Nineveh repented INTO/TOWARD the preaching of Jonah [i.e. moving their lives toward the pattern outlined in Jonah's preaching]? Help me out please. Disciplerami |
6 | Paul is commanded to wash away sins? | Acts 22:16 | disciplerami | 78011 | ||
Why is the first imperative, "be baptized," followed by a second, "wash away your sins," if baptism hasn't a thing to do with the removal of sins? Why does Saul still need to have his sins washed away? Is baptism connected to washing away of sins? Many who post on this forum say they are connected symbolically: but they only allow that baptism is done later to symbolize an earlier spiritual cleansing. But I wonder if they can explain why Ananias commands that Saul both, "be baptized" and "wash away thy sins"? Help me to understand this verse. |
7 | Repent and Baptism for same number? | Acts 2:38 | disciplerami | 77968 | ||
Are the people being told to be baptized in Acts 2:38 the same number, no more or less, than those being told to repent? Are the same people that the Holy Spirit fell on in Acts 2:3 the same number, no more or less, as those whom it appeared to? |
8 | Are there still "unlawful" marriages? | Luke 3:19 | disciplerami | 77657 | ||
Are there unlawful marriages today? Herod married Herodias, - Mark 6:17 "For Herod himself had sent and had John arrested and bound in prison on account of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip, because he had married her" Herod also wouldn't repent of it and put her away. - Lk 3:19 "But when Herod the tetrarch was reprimanded by him because of Herodias, his brother's wife, and because of all the wicked things which Herod had done," Herod was living in an unlawful marriage. In Luke 3, people were not allowed to be baptized by John "for the remission of sins" unless they first brought forth "fruits in keeping with repentance." Herod is shown to be less open to the truth, instead he throws John into prison. As a preacher or teacher, do you tel people that some marriages are unlawful in the eyes of God? Disciplerami |
9 | What "norms" can we disregard? | Bible general Archive 1 | disciplerami | 77574 | ||
If we may cast aside the 'norm' of immersion, what other norms may we cast aside? Can we do anything with the neither 'add to nor take away' norm, it is a bothersome one :) Thanks, Disciplerami |
10 | Was Herodias Philips Lawful Wife? | Mark 6:18 | disciplerami | 77570 | ||
Greetings We know that Herod 'had his brother's wife', which means he had married her. My question has to do with John's rebuke that "it was not lawful for him [Herod] to have his brother's [Philip's] wife." What was Herod's 'unlawful' act: marrying a blood relationship [incest] or committing adultery? Which? Here is another question that might help you understand what I'm looking for (the truth): Was Herodias' the lawful wife of Philip, Herod's brother? Looking for help. Disciplerami |
11 | Not incest, but adultery? | Mark 6:18 | disciplerami | 77521 | ||
It was because who was alive, Philip? So you are saying that Herod and Herodias were committing adultery because Herodias' first husband was still alive? You don't believe that the unlawful sin was incest? Looking for answers. Thanks |
12 | "Tables" or "Beds" in original text? | Mark 7:4 | disciplerami | 77486 | ||
Searching for a better answer. Does anyone else have some evidence for or against "table" being included in Mark 7:4. Searcher56 says it is there and wants to know if tables were baptized. | ||||||
13 | Holy Spirit OR Water Baptism, which? | Matt 28:19 | disciplerami | 77474 | ||
Is Jesus commanding His disciples to baptize other with the "Holy Spirit Baptism" in the name of the Father, Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit? Or is He directing His disciples to go and administer 'water' baptism? | ||||||
14 | Why couldn't Herod have Herodias? | Mark 6:18 | disciplerami | 77471 | ||
Was the relationship between Herod and Herodias 'unlawful' because she was a blood relative or or because she was his sister-in-law? | ||||||
15 | "Tables" or "Beds" in original text? | Mark 7:4 | disciplerami | 77458 | ||
Does the original text includes 'tables' or 'bed'? The reference to 'tables' is a variant reading that gets no better than a "C" rating by the committee that compiled the Nestle-Aland 3rd edition. Variant readings are given the following ratings: "A" - signifies that the text is virtually certain; "B" - indicates that there is some degree of doubt. "C" - means that there is a considerable degree of doubt concerning the text Here is the reason that the NASB does not include any reference to 'tables' or 'beds' in the Mark 7:4 |
16 | Is Mt 28:18 commanding water baptism? | Acts 2:38 | disciplerami | 77428 | ||
I have a question. Is Matthew 28:18-20 a command to receive water baptism? If so, Is Mark 16:16 a command to receive water baptism? If so, Is Acts 2:38 a command to receive water baptism? If not, then believers are commanded to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Since the Holy Spirit was imparted at God's discretion, when and where God chose to pour it out, then it does not follow that all believers are commanded "Be baptized" into the name of Jesus, for the remission of sins. Acts 2:38 is talking about water baptism. I hope that helps. disciplerami |
17 | Do you have answers to my questions? | Rom 10:17 | disciplerami | 77271 | ||
Will you answers the points that I may know where we go from here? Thank you, Disciplerami |
18 | Is "table" in Mark 7:4? | Bible general Archive 1 | disciplerami | 77259 | ||
Is 'table' in Mark 7:4? Greetings Searcher56, I believe you are trying to make a case where you have none. The reference to 'tables' is a variant reading that gets no better than a "C" rating by the committee that compiled the Nestle-Aland 3rd edition. Variant readings are given the following ratings: "A" - signifies that the text is virtually certain; "B" - indicates that there is some degree of doubt. "C" - means that there is a considerable degree of doubt concerning the text Here is the reason that the NASB does not include any reference to 'tables' or 'beds' in the Mark 7:4 that you use as evidence. You see, once again Searcher, you are guilty of relying on spurious information. May I suggest that you accept that the pots and pans were baptized/immersed as the word indicates. The Lexical and Historical evidence is on my side. Good day. |
19 | No proof that immerse is mans tradition? | Bible general Archive 1 | disciplerami | 77238 | ||
Do you have any evidence? I quoted a reputable source and you tell me to study more? You cannot have the respect of your fellow posters if you don't offer proof for your statements. The Lexical and Historical proof is on my side and you know it. If I'm wrong, then show me the evidence. Searcher, it is you who needs to study more. The earliest "tradition" is the tradition handed down to us by the apostles and prophets whom God inspired to write the Bible (1 Corinthians 11:1,2) It is sprinkling and pouring that represent the traditions and precepts of men. Have a good day. |
20 | Does Mark 7:4 mention tables? | Mark 7:4 | disciplerami | 77203 | ||
Searcher56, where does Mark 7;4 say anything about 'tables?' I've looked at the Greek and see nothing about 'tables?' The only thing mentioned in the Greek is the 'cups', 'utensils', and 'bronze vessels.' Is your question based upon a variant reading? Please respond and tell me from where the question about 'tables' comes. Thanks. |
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