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Results | Verse | Author | ID# | |||
1 | Is the Law abolished or not? | Eph 2:15 | jlpangilinan | 58053 | ||
I know that we cannot be ferfect on our own. So if have no obligation what are you doing wait and not do anything? You have the obligations as a Christian as a follower of Christ you must obey His commandments. You do this not be save but because you love God. If really you said was true that we have no obligation, to be ferfect do you think it is not an obligation? You have to follow first become a ferfect, how could you be a perfect if dont want to follow. Take a look at this verse. Jas 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. If you know good and you dont do it what james said, it is a sin. Christ is telling His desciples these things... Joh 14:15 ¶ If ye love me, keep my commandments. Keeping His commandments is an obligation, to follow is an obligation, how about you you dont want to follow? Christ said to us... Mt 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: What is our obligation, to teach, as a matter of fact the desciples follow this. If you are right that we have no obligation I am sure they dont do it, but because they follow Christ they evangelize His teaching, they wrote it that is why we have the bible now, and you said we have no obligation? I dont think so. We have obligation as a follower of Christ, but because we have faith in Him we try to follow His commandments, not to be save by our works but we do it because we love Him. Jas 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. So if you have faith, make sure there is an output, because faith withoout an output is questionable. God bless, Johnny |
2 | Is the Law abolished or not? | Eph 2:15 | billk | 58067 | ||
Johnny I too obey many, many times because I feel obligated... it's my natural man. I try to be aware of it and realize I am in the law and not in the sprit... the sprit is not natural...that's why we continuously revert back to law attitudes (like obligations?) it's our default mode. Even now, I have a hard time believing his gift is unconditionally free... it's really not doesn't make any sense….somehow we have to return the Jesus’s favor? Right? . If we obey because we feel obligated (under compulsion?) are we even really obeying... Don't have time to look it up but I think Paul said not... Don't get me wrong I'm a big believer in habits of discipline ... but those are tools. Obligation is a motive... an attitude..... big difference. Have you had a Job that you Love to do vs. a job you feel obligated to do.... The job you love, you spend all kinds of time at work, you don’t even watch the clock... … take work home!. The job you are obligated to do, you watch the clock, and the escape at 5:00 .... you meet the letter of the law. I thought of the Mary and Martha story where Martha is doing all the work, even then I think Martha’s heart was driven by devotion more than obligation T he best argument I found for obligation being legitimate is the term bond-servant used in Cor and Rev. because it implies a debt (obligation) is owed. |
3 | Is the Law abolished or not? | Eph 2:15 | jlpangilinan | 58068 | ||
My explanation is very clear! You do it because you love Jesus Christ, What is the proof that you love Him if do not do anything for Him. Your answers to me is your own toughts and not a biblical facts, you dont even put verses to supported your claim. Paul and other apostle done many things for Christ, they do many things, if you dont its up to you. And please before anything else please answer or disporove my points with a passages in the bible and tell me if I misused scriptures. My answers to you are complete with the passages supported to it, where I misused scriptures? God bless, Johnny |
4 | Is the Law abolished or not? | Eph 2:15 | billk | 58090 | ||
Johnny: Don't remember where they are, but those Bible verses about being a living sacrafice may also validate "obligation" as a motive. Perhaps,in our humanity, there is a "season" for obligation... we start with basic love, go to obligation, then, to true love of God and his law. Perhaps. Tonight,Friday, I will be painting a divorce christian women's house...out of a sense of obligation... I will feel pride because I am being a such a good Christian. I hope to grow beyond that someday. Oddly enough, the Psalm celebrating the law, Psalm 119, is my favorite. In a way, I think it completes the circle alluded to above: Teach me, O Lord , to follow your decrees; then I will keep them to the end. Give me understanding, and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart. Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight. Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain. Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word. Fulfill your promise to your servant, so that you may be feared. Take away the disgrace I dread, for your laws are good. How I long for your precepts! Preserve my life in your righteousness. |
5 | Is the Law abolished or not? | Eph 2:15 | jlpangilinan | 58113 | ||
I am sorry but I dont understand what you are trying to say here, it is not even disprove my previous posts. Before we can continue our discussion you have to disprove first my points and tell me where I misused scriptures. Tell me that the verses I quoted is not true and misused. God bless, Johnny |